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Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 10 Free Web Applications To Check The Value Of Websites - 0 views

    While some put a lot of stock into websites such as these, I would encourage you to not do so. As they may offer one point of reference to figure out the worth of a website you own, are selling, or would like to buy, they should just be one of many other statistical references to gather data from. If nothing else, they offer a form of entertainment, and you can grab a nifty website badge from some of them to impress your friends and co-workers.
Dennis OConnor

100 + Must Have Cheat Sheets and Quick References For Web Designers and Developers | De... - 0 views

    Extensive collection of job aides.  Techy, but a lifesaver if you're deep into design.
Awe Molko

Bookmarking Demon - Social Bookmarking Tools - 1 views

    Bookmarking Demon can produce as well as trigger company accounts during all those social bookmarking internet sites, we can easily refer to it as The top Vehicle Social bookmark management Application.
Janos Haits

QCmixtapes: Fairlight Grooves: MEDLAR - 4 views

    The music. That's pretty much what it's all about it. Hope you enjoy the collection. Please send us a message on that includes a link to your publicly-shared mixtape. Remember to include your numbered track listing in the track description box. Don't forget to include your artwork. (please: no images bigger than 300px by 300px). Also please signify and reference a song transition in your mixtape by inserting a comment into the track timeline that states the song number and name of the track that is about to be played next. For information on how to document your mixtape properly, please check out our documentation page.
puchi pease

CiteULike: Everyone's library - 1 views

    citeulike is a free service for managing and discovering scholarly references 4,457,996 articles - 3,399 added today.

Newton® Recruiting Software Launches Affiliate Program - 0 views

    Newton Software has debuted the Newton® Affiliate Program, a third-party sales program for its smart, easy-to-use, recruiting technology, Newton®. The program allows qualified individuals to refer Newton® to friends, contacts, and companies and earn a percentage of the revenue generated from each sale.
LeapFish Living the Web

Will The Real Time Web Take Off? - 0 views

    You might have heard over the last few months: the Internet is entering what many are referring to as "The Real-Time Web". In other words, where static pages were all the rage in the 90's, and blogs, social networks and interconnectivity became popular in the early part of the new millennium, we're now entering a phase preoccupied with what's happening now. As in right this minute. One salient example where this played a critical role was in the controversial Iranian presidential election, where Twitterers on the ground were able to get reports out live, without any help from the press.
awqi zar

Make Your Site More Likable with Facebook « Atlanta Jones - 6 views

    One of the first steps to making all this work, is to create a Facebook App that will serve as the main unique identifier for your site. All your pages will reference this app's ID to tie them all together. And in addition, anyone you add as an administrator of that app will have the ability to view analytics (what Facebook calls "Insights").
Janos Haits

MyWebCareer - Discover, Evaluate, and Monitor Your Professional Online Brand - 6 views

    Get Your Career ScoreFind out the strength of your professional online brandUncover Your Online FootprintDiscover and evaluate online references to your careerExplore Your NetworkExplore your connections with people, companies, and themesMonitor Your Professional BrandGet notified when your online footprint or career score changes
Janos Haits

collaborative learning content curation collaborative search - 26 views

    Thanks to Searcheeze, students can research in group, collect content, quotes and references from the web, no matter when or where they are, in real time!
Allard Strijker

IMS Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE) Service Version 1.0 - 1 views

    The Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE) specification defines how systems exchange and manage information about learning standards and/or competencies in a consistent and referenceable way. The key aim is to replace the current ways of documenting and referencing learning standards and competencies, which are typically published as a PDFor HTML document intended to be read by humans, by one which is alsomachine readable both syntactically and semantically. This allows for"Common Alignments" for content and referenceable unique identifiers foruse in certificates and transcripts. Further, using this new specification it will be possible to electronically exchange these definitions so that applications, systems and tools can readily access and manage this data. This includes LMSs, Assessment tools, Curriculum Management applications, certificate and competency based evaluation systems and any other tool, process or content that would need to align to or reference a competency or framework.
Janos Haits

iCyte - Home - 4 views

    Save webpages as 'Cytes' Save any webpage you like on iCyte's server, with highlights on the important text, plus notes and tags for quick reference. Better than bookmarks Search and retrieve your Cytes from any computer, even if the original webpages have been deleted or changed. Share your Cytes E-mail your Cytes, send them to Twitter or Facebook, even embed them in blogs.

daughter boards - 1 views

    S2C provides the largest library of off-the-shelf interfaces and accessories for FPGA-prototyping. All interfaces and accessories work with the Prodigy Logic Modules to further speed up and simplify your system prototyping process. Accessory modules are supplied as s2c prototyping daughter cards that plug into the Prodigy Logic Module, providing pre-tested interfaces and reference design flows for easy bring-up. Contact your S2C sales representative for the latest reference designs.
Janos Haits

Open Status Search - Search Facebook without logging in - 18 views

    Find out what people on Facebook are talking in public. You don't have to log into Facebook.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Steve Weller

Let Diigo Turn the Net into Your Notebook - 17 views

  • I learn better when I’m active as I read. I love to have a pen or highlighter in my hand when I study. It helps me identify points of reference and make outlines of the subject material to get a better grip on a topic. Diigo helps me to do all of that on the Worldwide Web, and version 4.0 has just been released, adding features and making the experience even better.
  • major advantage of social bookmarking is that your bookmarks are stored online,
  • A second benefit is that each of your bookmarks can be tagged with as many categories as you like, making it easier to find them in future. This also makes it easy to drill down into your bookmarks, narrowing the search
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • A third benefit is that your bookmarks are available to others, and theirs to you. Combined with the concept of tagging, this is essentially a way of indexing the entire Internet
  • Once you have Diigo’s Firefox extension installed, select the words you wish to highlight, and right click. Diigo has added “Highlight” and “Bookmark and Highlight” to the context menu. Select “Highlight”, and Diigo will highlight the selected words green. You can change the color to blue, pink or yellow from the Diigo menu later.
  • omment about potential improvements for a website you have developed, and highlight things you need to act on in your favorite FreelanceSwitch articles.
  • I can share my notes and highlights with non-Diigo users by selecting “Get annotated link” from Diigo’s drop-down menu. This allows me to give others comments on their work without them having to sign up to Diigo.
  • partly a social bookmarking service like Yahoo’s Delicious, and partly a notation or commenting tool like the new Google Sidewiki.
  • Like a highlighter pen, it lets me highlight points of interest in an article – now in multiple colors
  • my library on the Diigo website, allowing me to organize the information by list or tag, and share it with my friends and colleagues so we can collaborate.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Janos Haits

Yatedo: Free People Search - 16 views

    Yatedo is a free people search engine which helps you find and contact anybody throughout the web. Yatedo has developed and continue developing technologies that simplifies and facilitates the search and social experience to help people find and connect to each others.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
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