150 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter
By Matt Blum
January 14, 2010 |
8:00 am |
Categories: The Internet
Image by Ken Denmead
Whether you’ve been using Twitter since 2006, are determined never to use it unless dragged kicking and screaming, or are somewhere in between, you probably know that it’s wildly popular with all sorts of people. In addition to the celebrities who make a big deal about Twitter (e.g., Ashton Kutcher), there are tons of people, both famous and not, who tweet about lots of interesting things.
We presented a list last May of 100 Geeks You Should Be Following On Twitter. Today’s list, rather than solely consisting of geeks as the first one did, is composed of Twitter feeds of people and organizations associated with media that appeals to geeks.
For your convenience, this list is also available on my Twitter account as @cerebus19/geekymedia. I plan to update the list on Twitter from time to time as I discover new Twitter accounts that are appropriate for it.