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Gordon Herd

6 Tools To Cartoon Yourself For Facebook and Twitter - 0 views

  • 6 Tools To Cartoon Yourself For Facebook and Twitter January 8, 2010 by Maris Dagis | View commentsComments var fbShare = {url: '',size:'large'} I have seen some cool profile pics for some of my friends over Facebook and Twitter and I always wanted to create my own. As it turns out there are plenty of free online tools to have fun with and cartoon yourself. Below you can find some of the best tools including South Park and Simpsons character generators. Of course that’s not all – you can find many more apps for this online. Feel free to share your findings in comments!
  • 6 Tools To Cartoon Yourself For Facebook and Twitter January 8, 2010 by Maris Dagis | View commentsComments var fbShare = {url: '',size:'large'} I have seen some cool profile pics for some of my friends over Facebook and Twitter and I always wanted to create my own. As it turns out there are plenty of free online tools to have fun with and cartoon yourself. Below you can find some of the best tools including South Park and Simpsons character generators. Of course that’s not all – you can find many more apps for this online. Feel free to share your findings in comments!
    6 Tools To Cartoon Yourself For Facebook and Twitter.
leo bnu

100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges - 0 views

    For Beginners If you're just getting started, be sure to follow these tips. 1. Set up your profile: Give people a glimpse beyond what your tweets reveal. 2. Include a picture: Make sure you add a photo of yourself so that your tweets will be more personal. 3. Create a simple and short Twitter name: The longer your Twitter ID, the more space it takes up, and having a complicated name can make it hard for people to respond to or mention you. 4. Just do it: Don't just lurk-jump into the conversation. 5. Make your profile link something that tells more about you: Share your blog, an about me page, or any other page that offers more information about the person behind the tweets. 6. Share photos: Post your photos on Twitter to shake things up a bit and add some interest to your stream. 7. Use proper grammar: Occasional abbreviations are passable, but make sure that your tweets are readable. 8. Use your real name: Build your personal brand by choosing your real name as your Twitter ID. 9. List your location: Many people use Twitter for local networking, so they'll be more likely to follow you if they know where you are. 10. Learn the lingo: If you don't know what DM, @, RT, and other Twitter symbols and words are, look them up or ask. 11. Don't rush to build your network: Don't follow hundreds of people right away-allow your following to grow organically. 12. Reply to someone with @: Place an @ sign in front of someone's name on Twitter to write to them specifically, or simply just mention them-they will be notified that you did so. 13. Shrink your URLs: Use a URL shortener like TinyURL or to make it easier to fit into 140 characters. 14. Use your mobile device: Tweet from your phone, iPod, or other mobile device to keep your Twitter updated on the go, using the mobile web or text. 15. Find your friends: Use Twitter's search in order to find your friends, organizations, and others that you may want to follow o
maike online

100 Twitter Tools to Go to The Top - Ultimate Collection! - - 0 views

  • There are really many things you can do on Twitter and it can be amazingly powerful, once you learn how to use it to it’s fullest potential. To help you discover all the things you can do with Twitter, and to make your tweeting much easier and more fun, I have compiled a list of 100 Twitter tools that will definitely help you with whatever you want use Twitter for (like one of those things above).
  • Twitter Analysis
  • Information Gathering
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Network Building & Management
  • Twitter Management
  • Sharing Tools
  • Organization & Productivity
  • Life and relationships Tools
  • Business & Finance Use these tools to improve you
  • Health related
  • Blogging and promoting your blog posts
  • Posts that you might like:
    There are really many things you can do on Twitter and it can be amazingly powerful, once you learn how to use it to it's fullest potential. To help you discover all the things you can do with Twitter, and to make your tweeting much easier and more fun, I have compiled a list of 100 Twitter tools that will definitely help you with whatever you want use Twitter for (like one of those things above).
Gordon Herd

150 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter | GeekDad | - 0 views

  • 150 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter By Matt Blum January 14, 2010  |  8:00 am  |  Categories: The Internet Image by Ken Denmead Whether you’ve been using Twitter since 2006, are determined never to use it unless dragged kicking and screaming, or are somewhere in between, you probably know that it’s wildly popular with all sorts of people. In addition to the celebrities who make a big deal about Twitter (e.g., Ashton Kutcher), there are tons of people, both famous and not, who tweet about lots of interesting things. We presented a list last May of 100 Geeks You Should Be Following On Twitter. Today’s list, rather than solely consisting of geeks as the first one did, is composed of Twitter feeds of people and organizations associated with media that appeals to geeks. For your convenience, this list is also available on my Twitter account as @cerebus19/geekymedia. I plan to update the list on Twitter from time to time as I discover new Twitter accounts that are appropriate for it.
    "Geeky Media People" on twitter.
George Bradford

How to Track Twitter Hashtags - For Dummies - 13 views

    "How to Track Twitter Hashtags By Kyle Lacy from Twitter Marketing For Dummies, 2nd Edition Sometimes, you need to track hashtags, for example, if you want to see whether twitterers are mentioning your company, brand, or event. People talk about you and your company on Twitter, although probably not as much as they discuss celebrity deaths or charges of election tampering. The following websites enable you to track hashtags:"
    There is a lots of these tools that with new changes in twitter API they dont work anymore thanks anyways!
  • Most quality online stores.New Solution for home gym, cool skateboard, Monsterbeats headphone and much more on the real bargain. Highly recommended.This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
my mashable

FileTwt Dedicated File Sharing Service on Twitter - 0 views

    Twitter been widely used micro blogging services for instant sharing with friends and followers. Since Twiter is updated instantly users can easily share information such as links, images, video and now you can share files instantly with all your friends on Twitter. FileTwt is a simple file sharing service on Twitter. Lot of us use Rapidshare for file sharing, but now FileTwt let Twitter user to share files up to 20MB maximum instantly. At present all files are hosted on Rapidshare, but FileTwt will soon start hosting the uploaded files themselves in a few days!

Organic Twitter Marketing - Best Quality Everything Twitter Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic Twitter Marketing Are you looking to Organic Twitter Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic Twitter Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support
    Organic Twitter Marketing Are you looking to Organic Twitter Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic Twitter Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop
sonu sharma

Promoting Business on Twitter -The Best Ways - 0 views

    Best Way To Promoting Business on Twitter ,With Twitter being the one two (other being Facebook) most popular Social communities online, a business cannot ignore them and needs to make effective use of the benefits offered by incorporating Twitter in the overall marketing strategy and plan.
Richard Kendall

Be Better at Twitter: The Definitive, Data-Driven Guide - Megan Garber - Technology - T... - 0 views

    * Old news is no news: Twitter emphasizes real-time information, so information rapidly gets stale. Followers quickly get bored of even relatively fresh links seen multiple times. * Contribute to the story: To keep people interested, add an opinion, a pertinent fact or otherwise add to the conversation before hitting "send" on a retweet. * Keep it short: Twitter limits tweets to 140 characters, but followers still appreciate conciseness. Using as few characters as possible also leaves room for longer, more satisfying comments on retweets. * Limit Twitter-specific syntax: Overuse of #hashtags, @mentions and abbreviations makes tweets hard to read. But some syntax is helpful; if posing a question, adding a hashtag helps everyone follow along. * Keep it to yourself: The clichéd "sandwich" tweets about pedestrian, personal details were largely disliked. Reviewers reserved a special hatred for Foursquare location check-ins. * Provide context: Tweets that are too short leave readers unable to understand their meaning. Simply linking to a blog or photo, without giving readers a reason to click on it, was described as "lame." * Don't whine: Negative sentiments and complaints were disliked. * Be a tease: News or professional organizations that want readers to click on their links need to hook the reader, not give away all of the news in the tweet itself.

Une présentation qui vous délivre l'essentiel sur Twitter - Marketing et Tech... - 3 views

    Twitter : 137 diapos pour connaitre l'essentiel de Twitter
    Twitter : 137 diapos pour connaitre l'essentiel de Twitter
David Wetzel

How to Use Twitter to Stay Informed in Science and Math - 0 views

    The value of Twitter for helping you and your colleagues stay informed of the latest trends, ideas, resources, and Web 2.0 integration tools has increased tremendously in the past year. A Web 2.0 tool is available for exploiting the every growing information on Twitter to remove barriers and allow you to collaborate with other science and math teachers. This new online tool is - a source of daily Twitter newsletters in education.
Jungle Jar

4 Useful Twitter Web Applications - 0 views

    These days it seems like everyone is on Twitter, and I even recently read a report stating that more people use Twitter than even use e-mail. So, I've put together another list of useful Twitter web applications for all you tweeters out there.
my mashable

Posterous : Post Your Images to Popular Twitter clients With New API - 0 views

    Recently Posterous joined Twitpic for sharing images on Twitter. Posterous is a simple place to post anything including images, videos, mp3 and files by sending an email to in reply you can see your post at new API let users to post your image to some of the most popular Twitter clients either from desktop or from your iPhone.
Janos Haits - 9 views

    Recent Trends on Twitter / myDailyMonitor is an online monitoring system that performs trend detection over the Twitter stream. The system identifies emerging topics (i.e. 'trends') on Twitter and provides meaningful analytics that synthesize an accurate description of each topic. myDailyMonitor is currently under development as a research project at the University of Toronto.
Janos Haits - Create your design QR code with Twitter username for free! - 8 views

  • enables you to create your unique QR code (design QR) into which Twitter profile image is embedded. So that can easily let potential followees to know and follow your Twitter account, when you show friends or new people the design QR code you created for free. Create design QR codes with Twitter username.
Andreas Söntgerath

SMToolbox: Free Twitter Monitoring & Search Tools | Social Media Today - 0 views

    kostenlose Tools um Twitter zu mointoren
    free Twitter monitoring tools
awqi zar

30 Twitter Tools For Managing Followers | Tools | - 13 views

    To manage your followers or friends on twitter is not an easy task. To be successful on twitter you have to analyze different things. You should know how active your followers are, do they retweet your tweets, do they update regularly and you should know those whom you are following are following you.
Mike More

Twitter Score Bookmarklet - Klout Edition - 5 views

    This is my second take on "Twitter Score Bookmarklet" but this time using Klout instead of Topsy to quickly display online influence score of Twitter accounts.
Marcus Schroefel

The Misunderstood Uses of Twitter and Facebook: Are You a Friend, Follower or a Fool? - 1 views

    With Facebook your goal is to find your "friends." *** With Twitter, you find people to "follow."
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
my mashable

"HI TWITTERS" Oprah Winfrey Made her Twitter Debut - 0 views

    US talk show megastar Oprah Winfrey made her debut on micro-blogging service Twitter on Friday with a shout out to her fans. Oprah issued her first tweet around 7:10 a.m. PDT Friday--the same day Williams and Twitter's top celebrity, Ashton Kutcher, will join her on the show.
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