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Karen Keifer-Boyd

Interconnected Gestures & Machinima Introductory Gestures - Google Docs - 3 views

shared by Karen Keifer-Boyd on 07 May 09 - Cached
    • Karen Keifer-Boyd
      The floating layers of sticky note commentary seems to disrupt the grid rule, and the authority of the Web page. I think the "floating sticky note" changes the architecture of participation. kkb
    • Robert Martin
      That's really interesting Karen, it does step out of the document grid. Although I think Focault would argue that it's just another type of grid, one vertically layered perhaps? Certainly the power structure is evident in sticky notes in having defined authorship. I've been thinking today that the way to undermine this power system might be in the editing of each others work. By defying authorship the unseen power grid breaks down into bands of content that competes for attention, but isn't attributable to an individual. In this way perhaps the egos tie to it's output is undermined, and creates a truly collaborative document which is difficult to percieve as an individual. Perhaps the grid becomes the prosthetic by which we percieve the collaboration?
    • Karen Keifer-Boyd
      Haraway brings up a Foucauldian critique in her article Situating Locations, and more recent feminist theory does too (Ellsworth for example) in that the power grid between players always exists but it is in the recognizing and exposing the location of power that agency and co-existence of difference is possible. Annonymous collaborations can yield irresponsibility to one another. Allucquère Rosanne Stone/Sandy Stone tried such experiments in 3D worlds. Here's a link to a lecture I heard her speak regarding this issue when I was in Finland in the new media program: The issues you raise with the grid and text with Foucault quotes concerning social gridlocked, power, authority, ownership, collaboration, agency--are so important to consider, especially as educators who need to understand one's operating theory of knowledge and what it means to be human to be cognizant of what and how one is teaching.
    • Karen Keifer-Boyd
      Spivak (1988) critiques both Foucault and Deleuze in her article Can the Subaltern Speak? She notes the "failure of Deleuze and Guattari to consider the relations between desire, power and subjectivity" (p. 68). Regarding Foucault she faults his lack of recognizing that his theory of ideology is steeped "in its own material production of institutionality" (p. 68). Spivak argues that desire and subject are connected, a unity, and there is a need for theories of subject formation in two senses of representation (darstellung/rhetoric as persuasion & vertretung/rhetoric as trope)-and that "the production of theory is also a practice" (p. 70). She suggests "the possibility of collectivity itself is persistently foreclosed through the manipulation of female agency" (p. 78). It is this issue of agency being foreclosed by institutionalized systems (for example, with binary logic of computer databases) that has troubled theories of collective identity whether that identity is "teachers," "students," "women," or any socially formed category. Audre Lorde's question of whether the master's house can be only be changed with the master's tools is relevant to thinking about what we can do with the grid systems of a clockwork world, and how we go about subject formation, activism or mobilization for changing specific systems of oppression in referencing back to the concern of agency, voice, and authority.
    • Karen Keifer-Boyd
      Introducing Opera Face Gestures for Controlling Your Browser
    Introducing Opera Face Gestures for Controlling Your Browser
Robert Martin

YouTube - Second Life with Autism - 0 views

shared by Robert Martin on 01 May 09 - Cached
    A news story about a group of Autistic people on Second Life who use the technology to communicate their view point. Very powerful at the beginning.
Robert Martin

Opening Gambit - Art Ed 511: Wiki and Second Life Reflections - 0 views

    • Elizabeth Andrews
      I read the instructions to "mark up" the lesson plan as an invitation to write notes throughout the text. At first, I was not sure how to do this because it seemed that the marks I was making were blending into the rest of the document (and would have created a very nonlinear document, but also not accessible document). I then decided to change the font color to blue and highlight passages that I was marking. Because I could not tell which marks past collaborators made, I was wondering what this addition to the process might mean -- and if I was making the best choice. One thing I have noticed about critique and exchange in on-line environments is that I rarely know the person with whom I am collaborating. This is a very different process for me. I makes me more aware of how the comment might come across, how my tone might be interpreted, and makes me concerned that the collaboration could have a negative impact on the author. Because I value critiques that are generative, I am not sure how to resolve this. I think collaborating on lesson plans through a wiki could be a wonderful tool for teachers who have had personal introductions and established some trust with each other. I don't have any concerns about people changing suggestions I make on another person's work. In fact, I like that. Perhaps because it removes some of the responsibiltiy of how my words could affect another =). When it is my own work -- well, not every piece needs a collaboration, and not every stage of a work is ready for a collaboration. It can actually be liberating to let go of the control of a piece ... perhaps the complicated part is how we value other's remarks. Do we think everyone has something worthwhile to say about every topic? What happens when ideas we do not value show up on the ideas we've initiated?
    • minkyung kim
      The use of wiki for Story Cube lesson plan is creative idea. The idea of art teachers (pre-service, in-service) and art educators cooperate for making into the planning of lessons is amazing. I believe that there is a big possibility for the use of wiki. However, I feel a little bit complicated to participate in the lesson plan. When I visited wiki lately, I feel difficult to change the lesson plan because I am not sure to remove or change another person's work.
    • Robert Martin
      Hi all, I added my reflections about the facilitation to the comments section of the blog. Thanks so much for participating last week, it really opened my eyes and helped me to use wikis', blogs, and second life in a better way. Hopefully we'll incorporate this, or a version of this, assignment into one of the studio classes in Photography. Thanks, Rob
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Robert Martin
      Oops.. here is the actual page! Thanks again, this was a great experience. Rob
    I do not have the account at PSU that is necessary to contribute to this blog -- and PSU said the process could take up to a day to authenticate. So, I am hoping it is okay to leave my comments on a sticky note. I'll past the sticky note on Rob's original comment. Thanks, Elizabeth
Lindsay DiDio

The Possibility of Play - Google Docs - 0 views

shared by Lindsay DiDio on 08 Apr 09 - Cached
    My Comments are in Purple. LD
Elizabeth Andrews

Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars - 0 views

    Neat site. Video lectures on many different topics. I am considering this site next to this article:
Lindsay DiDio

arted511 / FrontPage - 0 views

shared by Lindsay DiDio on 02 Apr 09 - Cached
  • differences that might exist in a non-linear narrative created in Second Life versus one that is created in "Real life".
    • Lindsay DiDio
      This is an interesting task to ask of students considering many stories have a linear format. They usuaslly follow the beginning middle and end formula, but with the addition of a virtual world where time can change, stop, and restart again the students and create a story line that may never end, or that could return to the beginning (much like the film Pulp Fiction).
  • differences that might exist in a non-linear narrative created in Second Life versus one that is created in "Real life".
  • Understand the ramifications of working in a non linear narrative structure
    This is an interesting task to ask of students considering many stories have a linear format. They usuaslly follow the beginning middle and end formula, but with the addition of a virtual world where time can change, stop, and restart again the students and create a story line that may never end, or that could return to the beginning (much like the film Pulp Fiction).
Robert Martin

arted511 / FrontPage - 0 views

    • Robert Martin
      Feel free to directly edit this lesson plan, click on the "edit" tab to enter the editing mode. Add or remove what might make the lesson plan work better in your eyes.
    • Robert Martin
      Remember.. this isn't a critique of a lesson plan, so feel free to change the lesson plan.
Lindsay DiDio

creative photography and advertising: Baby Advertising - 0 views

    Regarding our conversation yesterday about the baby and corporate branding.
    Thanks! This was the exact image i was talking about. Interesting some of the logos, MTv and all the high-end clothing and cars, makes you think who they are really marketing too...hook'um when their young!
Mary Elizabeth Meier

Fifteen Interesting Ways to use Google Docs in the Classroom - Google Docs - 1 views

    Practical tips for using Google docs as a live collaboration tool. New to me - there is a limit to 10 participants to edit a doc at one time. But 50 people can edit a spreadsheet at one time.
Mary Elizabeth Meier

Official Google Docs Blog: Drawing on your creativity in Docs - 1 views

    New feature in Google docs - insert>drawing. It would be interstesting to see how this would function in real time with multiple people editing together.
    New feature in Google docs as of Wednesday - insert>drawing. It would be interstesting to see how this would function in real time with multiple people editing together.
Karen Keifer-Boyd


Karen Keifer-Boyd

Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth by Elizabeth Grosz (2008) - 0 views

    Grosz, Elizabeth (2008). Chaos, territory, art: Deleuze and the framing of the Earth. New York: Columbia University Press. Elizabeth Ellsworth recommended this book at the 9:30-11 a. m. on March 26, 2009 Discussion with Hongkyu Koh, Myoungsun Sohn, Kim Powell, Christine Liao, Rob Martin, Jamie Kruse, Karen Keifer-Boyd in 105 Arts Cottage
Karen Keifer-Boyd

BLDGBLOG - 0 views

    About BLDGBLOG BLDGBLOG is written by Geoff Manaugh. He states: " The opinions expressed on BLDGBLOG are my own; they do not reflect the views of my employer, my publishers, or my colleagues, with whom this blog is not affiliated." This blog is not high tech but the energy of the exchange in the conversation is highly active, as Brian Massumi might call an "interface of active space" in his book, Parables for the Virtual.
    About BLDGBLOG BLDGBLOG is written by Geoff Manaugh. The opinions expressed on BLDGBLOG are my own; they do not reflect the views of my employer, my publishers, or my colleagues, with whom this blog is not affiliated.
Karen Keifer-Boyd

Gaza Sderot - Life in spite of everything - 0 views

    "GAZA SDEROT Life in Spite of Everything" is available in a number of languages, and it activates stories of every day life in 2 places on the same day with a diagonal dotted line on the Webpage so the stories are juxtaposed an can be seen simultaneously.
    Another example brought to our attention by Elizabeth Ellsworth is "GAZA SDEROT Life in Spite of Everything." It is available in a number of languages, and it activates stories of every day life in 2 places on the same day with a diagonal dotted line on the Webpage so the stories are juxtaposed an can be seen simultaneously.
Karen Keifer-Boyd

Border Stories - a mosaic documentary - 0 views

    BorderStories as a shelter of exposure is a mosaic documentary that uses 2 minute videos about issues that are more accessible and "read" by more people who may not read an article or watch a longer documentary. Further the short videos offers multiple entry points and people can talk back to the encapsulated issues in the 2 minute videos with comments in the blog like format.
Karen Keifer-Boyd

Caroline Bergvall - Writer working across media, languages, sonic and visual artforms. ... - 0 views

    Caroline Bergvall, a word artist, is brough to our attention by Elizabeth Ellsworth. Jamie Kruse describes this as an aesthetic shelter of exposure.
Mary Elizabeth Meier

Educational Insights | CALL - 0 views

    A call for papers
christine liao


    From the Web site "About Tag ties and affective spies Tag ties & affective spies is a critical approach on the social media of our times. What happens when we are "tagging" , "posting" and "sharing" our experiences and opinions in platforms such as those of Facebook, YouTube, flickr or del.ic.ious? Are we really connecting and interacting or are we also forming the content and..."
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