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Mervin Eyler

Six technologies that soon could be in your classrooms - 4 views

    This is a three-page overview of the Horizon Report which tries to predict technological trends in the classroom. It predicts a greater use of tablets in the short run, game-based learning for the medium term, and augmented reality in the long run. It says all of the technologies will enhance collaborative learning, but associates creativity with only game based learning. Finally, it lists recent trends in technology and education. It also lists the most likely obstacles to adopting the technologies in the classroom. Being a subscription site, one must sign up (free) in order to read past the first page.
Kae Cunningham

Summary of #Games Research Qualitative Literature Review Conducted by Fengfeng Ke | Kap... - 0 views

    Recent research study shows game based-learning 'seem[s] to foster higher-order thinking such as planning and reasoning more than factual or verbal knowledge". Also "Instructional computer games seem to facilitate motivation across different learner groups and learning situations" And we already know they're addicting.....
Jennifer Weeks

Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process? | MindShift - 1 views

    • Jennifer Weeks
      This statement is consistent with my own educational experience. I was in the immersion French program as a child in Ontario and half of my day was in French and half of my day was in English. I honestly feel like I spent 6 years of my life from grade 2 to grade 8 copying verb charts and doing worksheets. Clearly, it has paid off as I am a French teacher and I have an excellent vocabulary and understanding of verb conjugations and tenses. 
  • John Kounios, Professor of Psychology at Drexel University and co-author of upcoming book Insight: Aha Moments, Creativity, and the Brain, the connection between creativity and automaticity is complicated.
  • mastered something
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • thinking about it often becomes locked in and it’s difficult for them to break out of this mental straightjacket.”
  • repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process.”
  • This would be the same as memorizing the rules of basketball and shooting endless free throws without ever learning to play the game.”
    • Jennifer Weeks
      This is the trouble with foreign language instruction sometimes. We don't let students apply what they learn at a fast enough rate to keep them interested. 
  • Focused practice, Lemov has found in his research training teachers, actually automates a process in one’s body, which then becomes fertile ground for creative breakthroughs and individual variations.
    • Jennifer Weeks
      This article talks about the interplay between rote practice/memorization and creativity. It also cites a number of books that are helpful in understanding the nuances of the topic and arguments for and against rote learning. 
  • Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process?
    "Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read. "In my view, the repetition must not come before allowing students to participate in the creative tasks, but rather repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process."" I find this statement to "hit the nail on the head" as the debate between rote memory and creative "aha" moments continue. The analogy of the musician practicing for hours playing scales as well as note for note renditions of other's work is appropriate to this discussion. The book, "Outliers",by Malcolm Gladwell, addresses the 10,000 hour rule. To paraphrase; To become world class at anything, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice. The author's examples range from Bill Gates to The Beatles. When two sides are set up as an US vs THEM debate, it misses the oppoprtunity to combine perfect practice with creative inspiration. Putting together a perfect meal is based on proper choices of various food combinations. Putting together a perfect learning environment is very similar in that a combination of repetitive learning and creative opportunity helps the learning as well as creative process.
    "Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read. "In my view, the repetition must not come before allowing students to participate in the creative tasks, but rather repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process."" I find this statement to "hit the nail on the head" as the debate between rote memory and creative "aha" moments continue. The analogy of the musician practicing for hours playing scales as well as note for note renditions of other's work is appropriate to this discussion. The book, "Outliers",by Malcolm Gladwell, addresses the 10,000 hour rule. To paraphrase; To become world class at anything, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice. The author's examples range from Bill Gates to The Beatles. When two sides are set up as an US vs THEM debate, it misses the oppoprtunity to combine perfect practice with creative inspiration. Putting together a perfect meal is based on proper choices of various food combinations. Putting together a perfect learning environment is very similar in that a combination of repetitive learning and creative opportunity helps the learning as well as creative process.
Matthew Pincus

Why Games Don't Teach - 0 views

    This article by Ruth Clark in Learning Solutions Magazine is a bit misleading and a bit muddled. While it appears that her contention is that games can not teach she admits that students can learn from GBL if they are structured and designed well.
Libby Turpin

Six technologies that soon could be in your classrooms | eSchool News - 2 views

    Six technologies that soon could be in your classrooms Game-based learning, personalized learning environments, augmented reality are coming soon, says a new ed-tech report Looking into educational technology's crystal ball for the fourth time, the annual Horizon Report for K-12 education has listed six emerging technologies that schools are likely to adopt in the near future. How much of these are key components to your school?
    This article shows how students will be using their creative thinking in order to learn the curriculum. Ideas like game based learning and augmented reality is not only reaching diverse learners but requires a creative mind.
    This article just states the importance of these tools and why we should all be using these technologies in our classroom.
Matthew Pincus

A Counterpoint to Ruth Clark's "Why Games Don't Teach" - 0 views

    This article by Sharon Boller is a response to Ruth Clark's article "Why Games Don't Teach". Here Boller discusses Clark's inconsistencies and explains how GBL can work in the classroom. Most importantly, Boller discusses the level of engagement, the feedback mechanisms, and the "rehearsal and practice" that GBL offer.
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