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Nigel Robertson

Using Voice Boards: pedagogical design, technological implementation, evaluation and re... - 0 views

    "AbstractWe present a case study to evaluate the use of a Wimba Voice Board to support asynchronous audio discussion. We discuss the learning strategy and pedagogic rationale when a Voice Board was implemented within an MA module for language learners, enabling students to create learning objects and facilitating peer-to-peer learning. Previously students studying the module had communicated using text-based synchronous and asynchronous discussion only. A common criticism of text-based media is the lack of non-verbal communication. Audio communication is a richer medium where use of pitch, tone, emphasis and inflection can increase personalisation and prevent misinterpretation."
Stephen Harlow

How to Enhance Online Student Engagement and Satisfaction | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    "Adding audio instructions or commentary helps you meet the needs of auditory learners, and often adds interest to the content. Schiefelbein said she often creates an audio recording of housekeeping tasks, such as deadline reminders, as well as to review what was covered the previous session. She also uses the Wimba Voice Board to create an audio-based discussion board which students use to discuss topics and reply to posts."
Stephen Harlow

Improving the Discussion Board - Lehigh University - 1 views

    "The art of writing on the discussion board is to keep the conversation going."
Nigel Robertson

Prince George's considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students' work - The... - 0 views

    We are stooping lower. After an Apple presentation, a US school board moves to claim copyright on all student and staff work.
Nigel Robertson

A Licence With Limited Value: Copyright Board Delivers Devastating Defeat to Access Cop... - 0 views

    "The Access Copyright defeat on three key issues should have a significant impact on the education battle: repertoire, the breadth of insubstantial copying, and fair dealing."
Derek White

Organizational Context - 1 views

    UBC centre for teaching, learning and technology organisational chart - positioned under the Provost Academic with senior advisory board - interesting.
Nigel Robertson

SocialTech: Young People and Social Networking Services - 0 views

    "It isn't a completely introductory level document, but should be useful and informative for people who have a responsibility care towards children and young people - including governors, principals and senior management teams, Safeguarding boards and local authorities - people who are making decisions concerning educational provision and resourcing. It will also be very handy for anyone working within the sector and wanting to use internet based services with young people."
Nigel Robertson

Board800 : Flex / Flash / Red5 based Interactive Whiteboard - 0 views

    Online whiteboard. Allows simple drawing and text but no chat option.
Stephen Harlow

Informative Workspaces: Using White Boards to Increase Productivity and Build Trust - 0 views

    "A "whiteboard culture" helps teams collaborate, improves the development and testing process, and - oh yeah - also secures long term savings."--Ahh so this is why there is a whiteboard behind me!
Stephen Harlow

OpenMeetings | Open Source Web-Conferencing - 0 views

    "OpenMeetings is a free browser-based software that allows you to instantly set up a conference in the Web. You can use your microphone or webcam, share documents on a white board, share your screen or record meetings."
Stephen Harlow

Thoughts on Technology: Open Source Applications for Math Teachers - 0 views

    "Xournal + a cheap tablet computer + a projector = a fairly cost effective interactive white board."
Stephen Harlow

Strategic management for e-learning: a New Zealand study « Tony Bates - 2 views

    Tom Prebble comments that Ako Aotearoa are sponsoring a series of Taking the Lead workshops.
    Bates' comments are something to take on board for us. Perhaps we need to create some briefing papers.
Nigel Robertson

Dry Erase White Board Paint for Offices | IdeaPaint - 0 views

    Idea Paint - make everything a whiteboard. Stop being limited by the whiteboard shape and size.
Nigel Robertson

CLIPP Board » Panopto - 1 views

    Posts from Aston tagged Panopto - see especially Panopto on a stick - could solve a lot of our issues at WCELfest!
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