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Chongqing: Beyond the latecomer advantage 重庆:超越后发优势 - 0 views

    The spectacular growth of Chinese cities since the 1980s is often theorised as reflecting the advantages of latecomer development (ALD). ALD has been more effective in cosmopolitan, globally accessible coastal cities than outer cities. As leading cities, like Shanghai, close the development gap, the potential for 'easy' ALD growth falls off rapidly. Because institution building is more difficult than firm-based growth, ALD strategies may generate rapid short-term economic growth but not sustainable development. Accordingly, Chongqing municipality, with a population of 33 million, in West China, is pursuing a beyond latecomer advantage model. This is characterised by: (i) reducing poverty and rural-urban disparity through accelerated urbanisation, rural-urban integration and emphasising human resource development; (ii) upgrading the value added of Chongqing's economy through targeting of FDI and incentives to local start-ups; (iii) endogenous development, reducing risks from external shocks; (iv) Hukou reform; (v) establishing a land use conversion certificate market to rationalise land use; (vi) emphasis on morality to address crime/corruption; (vii) recognition of the importance of amenity in attracting investment and talent; and (viii) establishing a longer developmental time perspective. This paper explores this Chongqing model in detail.

Building Globalization: Transnational Architecture Production in China - - 0 views

    Xuefei Ren's work on the high-end of the building boom in China brings together the sociology of globalization with the study of architecture and the built environment. Building Globalization treats architectural production as crucial to the material and symbolic ways in which global cities are made. Based on Ren's doctoral research at the University of Chicago, the book draws on fieldwork conducted in Beijing and Shanghai between 2004 and 2008, covering the bull years leading up to the Beijing Olympics. China is now taken to exemplify the geo-demographic shift that has seen developing countries lead current processes of urbanisation. However the Chinese government's attitude towards quanqiuhua chengshi (global cities) and its support for rapid urban growth from the mid-late 1990s represented a striking reversal of official policy which had been to limit the growth of large cities and promote instead the development of small-medium centres (p.11). The re-scaling of state power to metropolitan level in the interests of enhancing urban competitiveness has been an international trend in recent decades. In China this has proved particularly effective in driving urban growth, given state ownership of land and government control over household registration, urban planning and development decisions. Metropolitan governments in China have the kind of ownership and discretionary powers of which the most boosterist western city mayors can only dream. Ren argues convincingly that the processes shaping these cities are increasingly transnational; in particular, the forces that make buildings 'operate beyond national boundaries, as seen in the circulation of investment capital, the movements of built-environment professionals, and the diffusion of new technologies' (p.6). However, while Chinese economic growth may have destabilized a global balance of power dominated by the triad of the USA, the European Union and Japan, Ren's analysis suggests that older core-peripher

La géographie du dollar et la Chine : analyse géoéconomique d'une sédition mo... - 0 views

    Université de Montréal (Faculté des arts et des sciences) Résumé: L'équilibre économique mondial repose sur une asymétrie structurelle dont les pôles antagonistes principaux sont les États-Unis et l'Asie orientale. À la base de cet axe de tension géographique se trouve la question de la représentation mondiale de la richesse. La domination du dollar permet aux États-Unis un accès disproportionné aux ressources planétaires. Les pays créanciers, dont fait partie la Chine, hésitent à laisser flotter leur monnaie et attaquer l'hégémonie du dollar. Entre temps, les déséquilibres s'intensifient, tout comme les tensions politiques, par l'effet de ce système monétaire qui participe au maintien d'un monde unipolaire. Le système monétaire actuel n'offre aucune perspective endogène quant à la résolution des déséquilibres que son équilibre requiert. Ce mémoire cherche à identifier les stratégies géoéconomiques de la Chine pour se soustraire de l'emprise du dollar. Present world economic stability rests on a structural asymmetry whose main antagonists are the United States and East Asia. Inducing the very existence of this axis is the question of the worldwide representation of value. The dollar's domination in this matter allows the United States a disproportionate access to planetary resources. The creditor countries, among which China, hesitate to adopt a floating exchange rate and challenge this peculiar dimension of hegemony directly through the foreign exchange market. As time goes by the global imbalances intensify along with the corresponding political tensions. In effect, the dollarized global monetary system acts as a pillar of a unipolar world. The present international monetary system does not offer, by itself, a resolution to this polarisation process its existence generates. This mémoire offers a perspective on China's geoeconomic strategies destined to extract itself from the dollar system. This is don

URBACHINA - 1 views

    unded under the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme, URBACHINA is a collaborative project managed by a consortium of 11 leading Chinese and European research institutions. Coordinated by CNRS (France's National Centre for Scientific Research), URBACHINA will analyse China's urbanisation trends for the next 40 years and define possible future scenarios with reference to concepts of sustainability. European Union - China cooperation URBACHINA is a research project, which places strong emphasis on the cooperation between the EU-China. Although Europe and China have followed different urbanisation paths, there is nonetheless room for mutual learning. One of the main objectives of this project is to strengthen the collaboration between Chinese and EU researchers and policy-makers driven by the common goal of building sustainable cities.

Determinants of public acceptance of tiered electricity price reform in China: Evidence... - 0 views

    Tiered electricity price (TEP) reform is a planning policy for household electricity conservation in China. Based on TEP, several price hierarchies are provided, and additional payment will be charged if the electricity consumptions exceed the upper bound of each hierarchy. Yet, the optimal level of each price tier and the institutions for implementing TEP need further research, which are set on the basis of considering residents' affordability and willingness to pay. Therefore, this paper aims at exploring determinants of public willingness to accept TEP and finding out the acceptable range of premium. A questionnaire survey in four urban cities of China is conducted to collect data, and an ordinary regression model is adopted in our analysis to identify the drivers and barriers to general public's acceptance of TEP. The results show that middle income earners are the groups that are mostly opposed to TEP. Rather than just focusing on economic factors, public environmental awareness should be highlighted during the implementation of TEP, because cost is not a statistically significant determinant in this study. Moreover, the public acceptable rate of premium of TEP in the urban cities, according to our research results, may be below .05 RMB/kW h. Highlights

Survey and analysis on implementation situation of new cooperative medical sc... - 0 views

    Objective To understand the implementation situation of new cooperative medical scheme(NCMS) in Chongqing and to evaluate its difficulties and problems existed during the practical process.Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out in a suburb town of Chongqing city.The participants were performed the investigation by questionnaire,including living conditions,health status,participation in NCMS,level of perceiving and satisfaction to NCMS.Results 96.6% of participants joined in NCMS,59.5% knew NCMS,44.6% knew the propaganda about NCMS,66.2% were dissatisfied with the compensation for medical care,61.4% thought the procedure was convenient and in time,59.1% were pleased with the quality of medical service and attitudes of township health centers,and the utilization of NCMS was low.Conclusion The participation rate in NCMS has risen greatly,but there are also deficiencies in propaganda and perceiving NCMS.This research proposes some suggestions about NCMS for healthy and sustainable development.

Architectures-mutations [Texte imprimé] : transformations urbaines en Chine /... - 0 views

    Contient les réflexions et études des étudiants de l'ENSA Paris-Malaquais l'occasion des échanges universitaires avec la Chine, 2004-2011. - Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : urban transformations in China. - Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Jian zhu yi : Zhong guo cheng shi bian hua. - Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : 建筑易 : 中国城市变化

Sustainable Low-Carbon City Development in China - 0 views

    Axel Baeumler, Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez, Shomik Mehndiratta, Editors. This volume is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions

Landscape Planning Approaches to Sustainable Development - 0 views

    Biodiversity protection, conserving and utilizing natural resources to its maximum is the foundation of contemporary social stability and sustainable development of our modern society and is the trend of landscape planning. Reforming the nature based on the basic theory of ecology, the idea of sustainable development, the methods of landscape planning, in order to create a landscape ecological planning pattern which will not cause pollution and secondary pollution and generate landscape ecological function to the upmost. Texte intégral disponible

The Influence of Regional Culture and Value in Sustainable Development of Chinese Urban... - 0 views

    The influence of regional culture and values on Chinese urban residential choice has been steadily increasing, but unconsciously. Indeed, recent scholars have studied a variety of phenomena that imply a certain shift- away from classical explanations of urban residential choice and real estate patterns. This has led to the coining of some new terms and concepts, such as "Xuequ House", "Mortgage Slave", "Woju" and "Ant Tribe". This tendency towards the study of culture and values is directly related to the Theory of Scenes from the Chicago School of Sociology. In this paper, we apply the Theory of Scenes to Chinese urban residential choice research. First, we review the relevant theories and Chinese urban history, especially the changes after 1949, and present three hypotheses. Then, based on the Scenes theory, we construct a cultural framework to study 375 countries of 35 first-tier cities of China. Aiming at Chinese urban inhabitants from twelve different age groups, we use the Stepwise Regress model to do the statistical analysis. In doing so, we prove our assumptions regarding the importance of regional culture and value. Based on these conclusions, we proceed to give some relevant policy suggestions to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China and the local Municipal Bureau of Planning and Land Resources.

Taylor & Francis Online :: Female condom use in the rural sex industry in China: an... - 0 views

    Changes in sexual attitudes and behaviors and resurgence of the sex industry in China have increased concerns about HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STI) epidemics. Little attention has been paid to the significant and growing sex industry in rural China. Promotion of barrier protection in this context is most effective to prevent STIs and pregnancy. The female condom (FC) is a barrier method that gives women more autonomy in its application, and has other advantages, but has been little promoted and tested in high risk contexts in China. The China/US Women's Health Project was designed to promote FC use in addition to male condoms (MC) through outreach intervention conducted in sex work establishments in rural and small urban towns in southern China, using the original prototype FC1. The study used quantitative and qualitative methods to document the pre-intervention context, intervention delivery process, and post-intervention outcomes of FC use. In this paper we compare post-intervention FC users and non-users in the first study sites, two rural towns in a single county in Hainan Province. Examination of cross-sectional six-month and 12-month surveys indicated that, despite relatively high MC use, about one-third of the women in sex work establishments in these rural towns had adopted FC at each post-intervention survey. Compared with non-users, FC users were more likely to be freelance women in boarding houses, more sexually experienced, married with children, more sexually active in the prior month, and more exposed to the intervention. The rural context hampered intervention implementation, particularly the significant limits in health and human resources available to manage prevention of HIV/STIs among women in the sex industry. These challenges highlight the need to better understand the context of the rural sex industry and capacity of local resources for better prevention efforts and the benefits that new prevention technologies like FC can of

Peut-on estimer la population des villes chinoises à partir de leur surface b... - 0 views

    La rapide urbanisation de la Chine conduit à mettre au point des méthodes d'analyse et de suivi de la taille des villes. Devant l'hétérogénéité des divisions administratives et des dénombrements des populations, nous en proposons ici une estimation par les surfaces bâties, obtenues sur des images satellites Landsat. On mesure ainsi l'extension en superficie d'une cinquantaine d'agglomérations urbaines de 1980 à 2000, que l'on compare ensuite aux chiffres de population indiqués pour les villes éponymes dans diverses bases de données internationales. Les relations non linéaires établies entre populations et surfaces attestent de la cohérence des résultats obtenus par cette méthode. Cependant, lorsqu'il s'agit de mesurer l'évolution des surfaces comme des populations, les nombreuses fluctuations rendent la méthode moins fiable et celle-ci doit être complétée par d'autres types d'observations.
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