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Your personal networks visualized as microbiological cells in Biologic - 1 views

  • Data exists in digital form, on our computers and spreadsheets, but the exciting part about data is what it represents in the real world. Bits are people, places, and things. This is especially true with social data from places like Twitter and Facebook, where ideas flow and people talk to interact with each other in different ways. It's not just retweets and likes. Bloom Studio, the folks who brought you Planetary, embrace this idea in their just released iPad app, Biologic.

Why Apple is Good at Design | DMLcentral - 0 views

    "Distributed cognition is a theory of mind that argues that cognition does not occur exclusively in individual brains but is distributed across an environment - an interlocking system consisting of tools, persons, and specific knowledge and tasks. One of the insights of this approach was to recognize that the deep interconnections of these cognitive ecologies have a profound impact on how people use and understand tools. As Edwin Hutchins puts it, a tool that is "easy to use" is simply a tool that fits into a particular cognitive ecology."

Connected Learning Self-Assessment | Gero-Leadership - 0 views

    "Some may consider online learning to be the anti-classroom.  A rebellion against the chalkboard and the Blackboard in favor of virtual classrooms, avatars in sweater vests lecturing in a Charlie Brown monotone…  I simply look at it as a different kind of team approach to learning.  More opportunities for inputs.  If anything, it makes the scholarship more rigorous.  As both teachers and students, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hide behind airs of academia when the scholarship can be researched, published, evaluated and revised in a nano-second.  It makes educational leadership even more important when the skills necessary to synthesize information both in person and on line are changing, and changing quickly."

Is this the online learning model of the future? - eCampus News | eCampus News - 1 views

    As current and future student populations-made up of Millennials and Gen Zs, a generation collectively now referred to as Generation C-become even more digitally reliant, we'll see more students flock in record breaking numbers to flexible learning environments.

    What's contributing to this growth? "Flex-classes," a preferred learning style among Gen Cs that offers "flex-attendance" options to join classes "in-person" or "online" throughout the duration of a course, allowing students to more efficiently, and affordably, learn anytime, anywhere.

    In fact, if the current enrollment growth rate continues, nearly half of all college students will be enrolled in a flexible online learning course by 2020.

The digital revolution in higher education has already happened. No one noticed. - Medium - 0 views

    "We already know what the college of the future will look like, because the non-traditional students are creating it now. It's a hybrid of online and in-person classes, centered on the student and not the institution, with credits accruing from multiple schools, and adding up to a degree in alternating periods of attendance and absence."

How Early Academic Training Retards Intellectual Development | Psychology Today - 0 views

    "Intellectual skills, in contrast, have to do with a person's ways of reasoning, hypothesizing, exploring, understanding, and, in general, making sense of the world.  Every child is, by nature, an intellectual being--a curious, sense-making person, who is continuously seeking to understand his or her physical and social environments.  Each child is born with such skills and develops them further, in his or her own ways, through observing, exploring, playing, and questioning.  Attempts to teach intellectual skills directly inevitably fail, because each child must develop them in his or her own way, through his or her own self-initiated activities.  But adults can influence that development through the environments they provide.  "

(Re)Marking upon #ProfChat - 1 views

    • kmosei_2k16
      This is a very interesting point. I am wondering if the sequence of use of selected tools selected provide some information about how the person learns
  • The challenges and opportunities confronting higher education pedagogy will not be adequately addressed by platforms designed to provide answers

How Faculty Learn To Teach Online: What Administrators Need to Know - 6 views

  • Participants overwhelmingly found smaller and more focused professional development opportunities were much more helpful than those offered on a broad level.
  • professional development sessions offered at the university level, while well intentioned, did not allow for tailoring to their specific or individual needs. The sessions were often too generic and provided too much information and often did not address the questions they had about content and structure.
  • ven more valuable than organized training sessions were informal small-group or one-on-one tutoring or mentoring sessions between inexperienced and experienced online instructors.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The general consensus was professional development and support should be offered through a variety of different channels.
  • participants agreed that professional development should focus on curriculum development and the pedagogy of online teaching, in addition to technology tools.
  • the development of informal networks and contacts helped participants learn to teach online, and also to continually improve their online teaching.
  • Opportunities for self-directed learning should be made available to instructors, as well.
    This could be a checklist for ALL professional development across education and, I suspect, other fields as well. Personalized, customized, sustained.

Can Online Social Networks Replace Real Socializing? | WIRED - 6 views

    Thank you for posting this! I am very much an in person kind of communicator and appreciate this perspective.

The Miseducation of the Doodle - 2 views

    "Doodling may be better described as 'markings to help a person think.' Most people believe that doodling requires the intellectual mind to shutdown, but this is one misrepresentation that needs correcting. There is no such thing as a mindless doodle. The act of doodling is the mind's attempt to engage before succumbing to mindlessness. "
    "Having exhausted traditional learning methods such as highlighting, note-taking, and rote memorization, Virginia chose to unleash a powerful, primitive tool that ultimately turned out to be her savior: The Doodle. Virginia decided to draw rudimentary visual representations of every concept in her Morrison and Boyd textbook. She deployed a problem-solving technique that defied conventional wisdom and all the academic advice she had received. And the story has a happy ending. Not only did Virginia ace her organic chemistry final and eventually become Dr. Scofield, she also became a celebrated immunologist, earning accolades for one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs related to HIV transmission. She credits much of her success, then and now, to her world-turning decision to doodle. "

WebQuest - 0 views

shared by cnye2014 on 05 Jan 15 - Cached
    A Webquest is an online activity planned for the student to explore/investigate/synthesize multiple sources of information. Students are provided with a scenario or problem, and are given links to websites where they have to search for information to answer questions or complete a task. This is a great activity for online classes. I have used a webquest in an online course about veteran health care. The students were given a scenario about a homeless veteran they cared for in a clinic setting in their personal hometown. They had to research homelessness, the services offered in their home town, and the disease processes of their veteran. They had to develop either a speech to present the issue at a town hall meeting, develop a proposal to supply a service that was needed by the veteran or write an op-ed piece for their hometown newspaper.

Federated Education: New Directions in Digital Collaboration | Hapgood - 2 views

  • And my sense is that this sort of thing happens almost every day — someone somewhere has the information or insight you need but you don’t have access to it. Ten years from now you’ll solve the problem you’re working on and tell me about the solution and I’ll tell you — Geez, I could have told you that 10 years ago. How does this happen? Why does communication break? One answer to that is right in front of us. This is a letter, addressed to one person who might find it interesting. Clarke couldn’t have addressed it to the folks at APL because he didn’t know they would be interested.
  • Carol Goman calls this phenomenon “Unconscious Competence”. You don’t know the value of what you know. It’s not just that Clarke didn’t send his letter to the right people. It’s that Clarke didn’t think there was that much of interest to tell. He sent out that letter, but for the ten years before that that he had had that idea, he didn’t send letters to anyone.
  • There’s a broad feeling that social media has solved this problem. I think it’s solved a lot of it. But as I think we’ll see, there’s a lot left to improve.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The first problem is that social media tends to get only a certain kind of idea down.
  • These platforms are conversational which makes us overly concerned with publishing interesting stuff.
  • But here’s the problem — I’m embedded within a pretty advanced group of people in educational technology. Ideas that we think are common might be revolutionary for others. But we’ll never produce posts or tweets about them because everyone in our clan already knows them.
  • And the stuff that we do produce assumes you share our background, so it’s not always readable outside our clan.
  • But for a nontrivial set of things if information is going to useful to the circles it moves to it is going to need to be recontextualized and reframed.
  • different technologies excel at different stages.
  • federated wiki which allows the sort of communal wiki experience, but also supports those earlier stages of the knowledge life cycle.
  • You’re looking for a system that produces what Polanyi called “spontaneous order”.
  • Minority voices are squelched, flame wars abound. We spend hours at a time as rats hitting the Skinner-esque levers of Twitter and Tumblr, hoping for new treats — and this might be OK if we actually then built off these things, but we don’t. We’re stuck in an attention economy feedback loop that doesn’t allow us silent spaces to reflect on issues without news pegs, and in which many of our areas of collaboration have become toxic, or worse, a toxic bureaucracy. We’re stuck in an attention economy feedback loop where we react to the reactions of reactions (while fearing further reactions), and then we wonder why we’re stuck with groupthink and ideological gridlock.

Daring Conversations: Searching for a Shared Language - Hybrid Pedagogy - 0 views

  • Besides the blossoming and potentially chaotic dialogue amongst disciplines, our passionately specialized discourse must also consider the actual everyday world of our students. No matter how young students may be, they bring their own life histories, personalities, interests, and wishes to the classroom. They bring their own, unique perspective of the world, shaped in ways that — as we faculty members grow older — may become potentially elusive to us. Fifteen or so years ago, the elephant in the room was the internet. Then it was technology in the classroom (remember them blogs and clickers?). Today, the buzz words are “social media” and “apps.” Tomorrow, who knows?
    "Research and its potentially competitive nature also pose a challenge, in that it fosters an individualistic and protective attitude during the gestation of ideas. In contrast, for Borges, originality is a vain illusion: being original is simply impossible. Rather, instead of becoming obsessed about developing a unique voice, the writer should pay homage to his precursors, lose himself by imitating the writers he admires, seek and enjoy the connections between seemingly old and new ideas, reveal or interpret their transformation. In short, the writer should first be a passionate, insightful reader. Along the same lines, American composer George Perle, coined the expression "the listening composer," alluding precisely to the mandatory connection between the timeless continuum and the individual creative spirit, each nurturing the other. "

[1411.2190] Interactive Art To Go - 2 views

    "Traditional artworks like paintings, photographs, or films can be reproduced by conventional media like printing or video. This makes visitors of museums possible to purchase postcards, posters, books, and DVDs of pictures and/or movies shown at the exhibition. However, newly developing arts so called interactive art, or new media art, has not been able to be reproduced due to limitation of functionalities of the conventional media. In this article, the authors report a novel approach of sharing such interactive art outside the exhibition, so that the visitors of the museum can take a copy to home, and even share it with non-visitors. The authors build up their new projector-and-camera (ProCam) based interactive artwork for exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT) by using Apple's iPhone. The exactly same software driving this artwork was downloadable from Apple's App Store -- thus all visitors or even non-visitors could enjoy the same experience at home or wherever they like. "

Architects I work for just gave the best reactions I've ever seen in person. : oculus - 0 views

    "He finally put the Rift off his head, his eyes were in a total state of blown away. He put the Rift away and just sat there, saying nothing. Some colleagues were giggling and I asked how he liked it. It looked like my question was just some noise to him, and he replied, "sorry, it's just so much information that I have to process" after 5 minutes of staring he shook his head and stood up. "I would never expect this", "the building isn't finished, and I've already been there" "as an architect, this is cheating, my god". "

Three Awesome Educational Games Hiding in Plain Sight | MindShift - 0 views

  • Never Alone There’s little debate that games have not represented indigenous cultures well. As a result, it’s been best for students to learn about topics like Native America via traditional means. Never Alone, however, sets a precedent for respectful representation of indigenous people. It was co-developed with native Alaskans, and it illuminates Inupiat stories, themes and values, weaving into play important concepts like interconnectedness and valuable skills like cooperation. Best of all, it features documentary-style videos of the Inupiat people who provide first person context for the conceptual and cultural learning embedded in the game.

Why 'Nudges' to Help Students Succeed Are Catching On - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

  • It can also be used to redesign systems so that they’re easier to navigate in the first place.
  • A nudge, like the text-message reminders that helped students make the transition to college, offers a workaround to help people get through a complex system,
  • A nudge, they explained, encourages — but does not mandate — a certain behavior: think putting healthier options at eye level in the cafeteria.
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  • Researchers have used a series of text messages like this one to "nudge" students to complete important tasks like filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The researchers, Ben Castleman and
  • He says there are two aspects of behavioral work: trying to solve a behavioral problem, and doing so with a behavioral solution.
  • Social psychologists are interested in how people make sense of an experience, which can in turn direct their behavior.
  • "We begin a step back in the causal process," Mr. Walton says. As a result, social psychology’s interventions often strive to change how students see the social world around them, or actually change that world — for instance, by having teachers frame their feedback differently.
  • The approach is elegant, creative, and aligned with common sense.
  • It’s possible some people would argue that we act like completely rational beings, but probably not anyone who spends a lot of time around college students.
  • Given their low cost, behavioral solutions often appealing to funders and policy makers.
  • But the flip side of the coin is that such low-cost solutions cannot replace other, pricier efforts to improve college access and success.
  • Higher education presents a "perfect storm for the frailties of human reasoning," Mr. Kelly says. "The system often seems set up to frustrate people."
  • Critics of efforts to simplify or inform students’ choices often say that college isn’t meant to be easy. If someone cannot successfully apply for financial aid, maybe that person doesn’t belong in college. Researchers typically respond by saying they are working to help students through the pesky tasks on the periphery of going to college. Filing the Fafsa — which, incidentally, the most advantaged students don’t have to deal with — isn’t meant to be an admissions test.
    I wish I could automate some things like this in rampages . . . like if you do a bare URL that doesn't link . . . I'd like to auto comment with some directions on how to make a link. Seems doable in terms of programming.
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