NEW YORK, USA, 23 April 2010 - Indigenous people have come from all over the world to New York this week to participate in the Ninth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. At its own panel yesterday which was designed to explore issues specifically affecting children and adolescents UNICEF assembled a group that included Urapinã Pataxó 15, and Kãhu Pataxó, 19, WHO live in Pataxó de Coroa Vermelha, a small village in the Bahia region of north-eastern Brazil We want to ensure that cultural diversity and the rights of cultural expression are fully mainstreamed in our world. Its a challenge, said UNICEF Deputy Director of Policy and Practice Elizabeth Gibbons. She added that UNICEFs involvement in the past had been fragmentary and that the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2009 provided an important reminder of the urgency of these issues. In this video, Urapinã Pataxó, 15, describes the conditions in his village in Bahia, Brazil, that led to him becoming an activist for the rights of indigenous children and young peopl