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Katie Day

Teach with Portals - blog - 1 views

    re using Valve's portals and puzzle-maker to create science simulations -- and amazing play/maker experiences for kids
Katie Day

Problem-based Learning in Science - 0 views

    << Ask IPF questions: As stakeholders, biology students begin to examine this information by asking, "What's Interesting here?" "What's Puzzling, curious, problematic?" "What's important to Find out?" >>
Katie Day

Lure of the Labyrinth - 0 views

    Lure of the Labyrinth is a digital game for middle-school pre-algebra students. It includes a wealth of intriguing math-based puzzles wrapped into an exciting narrative game in which students work to find their lost pet - and save the world from monsters! Linked to both national and state mathematics standards, the game gives students a chance to actually think like mathematicians.
Louise Phinney

Puzzler - 1 views

    online puzzles for young children
Jeffrey Plaman

PeaceMaker Home :: PeaceMaker - Play the News. Solve the Puzzle. - 1 views

    This is a game that explores the Isreal/Palistein conflict.
Katie Day

The Marshmallow Challenge -- or what makes a successful team -- | Action-Reaction - 1 views

    Blog post that pulls together a 7-min TED talk on how successful teams work together, design thinking, and motivation.... and thoughts about how we can encourage feedback loops in our classrooms, leading to success and learning..... Fascinating for anyone interested in team psychology or science.....
Sean McHugh

Learning Through Reflection - 1 views

  • A defining condition of being human is that we have to understand the meaning of our experience
  • we want students to get into the habit of linking and constructing meaning from their experiences. Such work requires reflection
  • Reflection has many facets. For example, reflecting on work enhances its meaning. Reflecting on experiences encourages insight and complex learning. We foster our own growth when we control our learning, so some reflection is best done alone. Reflection is also enhanced, however, when we ponder our learning with others.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Reflective teachers help students understand that the students will now look back rather than move forward. They will take a break from what they have been doing, step away from their work, and ask themselves, "What have I (or we) learned from doing this activity?"
  • The teacher helps each student monitor individual progress, construct meaning from the content learned and from the process of learning it,
  • Teachers who promote reflective classrooms ensure that students are fully engaged in the process of making meaning.
  • in written and oral form
  • To be reflective means to mentally wander through where we have been and to try to make some sense out of it.
  • and journals
  • Habits of Mind
  • ask students to reread their journals, comparing what they knew at the beginning of a learning sequence with what they know now. Ask them to select significant learnings, envision how they could apply these learnings to future situations
  • the quality of students' reflections changes as children develop their reading and writing skills. When kindergartners were asked to reflect orally, they gave rich descriptions of their work. But as they developed their writing ability and were encouraged to write their own reflections, the reflections became less descriptive. This change puzzled the teachers until they realized that students are more concerned about spelling, punctuation, and other aspects of editing when they first learn to write. Because students do not have a great deal of fluency with their writing, they are more limited in what they describe. In contrast, when meeting with the teacher, the kindergartners elaborated on what they wrote about their work. And once students became more fluent with their writing skills, they were able to represent their reflective thoughts more easily.
  • stereotypical comments such as "This was fun!" or "I chose this piece of work because it is my best." Teachers realized that they needed to spend time teaching students how to reflect. They asked students, "What does a reflection look like when it really tells you something about the experience?"
  • Reflection was not a time for testimonials about how good or bad the experience was. Instead, reflection was the time to consider what was learned from the experience.
  • Students might collect work throughout the year as part of a portfolio process. Every quarter they can review the work in their collection folders and choose one or two pieces to enter into their portfolio. When they make those choices, they can take the opportunity to reflect on the reasons for their choices and to set goals for their next quarter's work.
  • superficial to in-depth reflections. Indicators of in-depth reflections include making specific reference to the learning event, providing examples and elaboration, making connections to other learning, and discussing modifications based on insights from this experience.
  • Sentence Stems Sentence stems can stimulate reflections. Use them in conferences (where reflection can be modeled), or put them on a sheet for students who choose writing to jump-start their reflections. Here are examples of possible sentence stems: I selected this piece of writing because … What really surprised me about this piece of writing was … When I look at my other pieces of writing, this piece is different because … What makes this piece of writing strong is my use of … Here is one example from my writing to show you what I mean. What I want to really work on to make my writing better for a reader is …
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