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Katie Day

Science Lesson Plans « Scientist in Residence Program - Helping children and ... - 0 views

    from Canada:  "Scientists and teachers work together to develop and deliver science units comprised of hands-on lessons on specific themes. There is a major focus on the experimental process of science. The lesson plans fit the BC Ministry of Education guidelines for Science K to 7. Opportunities are created to link lessons to other areas of the curriculum, such as math, fine arts, English and French language arts, and First Nations. Some lessons focus on issues facing society such as marine pollution, climate change, soil erosion, biodiversity, and the importance of protecting the environment and ecosystems. Thirty-three science units have been developed during the Scientist in Residence Program and are organized within four curriculum areas. More than 200 science lesson plans are available for download as PDF documents. These include lesson plans for field trips, thereby extending learning in natural environments. Please scroll down to view the titles of science units for each curriculum area, and click on science unit titles to view and download individual science lesson plans. If required by your browser, please enable Scripts to download documents from this web site. New science lesson plans will be posted on this website as they become available."
Mary van der Heijden

what is lesson study - 0 views

    Lesson study* is a professional development process that Japanese teachers engage in to systematically examine their practice, with the goal of becoming more effective. This examination centers on teachers working collaboratively on a small number of "study lessons". Working on these study lessons involves planning, teaching, observing, and critiquing the lessons. To provide focus and direction to this work, the teachers select an overarching goal and related research question that they want to explore. This research question then serves to guide their work on all the study lessons.
Katie Day

Online Guide to Earth Science Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Summary via The Scout Report (May 2012): "The earth sciences encompass a range of fields, including geology, meteorology, and other areas of inquiry. This website features a range of lesson plans and activities that cover these fields, designed for both high school and college classrooms. In total, there are over two dozen activities here divided into sections such as Rocks & Minerals and Earthquakes & Volcanoes. The Rocks & Minerals area is a particularly rich vein of pedagogical material. It features a mineral identification lab session and a lesson plan that probes the world of igneous rocks. Moving along, the site also includes engaging materials on the formation of clouds, atmospheric pressure, and a humorous lesson plan on thunderstorms. [KMG]"
Katie Day

Code Year - 0 views

    "And lucky you, this is just the year to do it. It is Code Year, actually, according to Code Academy, which helps people learn to code. "Sign up for Code Year to start receiving a new interactive programming lesson every Monday," touts the web site, and "You'll be building apps and websites before you know it!" I tried out the first few lessons, and it strikes me as a gentle way to learn to program. The lessons are small, focused, and introduce concepts with demonstrations that are easy to understand. It is therefore likely your best chance to learn to code if you aren't in school. "
Sean McHugh

LearnZillion - 2 views

    LearnZillion is a great Maths website that has video lessons for pretty much anything you might want to teach.  You can use them to get ideas for your lessons or you can show them to your class as well. You can sign in using your school GApps account.
Sean McHugh

11 Ways Finland's Education System Shows Us that "Less is More". | Filling My Map - 0 views

  • Finland follows the basic formula that has been performed by math teachers for centuries: The teachers go over homework, they present a lesson (some of the kids listen and some don’t), and then they assign homework.
  • What if we didn’t force students who know that their talents reside outside of the world of formal academics to take three years of high school classes that they found boring and useless?  What if we allowed them to train in and explore vocations they found fascinating and in which they were gifted?
  • This system allows the Finnish teacher more time to plan and think about each lesson.  It allows them to create great, thought provoking lessons.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Elementary students in Finland often have the SAME teacher for up to SIX YEARS of their education.
  • Finland understands that the ability to teach isn’t something that can be gained from studying. It is usually a gift and passion.  Some have it, some don’t.
  • They do not try to interfere or usurp their authority and decisions.
  • Study after study
  • Imagine all of the exciting things you could do with your students if there wasn’t a giant state test looming over your head every year.  Imagine the freedom you could have if your pay wasn’t connected to your student’s test scores.  Imagine how much more fun and engaging your lessons would be!
  • teachers take their time.  They look deeper into the topic and don’t panic if they are a little behind or don’t cover every topic in the existence of mathematics in a single year.
  • math ONCE a week
  • The students get to actually understand the material before they are forced on to a new topic.
  • Finnish students have the least amount of homework in the world.  They average under half an hour of homework a night.  Finnish students typically do not have outside tutors or lessons either.
  • I won’t give you homework if you work on this while you are in my classroom.”
  • Trust is key
    ...why are Finnish students succeeding and ours are failing?  The difference is not the instruction. Good teaching is good teaching and it can be found in both Finland and in the US.   (The same can be said for bad teaching.)  The difference is less tangible and more fundamental.  Finland truly believes "Less is More."  This national mantra is deeply engrained into the Finnish mindset and is the guiding principal to Finland's educational philosophy.
Sean McHugh

Scottish Water Education - 0 views

    Better than ever with great lesson activities as well ...We've been using it for a few years, but it's still going and it's better than ever! Games, lesson activities, and research info.
Jeffrey Plaman

Google: Exploring Computational Thinking - 1 views

    Database of lessons for teaching computational thinking in a variety of areas of the curriculum across age groups.
Keri-Lee Beasley

11 Quotes that Inspire Writers Workshop Lessons and Activities - 1 views

    Some rich writing lessons here. Engaging
Katie Day

GlobalTribe . Classroom | PBS - 0 views

    " Creative Visions has developed educational curricula to accompany the GlobalTribe series. Each of the lessons is designed for grades 9-12 and can be adapted to fill a range of in-class hours. Lessons for each GlobalTribe episode are available as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file."
Louise Phinney

Physical Education iPad Lesson Planning - 2 views

    Lesson Plan sample
Keri-Lee Beasley

Why Self-Publishing May Be the Best Writing Lesson Ever | Edudemic - 1 views

    A great case-study from a teacher who published his first novel by himself. Lots of helpful lessons along the way, including how he got his cover designed, and suggestions on marketing.
Jeffrey Plaman

15 Lesson Plans For Making Students Better Online Researchers - Edudemic - 1 views

    RT @jacstats: 15 Lesson Plans For Making Students Better Online Researchers via @Edudemic #slav #tlchat
Ilse Veenbaas-Boersma

The Health and Physical Education Web site for Teachers/PE Central - 0 views

    American website with lesson plans for Health and Physical Education K-12,
Louise Phinney

4 Lessons In Creativity From John Cleese | Co.Create: Creativity \ Culture \ Commerce - 1 views

    Interesting post on creativity "If you have a decisions to make, what is the single most important question to ask yourself? I believe it's 'when does this decision have to be made'? When most of us have a problem that's a little bit unresolved, we're a little bit uncomfortable. We want to resolve it. The creative architects had this tolerance for this discomfort we all feel when we leave things unresolved." "Why would those two things be importance? The playfulness is because in that moment of childlike play, you're much more in touch with your unconscious. The second is that when you defer decisions as long as possible, it's giving your unconscious the maximum amount of time to come up with something."
Louise Phinney

TED-Ed | Subjects - 1 views

shared by Louise Phinney on 09 Sep 12 - No Cached
    taking videos from youtube to turn into a lesson on TEDEd
Jeffrey Plaman

Lessons I Learned Reading Over 200 Books - 1 views

    Lessons learned in 140chars per book for 200+ books. the ultimate summary.
Katie Day

Science NetLinks: Resources for Teaching Science - 1 views

    Providing a wealth of resources for K-12 science educators, Science NetLinks is your guide to meaningful standards-based Internet experiences for students.
Katie Day

Paper Prototyping - The k12 Lab Wiki - 0 views

    lesson to demonstrate the value of rapid prototyping and provide designers with a tool for prototyping that is easy to use and allows quick iteration
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