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Jeffrey Plaman

The Film Foundation - 1 views

    Through the ©reativity on Film project, The Film Foundation hopes to create a respect and understanding among young people for the need to protect and preserve our cultural heritage, and enhance their appreciation of art and creation. The Film Foundation uses filmmaking as a point of departure to communicate to young people the important skills they will need to succeed in today's society-such as imagination, collaboration, communication, leadership, and responsibility. The key component of this project is the "Making Movies: A Guide for Young Filmmakers" production manual. Created with the assistance and expertise of 25 professional film artists and educators, this step-by-step production manual includes tips from experts, hands-on exercises, and an 8-week filming schedule-thereby explaining the filmmaking process from story concept to completed film.
Katie Day

Why is science important? - A collection of thoughts from leading scientists, public fi... - 0 views

Katie Day

'Waste Land' - Lucy Walker Film on Brazilian Catadores - Review - - 0 views

  • Tião, like the other catadores profiled in the film, is far from an emaciated beggar living out a miserable existence on the way to an early death. But he is humble and has few expectations of earthly glory. Although a social outcast, he organized an association of pickers who live and work in Jardim Gramacho, one of the world’s largest garbage dumps, and likes to think of himself as an environmentalist.
  • The film — co-directed by João Jardim and Karen Harley, and photographed by Dudu Miranda — observes this giant landfill from every perspective.
  • Tião is the most prominently featured of several pickers profiled by the film. Their lives are changed forever when they are chosen to collaborate with the artist Vik Muniz, a São Paulo native who is now based in Brooklyn and is well known for his re-creations of famous artworks using unusual materials. Those pieces include two Mona Lisas — one made of peanut butter, the other of jelly — and a “Last Supper” made of chocolate syrup. For his Sugar Children series, he took snapshots of children on a plantation in St. Kitts and copied the images by layering sugar on black paper and photographing the result. The film observes the creation of his recent monumental series, Pictures of Garbage, for which Mr. Muniz, who grew up poor, returned to Brazil.
    Documentary about trash-pickers in Brazil and about the art of Vik Muniz and his series Pictures of Garbage
Katie Day

Watch a poetry movie- - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More - 1 views

    A list of films about poets and films featuring poetry -- and see their list of "Poetry in Movies: A Partial List" - the link is on the sidebar of this starting page
Katie Day

Highrise - 0 views

    "HIGHRISE is a multi-year, multi-media, collaborative documentary project about the human experience in global vertical suburbs. Under the direction of documentary-maker Katerina Cizek, the HIGHRISE team will be making lots of things. Web-documentaries, live presentations, installations, mobile projects and yes, documentary films. We will use the acclaimed interventionist and participatory approaches of the award-winning National Film Board of Canada's Filmmaker-in-Residence (FIR) project. Our scale will be global, but rooted firmly in the FIR philosophy - putting people, process, creativity, collaboration, and innovation first."
Katie Day

The Test Tube -- David Suzuki -- NFB/interactive - National Film Board of Canada - 0 views

    David Suzuki explains exponential growth in a fascinating way -- and relates it to resources and Earth -- The film starts out with everyone watching being asked how they would spend one extra minute.  At the end of the film, you then get to see how everyone answered... Excellent but depressing (if we are in the last minute (so to speak)) if it's too late for science to save us... 
Keri-Lee Beasley

Into Film - 1 views

    Great resource for all manner of things related to Film. From camera angles and shots to plans for running film clubs, this is a site worth diving into.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Film Club - The New York Times - 1 views

    Great film club by the NY Times. The documentaries are top class and the teaching materials helpful.
Katie Day

The Story of Bottled Water - video - 0 views

    "The Story of Bottled Water, released on March 22, 2010 (World Water Day) employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand-how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over five minutes, the film explores the bottled water industrys attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. The film concludes with a call to take back the tap, not only by making a personal commitment to avoid bottled water, but by supporting investments in clean, available tap water for all."
Keri-Lee Beasley

4 Video Lessons from Oscar-Nominated Films You Can Do with Your Phone | Adobe Spark - 1 views

    Some excellent, easy-to-follow tips here for film-making with your students
David Caleb

New Yorker's mysterious photo quest ends in Paris | The Lookout - Yahoo! News Canada - 1 views

    Cool story about someone finding someone else's roll of film and the journey that ensued
Jeffrey Plaman


    color film footage of WWII in Singapore
Katie Day

"New shit has come to light": Information seeking behavior in The Big Lebowski - 0 views

    "The authors of this paper use characters from the 1998 film The Big Lebowski to illustrate the intricate, self-defined nature of information seeking behavior and the ways in which personal characteristics contribute to the success or failure of an information search."
Louise Phinney

100 Perfect Twitter Accounts for Teachers! | My Town Tutors - 0 views

    check out "69. @intrepidteacher Teacher, learner, dad, bleeding heart, music and film addict. I want to share as much as I can with as many people as I can as often as I can. Singapore ·"
Katie Day

Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl: the digital edition - video | Books | guardian.... - 2 views

    A introductory film for the new digital edition of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, a classic book that has played a key role in the world's understanding of the Holocaust. The app takes the original text, published 65 years ago, and adds video interviews and other background material. The Diary of a Young Girl app, made by Beyond the Story, is available on iPad via Apple's AppStore
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