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Stefan Wobben

Distracted By A Cell Phone? Some Cell Phone Users Fail To See Unicycling Clown Passing ... - 0 views

    Compared with individuals walking alone, in pairs, or listening to their ipod, cell phone users were the group most prone to oblivious behavior: only twenty-five percent of them noticed the unicycling clown. The walkers not using a cell phone noticed the clown over fifty-percent of the time.
    Compared with individuals walking alone, in pairs, or listening to their ipod, cell phone users were the group most prone to oblivious behavior: only twenty-five percent of them noticed the unicycling clown. The walkers not using a cell phone noticed the clown over fifty-percent of the time.
Stefan Wobben

Is The Person Next To You Washing Their Hands With Soap? - 0 views

    People are more likely to wash their hands when they have been shamed into it, according to a study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
    People are more likely to wash their hands when they have been shamed into it, according to a study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Stefan Wobben

New Light On Nature Of Broca's Area: Rare Procedure Documents How Human Brain Computes ... - 0 views

    The study demonstrates that a small piece of the brain can compute three different things at different times - within a quarter of a second - and shows that Broca's area doesn't just do one thing when processing language.
    The study demonstrates that a small piece of the brain can compute three different things at different times - within a quarter of a second - and shows that Broca's area doesn't just do one thing when processing language.
Stefan Wobben

Candy Bar Or Healthful Snack? Free Choice Not As Free As We Think - 0 views

    The type of information (self-control or indulgence) that is currently active may influence a decision for the future," write Laran. "When information about self-control (indulgence) is currently active, decisions for the present will be virtuous (indulgent), while decisions for the future will be indulgent (virtuous). This result arises from people's need to balance behaviors performed in the present with behaviors that will be performed in the future
    The type of information (self-control or indulgence) that is currently active may influence a decision for the future," write Laran. "When information about self-control (indulgence) is currently active, decisions for the present will be virtuous (indulgent), while decisions for the future will be indulgent (virtuous). This result arises from people's need to balance behaviors performed in the present with behaviors that will be performed in the future
Stefan Wobben

YouTube Blog: Inside User Research at YouTube - 0 views

    So what exactly is user research like at YouTube? Sometimes it means letting users design their ideal experience. For example, last year we used a method called FIDO (first utilized by Fidelity Investments) where we cut out different elements of various video sites, stuck them on magnets, and had users arrange their ideal organization of the elements (see below for an example). Other times we use a more standard research method called a usability study, which entails seeing whether a user can or can't complete certain standard site tasks in a usability lab.
    So what exactly is user research like at YouTube? Sometimes it means letting users design their ideal experience. For example, last year we used a method called FIDO (first utilized by Fidelity Investments) where we cut out different elements of various video sites, stuck them on magnets, and had users arrange their ideal organization of the elements (see below for an example). Other times we use a more standard research method called a usability study, which entails seeing whether a user can or can't complete certain standard site tasks in a usability lab.
Stefan Wobben

Google explains its minimalist design philosophy | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

    That's why we have a significant team of designers who bring unique skills to the teams they work with. Data informs decision-making but it's less useful for conceiving and building conceptually new directions. It's most useful for optimising and refining an established concept
    That's why we have a significant team of designers who bring unique skills to the teams they work with. Data informs decision-making but it's less useful for conceiving and building conceptually new directions. It's most useful for optimising and refining an established concept
Stefan Wobben

The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing | cxpartners - 0 views

    In this article we're going to break down the page fold myth and give some tips to ensure content below the fold gets seen.
Stefan Wobben

Neuromarketing » Child Labor: Put That Baby to Work! - 0 views

    The neuromarketing takeaway is simple: a face in your ad will attract attention, but be sure the face is looking at what you want the viewer to see!
    The neuromarketing takeaway is simple: a face in your ad will attract attention, but be sure the face is looking at what you want the viewer to see!
Stefan Wobben

Sold-out Products Influence Consumer Choice - 0 views

    Our research shows there's also an information cascade, where people infer that if a product is sold out, it must have been good and therefore a similar available product will also be desirable
    Our research shows there's also an information cascade, where people infer that if a product is sold out, it must have been good and therefore a similar available product will also be desirable
Stefan Wobben

Key To Subliminal Messaging Is To Keep It Negative, Study Shows - 0 views

    Subliminal messaging is most effective when the message being conveyed is negative, according to new research funded by the Wellcome Trust.
    Subliminal messaging is most effective when the message being conveyed is negative, according to new research funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Stefan Wobben

Good Usability » What difference does colour make? - 0 views

    Many organisations limit the success of their websites, purely because their branding guidelines do not provide enough colours for designers to utilise
Stefan Wobben

Creating Quant Models That Are Closer to Reality - - 0 views

    Much of the early work has been done tracking online behavior. The Web provides researchers with vast data sets for tracking the spread of all manner of things - news stories, ideas, videos, music, slang and popular fads - through social networks. That research has potential applications in politics, public health, online advertising and Internet commerce.
Stefan Wobben

Men prefer websites designed by men - Telegraph - 0 views

    Men prefer websites designed by men and women prefer those designed by women, according to a new study from Bucks New University.
Stefan Wobben

How Shoppers Make Decisions in a Recession - TIME - 0 views

    What is fundamentally different about the recession, except for the ones we had in the 1930s, is that we're putting bookmarks in our brains. When icons that we defined as stable, like Lehman Brothers, fall apart, you are suddenly questioning everything around you. So consumers now, if things start to get better, will not run into the stores and start consuming like there had never been a recession. That will not happen. At the end of the day, consumers will want something practical that will enhance their lives in concrete ways. And that's really a fundamental change from the past, right?
Stefan Wobben

The psychology of change - 0 views

    The psychology of change
Stefan Wobben

Websites 'breaking consumer laws' - 0 views

    More than half of websites selling electronic goods were breaking European laws aimed at protecting consumers, according to an EU investigation.
Stefan Wobben

Why is simple design so hard? - 0 views

    Complex design is far easier and takes much less planning than simple design. It encompasses what your user might want to do, rather than understanding exactly what your user needs. Simplicity, it seems, requires more thought, planning, research and vision.
Stefan Wobben

Every Touch Point Matters: Optimizing the Thank You Page - 0 views

    Thank you pages typically don't receive much design or marketing attention. After all, by the time a site visitor sees a Thank You page the chase is over, right? The visitor purchased a widget, filled out the signup form, or downloaded a white paper - in other words, the web site has won, and another conversion stat has been chalked up in the company's analytics package. Success! Check out our positive ROI!
Stefan Wobben

Jongeren raken online weg kwijt - 0 views

    Nederland is nog geen succesvolle internetsamenleving. Niet alleen ouderen, ook jongeren hebben moeite met het vinden en interpreteren van de informatie die ze zoeken.
Stefan Wobben

What A Coincidence! Personal Connections Improve Sales - 0 views

    Revealing personal information helps service providers create connections and initiate conversations with customers. When information is provided on nametags (as Disney does with employees' hometowns) or on websites (as many health organizations and fitness centers do), most consumers react positively.
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