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Robin Galloway

National Educational Technology Plan: Your Questions Answered | Edutopia - 2 views

  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • The 124-page document lays out an ambitious agenda for transforming teaching and learning through technology. Much of the plan emphasizes "21st century learning," and competencies that, according to the Department of Education, include critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • a world of digital knowledge, "always on"0- learning resources, and online communities for both educators and students
  • At least one Internet-enabled device for every student and educator
  • Use of Creative Commons and open licenses in course content
  • Changes to CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) to open access to the Internet and rethink how filtering works in schools
  • Transform the print-based classroom into a digital learning environment.
  • Encourage online learning
  • As good as the NETP may sound, it may be a bit disconcerting that here we are, two years into the Obama Administration, and we've only just now agreed on the plan for education technology.
  • But a plan, of course, is merely that -- a plan. It remains to be seen if there is either the political willpower or the budget to enact its contents.
    "An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education."
Magda Galloway

Instructional Technology | UNI - College of Education - 5 views

    "Undergraduate students preparing to be teachers will be users and leaders of technology in classrooms and schools. The Educational Technology Minor gives them one more way to demonstrate their teaching skills. The Instructional Technology graduate degree program creates opportunities in classrooms and in the business community."
Katie Krill

Use of Information Technology in Education | Use of Technology - 0 views

  • New technologies are changing the way we learn and they have also changed the process of teaching.
    Interesting article: 6 uses of information technology in education.  Can be applied to any grade level.
Amber Kramer

Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance | Edutopia - 0 views

    How to find a balance with technology and use it to enhance learning rather than be dependent on it.
Ms. Bueltel

Educational Technology / Elementary Technology Lessons - 0 views

    This website has numerous lesson plans for different grades with educational technology as the vocal point. But also incorporating a basic subject as well. Check out all the different technology being used! 
Ms. Bueltel

Educational technology - 0 views

  • "the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources."[1] A cl
  • Media
  • Computers, tablets and mobile devices
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Audio and video
  • Social networks
  • Webcams
  • Whiteboards
  • Screencasting
  • Virtual classroom
  • Learning management system
    What is Educational Technology? FInd out definitions and information about educational technology. From the students point of view and as a teacher. 
Lois Lindell

New School Technology - The Ugly Truth of Technology Integration - 0 views

    Reflections on the joys and challenges of using technology in the classroom.  
Kim McCoy-Parker

Exactly What The Common Core Standards Say About Technology - 0 views

  • The Common Core standards don’t just suggest novel technology use as a way to “engage students,” but rather requires learners to make complex decisions about how, when, and why to use technology–something educators must do as well.
  • With the Common Core, such use is now a matter of law.
Carrie Caffrey

Technology in the Classroom | US News & World Report - 1 views

    News articles about technology in the classroom.
    This page has different articles such as top 10 most connected classrooms, 4 tech tips for parents to embrace digital education, Twitter goes to College, etc. Good source of information and tips on how to deal with technology becoming a larger part of our life on a day-to-day basis.
Ethan Harvey

Teachers' Views about Effective Use of Technology in Classrooms: OneSearch! - 0 views

    An overview of strategies for integrating various technological mediums into the classrooms and educators' perceptions on strategies and technology in general.

Technology in the Classroom: The Benefits of Blended Learning - 0 views

    As we advance further into the 21st century, technology is becoming more and more integrated into our society. Smart phones are now commonplace, tablets are replacing or substituting for computers and laptops, and social media has become second nature. The rapid and widespread adoption of these technological innovations has completely changed the way we conduct our daily lives, including how knowledge is digested and taught in our classrooms - but is it a positive change? Should we be worried about teachers and students using technology in the classroom? Our mathematics coordinator and NMSI expert, Jeremy Posey, digs deep and shares some knowledge on how technology can benefit your students.
Ms. Bueltel

The Library Voice - 0 views

    This is from our guest speaker. Gives some insight on the library and technology
  • ...1 more comment...
    The Library Voice is a blog made by Shannon Miller talking about technology and connecting it to education.
    The Library Voice- Shannon Millers website. Shannon Miller is trying to change the education world by integrating technology throughout our curriculum. Check out her blog to see what creative, new ideas she is presenting.
    The Library Voice- Shannon Millers website. Shannon Miller is trying to change the education world by integrating technology throughout our curriculum. Check out her blog to see what creative, new ideas she is presenting.
kayla kronfeld

Evolution of Classroom Technology (Jeff Dunn) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classr... - 0 views

    I really enjoyed this neat blog post! I liked looking at all the older "technology" advancements!
Austin Jacobson

Free Technology for Teachers | Diigo - 0 views

    Free Technology for Teachers
    Free Technology for Teachers
Carrie Caffrey

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers Who Use Technology | TeachBytes - 1 views

    This web page shows different habits that teachers who use technology in the classroom have. It talks about things such as how the teachers are able to adapt to change, they share information in order to collaborate with other teachers so they can optimize their classroom, and how these teachers care. A great article!

What Students Really Think About Technology In The Classroom - 0 views

    It is important to implement technology into the classroom and students enjoy it.
Morgan Malskeit

Worksheets & Handouts | Play and learn: Being online - 0 views

  • Today, children are going online at an increasingly young age; therefore this book aims at introducing concepts of modern technology in their daily vocabulary and activities. Whilst this activity book offers children from 4 to 8 years of age 30 pages of fun and games, it also leads them to sharpen their basic language and mathematical, social and cultural skills. It gives them a glimpse of the impact modern technology can have on their everyday life. Above all it offers an opportunity for parents and teachers to sit together with their children and discuss these important issues. Although the activity book was created in such a way that young children can enjoy and do the games alone, many of the exercises do have a deeper level. The booklet endeavours to encourage parents and teachers to talk about topics such as privacy and modern technology with their children and pupils starting from a very young age as these issues undoubtedly already play an important role in their lives. The table on page 4 offers parents and teachers an overview of the themes that are touched upon and the exercises that go with them. Additional information can be found at We encourage you to read these guidelines as they will provide more sample information about the pedagogical objectives behind each game and the messages the children will hopefully pick up
    What technology can have on peoples lives and the outcomes of it.
Kristen Ray

Classroom Of The Future - Technology News - redOrbit - 4 views

    The future technology in classrooms.
Morgan Malskeit

Technology in Education - Education Week Research Center - 0 views

    This article talks about what technology is doing to help with education and if they are helping with their learning or not.
Danielle Chelf

5 Reasons Technology in the Classroom Engages Students - 2 views

    5 reasons technology in the classroom is important.
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