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Nelson Rokke

MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching - 1 views

    MERLOT is a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy. 
Nikki Lyons

The Next Generation Science Standards | Next Generation Science Standards - 0 views

    Quality science education is based on standards that are rich in content and practice, with aligned curricula, pedagogy, assessment, and teacher preparation and development. It has been nearly 15 years since the National Research Council and the American Association for Advancement in Science produced the seminal documents on which most state standards are based. Since that time, major advances in science and our understanding of how students learn science have taken place and need to be reflected in state standards. The time is right to forge Next Generation Science Standards.
    This is an excellent resource for those who are doing science as a part of their Thematic Unit teams
Lois Lindell

New School Technology - The Ugly Truth of Technology Integration - 0 views

    Reflections on the joys and challenges of using technology in the classroom.  
Robin Galloway

The Napsterfication of Learning - 2 views

    "There's been an on-going industrial-institutional complex at play here for at least the past 30 years that has ensured the continued irrelevance of technology to learning"
Robin Galloway

Teaching Channel: Videos, Lesson Plans and Other Resources for Teachers - 1 views

    Practical advice to improve your own teaching
Robin Galloway

Not Just the Facts, Ma'am - 2 views

    How can you connect your students to the wider world around them?
Robin Galloway

Problem Based Learning at Stenden University - YouTube - 0 views

    Learn the 7 steps of problem based learning (PBL)
Robin Galloway

K12 Online Conference - 1 views

    Free annual online conference for educators. 
Robin Galloway

Should You Flip Your Classroom? | Edutopia - 1 views

  • flipped instruction is by no means a new methodology
  • At its core, "flipped instruction" refers to moving aspects of teaching out of the classroom and into the homework space.
  • We must strive to be facilitators, mentors and guides for our students, as if what we are preparing them for, much like my surgeon, will one day change lives. Any teaching methodology that amplifies this role is a step in the right direction.
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