primary of which is the idea that
curriculum is a “complicated conversation.”
Pinar argues that curriculum
is an organic idea rather than a Socraticmessage that never changes (Pinar, 2011) Teachers must discover this
for themselvesthrough methods of self reflection and self discovery.
Pinar has a good grasp of the situation stating “standardization makes everyonestupid,” and “to deny the past and force the future, we teach to the test.”
What knowledge is of most worth (pg. 210)? This is a difficult question that requiresreflection into what is the most at stake for us as teachers and for our students as learners.
The conflict within this text focuses on the loss of power and privilege of teachers over the teaching profession. Pinar (2011) states, "How could we have so fallen in the public's eyethat we are no longer entitled to professional self-governance, the very prerequisite for professionalism?" (p. 69).
The inability for teachers to have a voice results in an environment in which the professionalism aspect of a professional group has been diminished to a non-existent level.
illiam F. Pinar‟s purpose in writing this book is to ask us [the student] to question this
present moment and our relation to it. In doing so, we are to question the very reason behind
what it means to teach, “To study, to become “educated” in the presen
t moment (Pinar, 2011)
Pinar vision of schooling is
to "understand, not just implement or evaluate thecurriculum" (Pinar, 2011). He urges educators to know what they are teaching. Reciting from a
text and reading from a manual is not teaching in his opinion and it‟s not teaching in ours either.
As students we are asked to brainstorm and use our imagination to picture the perfect scenario.Pinar is asking teachers to do the same
Pinar describes curriculum theory as: an interdisciplinary field in which teacher education is
conceived as the professionalization of intellectual freedom, fore fronting teachers‟ and students‟
individuality (originality), their creativity, and constantly engaging in ongoing if complicatedconversation informed by a self-reflexive, interdisciplinary erudition (Pinar, 2011)
By tying the curriculum to student performance on standardized test, teachers were forced toabandon their intellectual freedom to choose what they teach, how they teach, and how theyassess student learning (Pinar, 2011). Failure to learn has been the result of separating the
curriculum from the interest of students and the passion of teachers.
Contemporary is referring to a person in thesame field or time period as you. Pinar is trying to emphasize that we are not all moving at thesame speed when it comes to educating middle and elementary students
Teachers are then empowered tohave a voice to influence the curriculum in such a manner that positively contributes to studentlearning. Pinar is urging teachers to take back their classroom. Take the initiative and leadwithout boundaries. Instruct without guidelines and open your mind to learning indirectly fromyour students
Students are set up to fail but it is not really their fault.
They attend school where the
system begs for learning to equate to test scores and they become “consumers” of
educational s
ervices rather than “students”
This system also encourages drop-outs becauseschools only want to teach students that have acceptable test scores which benefits the
school‟s accountability. Students do not experience an environment that places importance
on the development of ideas and critical thinking but rather the successful completion of atest.
Demonization of the teacher has been the result of the current political and economic powers have placed the teacher in an unimportant position in the educational hierarchy andassume that business leaders know more about the curriculum and teaching than the teachersknow
themselves. Teachers have become “technicians” because of school deform and are
encouraged to replace ideas and know
ledge with “cognitive skills” that will fit into the
jobsettings of the future. According to Pinar, these skills result in historical amnesia, political passivity and cultural standardization.
He invites us to become “temporal” subjects of history, living
simultaneously in the past, present, and future
aware of the historical conditions that haveshaped the current situation, engaged in the present battles being waged over the course anddirection of public education, and committed to re-building a democratic public sphere.
collaborate in an online research initiative with another site or institution
create a multimedia presentation on a particular aspect of their research
description of the steps learners should go through
with links embedded in each step.
list of the resources
resources embedded within the Process section,
non-Web resources can also be used
1 for evaluating students' work
clear goals, matching assessments to specific tasks
During the introductory stage of the WebQuest, it can be very helpful to point out three types of student examples: exemplary, acceptable, and unacceptable.
Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information.
Digital Literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology.
5. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure.
6. Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world.
8. Digital Health & Wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
Digital Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety.
We need to have virus protection, backups of data, and surge control of our equipment. As responsible citizens, we must protect our information from outside forces that might cause disruption or harm
psychological issues that are becoming more prevalent such as Internet addiction.
protect themselves through education and training.
basic set of rights extended to every digital citizen. Digital citizens have the right to privacy, free speech, etc.
Digital law deals with the ethics of technology within a society. Unethical use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime.