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Matthew J. Vannice

Impacted classes - 4 views

Mike Shearer brought up a questions that I would really like to have more discussion on: Are impacted classes, co-taught by general and special ed, a good idea or not? What do you think?

Matthew J. Vannice

Special Education Research - 1 views

  • Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)PALS was developed at Vanderbilt University to supplement classroom instruction. This multi-site randomized controlled study examines the level of teacher assistance needed to support research-validated reading intervention for promoting development in children from kindergarten through fourth grade.For further information contact Professors Doug Fuchs or Lynn Fuchs.Project AccessAccess focuses its research on peer support strategies for inclusive schools including research on the use of peer support programs to facilitate the inclusion of secondary age students with severe disabilities and autism into regular education classrooms.For further information contact Professor Craig Kennedy.
  • The Effects of Strategy and Self-Regulation Instruction on Students' Writing Performance and Behavior: A Preventative Approach (Project WRITE)This is a research grant funded by the Institute of Educational Sciences to study the effects of writing interventions for second grade students with difficulties in writing and behavioral performance.For further information contact Professor Kathleen Lane.
Matthew J. Vannice

Study Guides and Strategies - 1 views

    Study and test taking strategies
Kristyn Pierson

Spread the word to end the word - 0 views

shared by Kristyn Pierson on 03 Mar 10 - Cached
    This website was featured on the news this morning. If you click on the link "Get the Resources" under End the Word on 3.3.10 it gives some additional information.
Matthew J. Vannice

The Learning Environment: Learning and Teaching should be Inclusive and Enjoyable - 2 views

  • Learning and Teaching should be Inclusive and Enjoyable:
    Enhancing the "Learning Environment"-- I love how the author of this page identifies the elements of environment -visual -aural -Behavioral -External -Internal
    Check out the descriptions here around the elements of the school environment...may be a good resource in the citations at bottom aswell
Matthew J. Vannice

Aimee Mullins: The opportunity of adversity | Video on - 3 views

Abby Himlie

LeadCast Blog on Co-Teaching - 9 views

    Diane Lauer forwarded this to me - sent to her by Roger Quintanilla. Great that so many departments are researching!
  • ...1 more comment...
    I like the part about being able to address the social and emotional needs along with the academic. (in the "why co-teaching" section). I think the common thread throughout is communication and collaboration. How could we use this information presented, not just in this blog, but throughout the literature related to co-teaching, to ease the concerns our teachers may have? -time, ownership, change,...
    When searching around on the parent site for this blog "Leadscape", I found some great PD modules with resources through the Professional Learning tab. No time to look through yet but there is a wealth of info!!
    I briefly looked over the Inclusive Education for Equity module. Very interesting. This is a whole systems change.
Matthew J. Vannice

Leadscape - 0 views

    "This professional learning module presents UDL as an approach to providing access to robust opportunities to learn for a diverse range of learners in inclusive educational environments."
    UDL professional development module
Matthew J. Vannice

Differentiated Instruction HTML - 0 views

  • Access to the content is seen as key.
    • Matthew J. Vannice
      Seems to be a denouncement of remedial and tracking based courses.
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a curriculum designed approach to increase flexibility in teaching and decrease the barriers that frequently limit student access to materials and learning in classrooms (Rose & Meyer, 2002).
  • Differentiated instruction is a process to teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is, and assisting in the learning process.
Matthew J. Vannice

What Does it Mean to Improve Access to the General Education Curriculum? - 2 views

  • general education curriculum is operationalized in terms of appropriate, standards-based instructional and learning goals
  • What Does it Mean to Improve Access to the General Education Curriculum?
  • access is a multi-dimensional and dynamic process that involves a combination of instructional practices and supports.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The Access Center proposes that access to the general education curriculum occurs when students with disabilities are actively engaged in learning the content and skills that define the general education curriculum.
  • research-based instructional methods and practices are being used
  • research-based materials and media are being used
  • learn general education content and skills
    • Matthew J. Vannice
      ...and skills!! how do we build skills alongside content area comprehension at the secondary level?
    • Sally Dowiatt
      I think this is a critical question. With only so much time in a day, it comes down to what is more important, the skill of reading well or the content of any general class. We can't always do both effectively.
    • Matthew J. Vannice
      Sally, you are very right. Student achievement may even hinge on this topic of academic skill v. content knowledge. It is true that our time is precious and we have to balance so much in order to provide effective instruction. When you say; "We can't always do both effectively." I think there are many of us who truly see it this way. However, I'd like to challenge us to look at it from a different angle. Why do we have to choose which part of learning is more important? Aren't both areas of knowledge necessary for success? What if we change the "We can't..." to "How can we...?" How can we use peer buddy/mentoring systems? How can we integrate curriculum with skill development strategies? How can we use small group instruction to support skill development with flexible grouping? How can we use current technology to enhance integrating skills and content? How can we model acceptance and shared responsibility for others skill needs/deficits? How can we facilitate the planning required to address the skills needed? How can we ensure that these skills are generalized across the students academic and social environments? It seems to, again, come back to access. Are the students able to access the content? If not, do they have the skills to- ie. whats getting in the way?.......
  • research-based supports and accommodations
  • assessing and documenting whether students with disabilities are meeting high standards and achieving their instructional goals.
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