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Matthew J. Vannice

Differentiated Instruction HTML - 0 views

  • Access to the content is seen as key.
    • Matthew J. Vannice
      Seems to be a denouncement of remedial and tracking based courses.
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a curriculum designed approach to increase flexibility in teaching and decrease the barriers that frequently limit student access to materials and learning in classrooms (Rose & Meyer, 2002).
  • Differentiated instruction is a process to teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is, and assisting in the learning process.
Matthew J. Vannice

Livescribe in the Classroom: The Echo™ smartpen Revolutionizes Learning - 0 views

    The Livescribe smartpens provide all students with unlimited access to teacher instruction any time, anywhere and provides specific student populations and educational programs with a more customized learning experience.
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