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Colin Bennett

Progress review in the materials science of silicene - 0 views

    "Silicene is the thinnest form of silicon. It is metallic, has graphene-like mobile carriers and can behave like a semiconductor. The wonder material could lead to even smaller electronics but challenges remain in this review published in the Science and Technology of Advanced Materials"
Colin Bennett

Europe's top science job axed - 0 views

  • The most senior European regulators and law-makers no longer have a link to the evidence base of the European research community.
Colin Bennett

Global green tech revolution at risk, India can play role in reforming mining practices... - 3 views

Glycon Garcia

Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy | Video on - 0 views

  • Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
  • What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and the wind's not blowing. In this accessible, inspiring talk, Donald Sadoway takes to the blackboard to show us the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy. As he says: "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap." Donald S
    "Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy Tweet this talk! (we'll add the headline and the URL) Post to: Share on Twitter Email This Favorite Download inShare Share on StumbleUpon Share on Reddit Share on Facebook TED Conversations Got an idea, question, or debate inspired by this talk? Start a TED Conversation, or join one of these: Green Home Energy=Hydrogen Generators-alternative sources Started by Kathleen Gilligan-Smith 1 Comment What is the real missing link in renewable energy? Started by Enrico Petrucco 8 Comments Comment on this Talk 60 total comments Sign in to add comments or Join (It's free and fast!) Sort By: smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Nice smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Good David Mackey 0 Reply 3 hours ago: Superb invention, but I would suggest one more standard mantra that they should move on from and that is the idea of power being supplied by a centralised grid. This technology seems to me to be much more beneficial on a local scale, what if every home had its own battery, then home power generation becomes economically more viable for everyone. If you could show that a system like this could pay for itself in say 5 years then every home would want one. Plus for this to be implemented on a large scale requires massive investment that could be decades away. Share the technology and lets get it in homes by next year. Great ted talk. Jon Senior 0 Reply 1 hour ago: I agree 100%. Localised energy production would also make energy consumers more conscious of their consumption and encourage efforts to reduce it. We can invent and invent all we want, but the fast solution to allowing renewable energies to take centre stage is to reduce the base energy draw. With lower baseline consumption, smaller "always on" generators are required to keep the grid operational. Town and house-l
Colin Bennett

Emerging Trends in Thermal Energy Storage - 1 views

    "Thermal energy storage (TES) is a system to store thermal energy. TES can be differentiated into three different categories, namely sensible, latent and thermochemical. The main drivers that propel development of TES system are advancements in material sciences and the emergence of smart thermal grid. Although some of the TES system is already mature especially sensible, adoption of this technology is still slow due to lack of awareness from stakeholders to employ this technology as a method to achieve energy efficiency. Furthermore, high cost of new technology and the recent dramatic drop in oil prices have inhibited or slowed the adoption of TES due to less compelling economics. By using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), emerging TES systems based on latent and thermochemical have been identified as the future of TES systems because it shows remarkable performance capabilities. However, strengthening legislation and standardization frameworks need to be done to see wider adoption of TES systems in the future, especially in Europe and North America."
Colin Bennett

Revolutionizing Nano-Device Fabrication Using Amorphous Metals - 0 views

    Unlike most metals, "amorphous metals" known as bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) do not form crystal structures when they are cooled rapidly after heating. Although they seem solid, they are more like a very slow-flowing liquid that has no structure beyond the atomic level - making them ideal for molding fine details, said senior author Jan Schroers of the Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science.
Colin Bennett

Bog barons to trash mining: Top 10 environment articles - New Scientist - 0 views

  • is now making free all in-depth articles from the past 12 months. In case you missed them, here are the top 10 best features on environmental science.
Colin Bennett

31,000 "Scientists" (Some Dead) Refute Global Warming | EcoGeek - 0 views

shared by Colin Bennett on 21 May 08 - Cached
    In keeping with the amount of virtual ink this item deserves, we're going to try and keep this short. The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine held a press conference this morning to announce that 31,000 "scientists" have signed a petition rejecting claims of human-caused global warming.
Colin Bennett

Global Market for Superconductivity Applications to Reach $4.2 billion in 2019 - 1 views

    "Superconducting magnets, particularly those used in science, research, and technology development and healthcare applications, dominate the market. The healthcare segment is presently the largest market for superconducting applications, accounting for 63% of the global market in 2013 led by the superconducting magnets used in MRI scanners. However, superconducting electrical equipment segment (e.g., transformers, generators, motors, fault current limiters (FCLs), power storage, current leads, and cable) is expected to capture over 36% of the market by 2019. Superconducting electronics are also anticipated to gain significant market share over the next five years"
Colin Bennett

EPA releases proposal to protect Bristol Bay, Alaska fisheries from potential impacts p... - 0 views

  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 is issuing a proposal to protect one of the world’s most valuable salmon fisheries, in Bristol Bay, Alaska, from the risks posed by large-scale mining at the Pebble deposit. Science has shown that development of this mine, which is backed by Northern Dynasty Minerals and the Pebble Limited Partnership, would be one of the largest open pit copper mines in the world and would threaten one of the world’s most productive salmon fisheries. EPA Region 10 is seeking public comments on the proposal.
Colin Bennett

World risks shortage of materials for EVs and wind turbines without agreements for gree... - 6 views

    Another one in a series of studies on this topic. This one predicts an 87,000% increase in the demand for battery materials which is not very helpful. Exponential extrapolation from a small basis over a long time horizon can basically come up with any growth figure. The logistic growth curve is a much better and proven model for technology transitions.
    "Demand for cobalt, copper, lithium, cadmium, and rare earth elements needed for solar photovoltaics, batteries, electric vehicle motors, wind turbines, fuel cells, and nuclear reactors is set to explode in the coming years as countries around the world invest heavily in greening their economies".
    Orginal source: (though (also behind a paywall) and The latter mentions the 87000% figure referred to in the above comment.
Hans De Keulenaer

Review of critical metal dynamics to 2050 for 48 elements - ScienceDirect - 3 views

  • There are also many studies on copper in the case of nuclear, geothermal and biomass power plants.
  • Elshkaki and Graedel (2015) further estimated future demand for tellurium, selenium, indium, and germanium for the deployment of solar PV, highlighting the possibility of an oversupply of copper and zinc if these host metals are mined according to by-product demand.
  • How will copper contamination constrain future global steel recycling?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Assessing environmental implications associated with global copper demand and supply scenarios from 2010 to 2050
  • Global distribution of used and unused extracted materials induced by consumption of Iron, copper, and nickel
  • Estimating global copper demand until 2100 with regression and stock dynamics
Colin Bennett

Smelly socks raise silver stink - 0 views

  • Swedish researcher Rickard Arvidsson felt that these experiments were essentially missing a trick. They looked for evidence of silver in the water after the socks and shirts had been washed. What they didn't do was look in the sludge that accumulates when water is treated.
Colin Bennett

Video: Deep sea mining plan for minerals - 0 views

  • UK Seabed Resources, a subsidiary of the British arm of Lockheed Martin, hopes to extract so-called nodules - small lumps of rock - from the ocean floor.
Colin Bennett

EU energy use to fall by 30% under new efficiency plans for 2030 - 1 views

    "There will also be a big focus on renovating older buildings. This sector accounts for 40% of Europe's energy consumption and the proposal aims to create a building renovation market with a value of up to 120bn euros by 2030."
James Wright

China - Wuxi Lineo to start new 60,000t/y copper wirerod line by October 2012, with add... - 0 views

    Wuxi Lineo Science and Technology Group began construction of a 60,000t/y copper wirerod mill in Wuxi City, Jiangsu province. Start-up is expected to take place by October 2012. The company will also invest in a second phase expansion project that will involve the addition of another 60,000t/y wirerod production line by November 2014. The plant will be primarily fed with refined copper cathode sourced from Tongling Nonferrous Metals in Anhui province and is designed to serve wirerod to domestic wire and cable producers unless market prices become sufficiently attractive to allow for export. Wuxi Lineo Group is a private enterprise with downstream manufacturing subsidiaries producing cable, hardware, mechanical and electrical products.
Colin Bennett

3-D laser sintering technology creates possibility of significant weight savings in air... - 0 views

  • More than 50 percent weight savings in aircraft construction is now possible using hypermodern production techniques. A process called 3-D laser sintering of the raw material permits a completely new kind of fabrication. This process can reduce aircraft component part counts and improve designs, leading to enormous savings in weight and volume. The only equipment for this process in Austria - and at its time the second in the world - is located at FOTEC in Wiener Neustadt. The research subsidiary of the University of Applied Sciences located there is presently optimising the monitoring and quality control of the production process, while manufacturing a fuel collector for an aircraft engine that is even around 75 percent lighter than before.
samir markets

Materials & Chemicals Market Research Reports - 1 views

    Materials & Chemicals is an interdisciplinary heavy industry sector. Materials industry applies the properties of matter to various areas of science and engineering. It incorporates elements of applied physics and chemistry.
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