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Colin Bennett

Switchgear Market Worth $136.71 Billion by 2019 - Largest markets Asia Pacific and util... - 0 views

    "Asia Pacific: The Largest Market for Switchgear The Asia-Pacific region holds the largest market for switchgear, driven largely by the number of transmission and distribution line up gradations and developments in the South East Asia. These developments are due to its growing energy needs is the major growth engine for this market. Utilities: Biggest Market by Application Switchgear is mostly used in Transmission & Distribution by power utility companies. They are used for switching the equipment or the circuit during the event of fault. With the growing transmission and distribution network across globe, the number of substations will keep on increasing. This increasing number of substations is expected to increase the use and demand for switchgears. Maximum T&D expansion projects are ongoing in Asia-Pacific and the market is expected to be the biggest and the fastest growing market for switchgear. The Switchgear industry is fragmented and offers several opportunities for consolidation and growth in efficiency through an increase in economies of scale. The industry has low entry and exit barriers. This is a major driver of the Switchgear Market. Top players of the PR market are ABB (Switzerland), Eaton Corporation (Ireland), GE (U.S.), and Siemens AG (Germany)."
Colin Bennett

ROI of market research - 0 views

    "How can we measure ROI? The more general the market research objective, the more difficult it is to achieve a ROI measurement. In possibly half the market research projects that are commissioned, it is likely to be difficult, if not impossible, to measure the ROI. For these projects though, a more subjective approach would be useful to justify the market research expenditure. For example, to the question 'what is the risk to the business of taking a decision without market intelligence?' the importance of the business decision can be ranked from 1-5, where 1 is low and 5 is high. If the answer to it is a score of 4 or 5, then market research could be justified. Where is the measurement most feasible? It is clear that the measurement of market research ROI is a valid concept, even though there are inherent difficulties in doing so. It is worth holding a post mortem after every research study is completed to judge the success of the project and whether it was financially justified. In other words, a straightforward satisfaction score on the research project may, in itself, be as good a measure as any."
Glycon Garcia

Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy | Video on - 0 views

  • Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
  • What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and the wind's not blowing. In this accessible, inspiring talk, Donald Sadoway takes to the blackboard to show us the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy. As he says: "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap." Donald S
    "Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy Tweet this talk! (we'll add the headline and the URL) Post to: Share on Twitter Email This Favorite Download inShare Share on StumbleUpon Share on Reddit Share on Facebook TED Conversations Got an idea, question, or debate inspired by this talk? Start a TED Conversation, or join one of these: Green Home Energy=Hydrogen Generators-alternative sources Started by Kathleen Gilligan-Smith 1 Comment What is the real missing link in renewable energy? Started by Enrico Petrucco 8 Comments Comment on this Talk 60 total comments Sign in to add comments or Join (It's free and fast!) Sort By: smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Nice smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Good David Mackey 0 Reply 3 hours ago: Superb invention, but I would suggest one more standard mantra that they should move on from and that is the idea of power being supplied by a centralised grid. This technology seems to me to be much more beneficial on a local scale, what if every home had its own battery, then home power generation becomes economically more viable for everyone. If you could show that a system like this could pay for itself in say 5 years then every home would want one. Plus for this to be implemented on a large scale requires massive investment that could be decades away. Share the technology and lets get it in homes by next year. Great ted talk. Jon Senior 0 Reply 1 hour ago: I agree 100%. Localised energy production would also make energy consumers more conscious of their consumption and encourage efforts to reduce it. We can invent and invent all we want, but the fast solution to allowing renewable energies to take centre stage is to reduce the base energy draw. With lower baseline consumption, smaller "always on" generators are required to keep the grid operational. Town and house-l
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US wind turbine market worth $60.9 billion in 2013 - 0 views

    According to a new technical market research report from BCC Research, the domestic market for wind turbine components and systems will be worth $60.9 billion in 2013. This represents an increase from the 2007 market value of $7.9 billion and the estimated 2008 market value of $11.2 billion. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2008 and 2013 is expected to be 40.0%. \n\nThe market is analyzed by state and includes the top ten spenders on wind turbine technology: Texas, California, Iowa, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, New York, Kansas and Illinois. Texas has the largest statewide expenditure, exceeding $2.4 billion in 2007 and an estimated $3.0 billion in 2008. This should grow at a CAGR of 38.0% to reach $15.2 billion in 2013. \n
Colin Bennett

Global Market for Superconductivity Applications to Reach $4.2 billion in 2019 - 1 views

    "Superconducting magnets, particularly those used in science, research, and technology development and healthcare applications, dominate the market. The healthcare segment is presently the largest market for superconducting applications, accounting for 63% of the global market in 2013 led by the superconducting magnets used in MRI scanners. However, superconducting electrical equipment segment (e.g., transformers, generators, motors, fault current limiters (FCLs), power storage, current leads, and cable) is expected to capture over 36% of the market by 2019. Superconducting electronics are also anticipated to gain significant market share over the next five years"
Colin Bennett

Energy volatility reflects lack of investment in oil industry - 0 views

    Although volatility in most assets is sharply lower than it was in November, oil price volatility has continued to climb. This rise in volatility, and resulting near $30-a-barrel oil price, is reflecting the same imbalances in the energy market that $147 oil did last summer: namely inadequate investment in basic infrastructure to produce, deliver, store and distribute energy. Last summer, attention focused on shortages in production capacity. However, present underlying shortages in storage and transportation are creating massive price distortions across the energy complex. Storage and transportation capacity provides the system with a buffer to supply-and-demand shocks by allowing it to run surpluses and deficits that smooth the normal cyclical swings in prices. As global storage capacity has failed to keep pace with growth in global demand over the past three decades, this buffer has shrunk relative to the size of the market, resulting in chronically higher than normal price volatility. Once infrastructure begins to constrain the ability of the market to run imbalances, prices have to create more of the adjustment process. Electricity markets are an extreme case of this. As power cannot be stored, supply must always equal demand, leaving price as the only mechanism to force the adjustment process. Accordingly, electricity is the most volatile of all assets. Due to inadequate infrastructure investment over the past several decades, oil is looking more like the electricity markets.
Colin Bennett

Power Transformer Market to 2020 - 0 views

    "The report analyzes the revenues, average price and volume by power transformers used by various voltage line segments for the key eight countries in the market. The market shares for the key players in each country have been provided. At global level, the drivers and restraints of the market is also provided."
Colin Bennett

Global solid state transformer market 2015-2020 - 1 views

    "The market is expected to be driven by the adoption of solid state transformers and demand for alternative power generation, traction locomotives, and power distribution in addition to the electrical vehicle charging stations till 2020. The European market is expected to account for the largest market share, followed by Asia-Pacific and the North America in 2017."
Colin Bennett

Replacing Copper with Aluminum in Cable Presents Huge Market Potential - Shanghai Metal... - 2 views

    "SHANGHAI, Aug. 11 (SMM) - There is huge market potential to replace copper with aluminum in China's cable industry, reported. Market value of China's aluminum alloy cable approached 13 million yuan ($2.1 million) in 2014. However, China's rate of substituting aluminum alloy for copper in cable is just 3%-5% at present, well below 55% in Japan. Currently, the rate of using aluminum alloy and Al-Mg-Si alloy to replace copper cable has reached 70%-75% in the US, added, quoting data from Research and Markets. "
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South Africa: Engineering,construction industry grows despite global market volatility - 0 views

    The current growth in the local and international engineering, civils and construction markets is expected to continue despite the current volatility experi- enced in world economic markets, reports the South African Association of Consulting Engineers (Saace). Saace CEO Graham Pirie says that even though the local infrastructure roll-out programme and the infrastructure investments from emerging markets such as China were initiated before the period of global market volatility, infrastructure builds cannot be halted as they are vital to the economic growth of countries. "Government's commitment of R500-bil-lion, in addition to the money invested in the 2010 FIFA World Cup stadiums, to be spent over three years, means that 2010 is a small component of a larger investment that government is encouraging," says Pirie. He comments that the infrastructure roll-out programme is necessary, given the 20-year infrastructure investment backlog that South Africa needs to resolve. Pirie says that events hosted in the country since 1994 have encouraged infrastructure reinvestment. "Prior to 1994, South Africa didn't host sporting or political events that would draw an influx of tourists into the country, so the need for infrastructure reinvestment was minimal. "From 1994, with the 1995 rugby World Cup looming, government got serious about resolving this. Certain sporting events, such as the 1995 rugby World Cup, the 2003 cricket World Cup and the 2010 soccer World Cup, focus the right amount of attention on infras- tructure reinvestment at the right time," says Pirie
Colin Bennett

Black Markets for Rare Earth Metals - 0 views

    That "evidence" relates to an article published by The Australian on May 28 which stated, "In Japan, the world's biggest importer of rare-earth metals, more than 10,000 tonnes per year about a fifth of the country's total annual consumption are thought to enter the country through a thriving black import network without which Japan would already be in a severe supply crisis, a senior government official said." We believe a black market exists, in this particular case, because of several actions taken by the Chinese government (by the way, the RE (rare earths) black market in Japan receives its supply from China). The biggest reason a black market exists however, relates to mining quotas and export restrictions. In addition, China has taken an active international M&A stance to make strategic investments.
Colin Bennett

Global Power Industry Outlook, 2017 - 1 views

    "The transition to a more decentralised and intelligent energy system will continue in 2017, driven by the continued regulatory support for renewable energy in a number of key markets. The 3 Ds of energy are driving future investment - increased decentralisation, the need to decarbonise electricity generation, and digitisation to boost the sector's operational efficiency and open up new market opportunities. The highest growth rates will be for solar PV, with investment forecast to increase by 11.5% to €141.6 billion in 2017. China continues to be the largest market in terms of revenue investment, but the fastest growth will come from India, which will see double-digit growth in investment to 2020. New business models that incentivise smarter consumption patterns, and the growth of energy storage technologies, will increasingly reduce the need for peak capacity investment in mature energy markets."
Colin Bennett

Facts & Figures: Industrial Market for Connectors - 0 views

    "By region, the largest industrial market for connectors is found in Europe with a 35% share of market. North America follows with a 25% share. The smallest region is ROW (Rest of World) with a 6% share of the industrial market."
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Solar and Semiconductors Come Together In San Francisco - 0 views

    The solar industry and semiconductor industry are intimately connected. Both industries rely on silicon and both use much of the same processing technology and supply chain to produce their products. Nowhere has this connection been on better display than last week at the Moscone Center in San Francisco California, where the Intersolar North America made its debut in conjunction with SEMICON West 2008. The show provided an opportunity for those in the two industries to connect and allowed those companies that work in both spaces to showcase their collective efforts. According to Chris O'Brien, Head of Market Development and Government Relations for North America for Oerlikon Solar, holding the two conferences together gave companies greater exposure and showed the promise of the U.S. solar market. In recent months a number of traditional semiconductor companies including Intel and National Semiconductor have made announcements that they are making plans to enter the solar industry in one way or another. Intel spun off it's solar research area into a new solar company called SpectraWatt. National Semiconductor announced that it will be introducing it's first solar product, SolarMagic, that could raise the efficiency of residential and industrial solar systems. Kevin Kayser, Senior Marketing Manager at National said that he product will be targeted at installers and integrators and much planning went into the company's decision to enter the solar space. "Photovoltaics currently has less than 1% of the energy market, but we think it has potentially one of the fastest growth rates of any alternative energy source. Now certainly we're looking at wind, we're looking geothermal, we're looking at other sources, but from an electronics point of view we saw that we had the most immediate potential impact in solar photovoltaics," Kayser said.
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Aluminum hits all-time record highs despite weak demand - 0 views

    Aluminum may have been responding to two different events in the week ending July 11 when it hit a succession of all-time price highs , but the market remains divided over the medium-term direction, given that world fundamentals point to weak demand and rising stock levels. \n\nFundamentally, however, analysts and market players were mixed in their impressions of whether the price could be sustained, especially as word emerged from China that the cuts may not be a certainty. \n\nAluminum finished floor trade for the week at $3,318/mt, up $150 from the July 4 closing price of $3,168. Fundamentally, however, analysts and market players were mixed in their impressions of whether the price could be sustained, especially as word emerged from China that the cuts may not be a certainty. \n\nPointed out a US broker, "When you hear producers [in China] are shutting production because demand is weak, that's normally bearish," yet the market saw "insane" price moves. "I hear metal just continues to pour into warehouses, and not all of it reported, obviously, [since] otherwise you'd see it in the stock numbers. A lot is going off warrant," he pointed out. \n\n\n
Colin Bennett

Unbundling under the Third Energy Package by EU Energy Policy Blog - 0 views

    The benefits for the market are obvious. Regional, ownership unbundled transmission/ infrastructure companies have a natural incentive to maximise the offering of capacity to the market, as this is the sole mechanism through which they achieve their revenues. They will be happy to invest to meet market demand. With their large scale and regional approach they can pass through the benefits of synergies and eliminate unnecessary interfaces. Finally, as they do not have any potential conflict of interest with supply or production interests, regulation can be lighter, decreasing the regulatory and administrative burden and increasing efficiency even further. Time will tell, but it seems that the ITO option has its greatest potential for those companies that can not afford to sell their transmission networks under the current economic conditions or that are opportunity constrained and have no suitable investment potential. In any event, the conclusion must be that, whereas full ownership unbundling has not been directly achieved through the Third Package, it would appear that the scene has been set for a market structure that will move gradually but inevitably into the direction originally envisaged in the Commission proposals. So was it worth it? For you to judge.
Colin Bennett

Global and China Low and Medium-voltage Inverter Industry - 0 views

    "At present, the market share of foreign manufacturers in the Chinese low and medium-voltage inverter market exceeds 70%. In 2013, the top 5 low and medium-voltage inverter manufacturers by market share were all foreign companies, namely ABB, Siemens, Yaskawa, Delta Electronics and Schneider Electric, of which the market share of ABB and Siemens were 16.6% and 15.4%, respectively."
Colin Bennett

Global Market for Power Transmission and Distribution Cables - 0 views

    "Due to the impact of the economic slowdown, the market witnessed a decline in the growth rate from 2009. However, the market is set to achieve strong growth rate from 2012 onwards. Capital spending and investments in industries worldwide is expected to boost growth of the market."
Colin Bennett

Nexans : 2014 Full-Year Results - 0 views

    "2014 was marked by strong volatility in both economic and political terms: South America and Australia saw worsening conditions in the cable market. In Europe, the market for commodity products contracted whereas the industrial applications market improved. North America began to pick up. Markets in the Middle East and Russia were weighed down by political tensions."
Colin Bennett

ABB revised 5 year plan aims to outgrow its markets from 2011-15, execute on cost and p... - 0 views

  • In its updated 5-year strategy announced today, ABB also said tight execution on cost and productivity—aiming for annual productivity improvements equivalent to 3-5 percent of cost of sales—will further contribute to increasing profitability over the period, along with targeted expansion of its service and software businesses.
  • ABB’s strategy is built around five components: increasing competitiveness by matching production to local market needs while driving productivity and quality improvements; capitalizing on macro trends such as emerging market growth, resource efficiency and climate change where markets are growing faster than global GDP; leveraging its leading market positions and technologies in core businesses like power grids and industrial automation to take market share; continuing its successful acquisition policy to accelerate growth in priority gap areas; and exploiting disruptive opportunities, such as direct current (DC) technologies, to enable a wide range of energy efficient automation and power solutions.
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