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Putin's attack on Mechel metal company rattles investors, sends Russian stocks down - I... - 0 views

  • Investors piled out of Russian stocks Friday after the abrupt departure from the country of a foreign oil boss and the prime minister's unexpected severe criticism of a large steel firm. MICEX, the exchange where the bulk of trading in Russian stocks takes place, plunged by 4.8 percent as of 12:20 p.m. Russian time, while the RTS, a top stock index, lost 4.4 percent to drop beneath the critical 2000-point barrier for the first time since March. After Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's scathing attack on Mechel late Thursday, heavy trading in New York sent the steel and coal maker's stock down by nearly 40 percent, losses mirrored Friday morning in Russian trading.
    Investors piled out of Russian stocks Friday after the abrupt departure from the country of a foreign oil boss and the prime minister's unexpected severe criticism of a large steel firm. MICEX, the exchange where the bulk of trading in Russian stocks takes place, plunged by 4.8 percent as of 12:20 p.m. Russian time, while the RTS, a top stock index, lost 4.4 percent to drop beneath the critical 2000-point barrier for the first time since March. After Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's scathing attack on Mechel late Thursday, heavy trading in New York sent the steel and coal maker's stock down by nearly 40 percent, losses mirrored Friday morning in Russian trading. The premier criticized the company, which is the largest supplier of coal for steelmakers in Russia, for charging much higher prices for raw materials domestically than it does for its exports, and called for an antitrust investigation into its activities.
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Fuel cell power for new World Trade Center - 0 views

  • The redeveloped World Trade Center will be “one of the largest fuel cell installations in the world” according to the New York Power Authority (NYPA). Under the US$10.6 million agreement between NYPA and fuel cell developer and provider UTC Power, fuel cells with a total capacity of 4.8MW will provide an on-site supplement to the renewable and other clean energy that will power the rebuilt centre. The first fuel cells will be delivered to the Freedom Tower in January 2009, and will be owned and operated by the Port Authority, which also owns the building. The fuel cells for the other three towers will be owned and operated by World Trade Center Properties, LLC. “Fuel cells are one of the environmentally beneficial technologies that the Power Authority is investing in under Governor Paterson’s leadership to combat greenhouse gas emissions and diversify the state’s energy mix. To date, we’ve installed 15 fuel cells in New York City and other locations, and expect to add to this total in support of the Governor’s ambitious goals for significant increases in the state’s renewable power,” says Roger B Kelley, NYPA President and Chief Executive Officer.
    The redeveloped World Trade Center will be "one of the largest fuel cell installations in the world" according to the New York Power Authority (NYPA). Under the US$10.6 million agreement between NYPA and fuel cell developer and provider UTC Power, fuel cells with a total capacity of 4.8MW will provide an on-site supplement to the renewable and other clean energy that will power the rebuilt centre. The first fuel cells will be delivered to the Freedom Tower in January 2009, and will be owned and operated by the Port Authority, which also owns the building. The fuel cells for the other three towers will be owned and operated by World Trade Center Properties, LLC. "Fuel cells are one of the environmentally beneficial technologies that the Power Authority is investing in under Governor Paterson's leadership to combat greenhouse gas emissions and diversify the state's energy mix. To date, we've installed 15 fuel cells in New York City and other locations, and expect to add to this total in support of the Governor's ambitious goals for significant increases in the state's renewable power," says Roger B Kelley, NYPA President and Chief Executive Officer.
Wade Ren

Demographic projections and trade implications - 0 views

  •   To summarize the raw numbers, China’s population is expected to grow from 1.32 billion today to 1.46 billion in 2030, after which it will decline slowly, to around 1.42 billion in 2050.  Its working population is currently around 840 million.  This component of the population will rise in the next ten years to around 910 million and then will decline quite rapidly to around 790 million by 2050.
  • The graph below shows the composition of China’s population by age group.  Needless to say the most dramatic change is the explosive growth of the over-65 population, followed by the decline in the share of the young.  Another way of understanding this is to note that China’s median age basically climbs over this period from 24 to 45 (which, by the way, may have favorable consequence for long-term political stability).
  • I don’t have the figures yet from before 1990, but looking at other sources I would guess that China’s working population grew by about 2% or more annually during the 1970s and 1980s.  In the 1990s, as the table indicates, the growth rate of the working population slowed to 1.72%, declining further in the current decade to around 1.42% on average.  The number of working Chinese keeps growing until around the middle of the next decade, and then begins to decline by about half a percent a year.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • All this has important implications both for nominal growth rates and per capita growth rates in the next few decades.  For one thing, a country’s GDP growth rate can be expressed as a factor of the growth rate of its working population and the growth rate of average productivity per worker.  As the growth rate of the working population swings from positive to negative – by a little more than 2%, depending on what periods you compare – this will have a commensurate impact on Chinese GDP growth rates, i.e. all other things being equal (which of course they are not).  China’s equilibrium growth rate should be about 2% lower than the equilibrium growth rate of the past two or three decades.
  •  This implies that over the last three decades China has had a demographic bias towards trade surpluses (working population, a proxy for production, grew faster than total population, a proxy for consumption), but over the next three decades it is likely to have a demographic bias towards trade deficits.  
  • Three years ago I argued in a Wall Street Journal OpEd piece that because of the aging and declining populations of Europe and Japan (and to a lesser extent China and Russia), compared to the growing population and relatively stable age distribution in the US, it was not unreasonable for the former countries to run large current account surpluses with the US since they would need the accumulated claims against the US to pay for the current account deficits they would need to run to manage their demographic adjustments.  This is why I have never been terribly worried about the sustainability of the US trade deficit.  In the next decade it is likely that demographic changes will create pressures to reverse those US trade deficits.
James Wright

US - Copper semis trade deficit widens by 15.7% m-o-m in March - 0 views

    The US Copper and Brass Fabricators Council has reported a 15.7% m-o-m increase in the US brass mill products trade deficit, taking net imports to 19.9Mlbs in March 2011. The principal suppliers to the US were Germany and South Korea, whereas most US shipments were to Canada, Mexico and China. The segment which saw the largest increase in trade deficit was flat rolled products which reached 6.5Mlbs in March, up from 3.8Mlbs in the previous month. In addition, the trade deficit of rods, bars and sections rose, whereas tube as well as alloy wire both experienced greater monthly gains in exports compared to imports.
Colin Bennett

Commerce extends deadline in copper pipe, tube trade case - 0 views

  • The Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration has extended to September 21 the deadline for rebuttal comments in an anti-dumping duty administrative review on seamless refined copper pipe and tube from China at the request of exporters/producers GD Copper, Golden Dragon Holding (Hong Kong) International, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group and Hong Kong GD Trading.
Colin Bennett

Canadian metal sector optimistic about EU trade deal - 0 views

  • Canadian non-ferrous metal and metal product exporters are optimistic that the free-trade agreement struck between Canada and the European Union (EU) last Friday will increase sales of Canadian material to Europe.
Colin Bennett

The Largest Untapped Automotive Market on the Planet-The Islamic Republic of Iran - 1 views

    "At a time when Iran's economy is tied up with sanctions, limiting its international trade capacities, it managed to sell more than a million vehicles (885,000 passenger vehicles and 128,000 light commercial vehicles) in 2012, enforce Euro IV norms in 8 cities including Tehran, Karaj, Arak, and Tabriz, convert all public cars into Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) compliant vehicles, and successfully implement a vehicle scrappage program to get very old, highly polluting vehicles off the streets of Iran. The prospect of such a country opening up to trade, giving an opportunity for global automotive companies to be a part of its growth, certainly creates buzz in the industry. Iran sold close to 860,000 passenger vehicles in 2014, 88% of which were sold by Iran Khodro Industrial Group (IKCO) and SAIPA under different marquees. With around 11.7 million vehicles on the road, the aftermarket potential is massive and the average age of vehicles is steadily increasing."
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Australia regulator targets iron ore in BHPB-Rio bid - 0 views

    Australia`s competition regulator on Friday identified iron-ore as a potential major concern in evaluating mining giant BHP Billiton`s US$128 billion bid for rival Rio Tinto and said it would make a final ruling on the hostile takeover by October 1. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) devoted most of its nine-page "statement of issues" to the proposed deal`s likely impact on the iron ore trade and, in particular, on Australian steel-makers. Rio Tinto and BHPB are the world`s second and third largest iron-ore producers, respectively, behind Brazil`s Vale. But the ACCC saw no major competition issues surrounding trade in copper, gold, uranium, bauxite and alumina.
Colin Bennett

OECD-WTO measuring trade in value added - 0 views

  • The goods and services we buy are composed of inputs from various countries around the world. However, the flows of goods and services within these global production chains are not always reflected in conventional measures of international trade. The joint OECD – WTO Trade in Value-Added (TiVA) initiative addresses this issue by considering the value added by each country in the production of goods and services that are consumed worldwide.  TiVA indicators are designed to better inform policy makers by providing new insights into the commercial relations between nations.
Matthew Wonnacott

Zhejiang Hailiang to develop Brazilian tube business following trade investigation anno... - 0 views

    Zhejiang Hailiang Co, a Chinese manufacturer of copper tube, announced on 4th February that it has received notification of the ending of a 16-month-old anti-dumping investigation into copper tubes imported from China. The case, which was being investigated by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, was originally instigated and later cancelled at the request of the Brazilian Copper Association (ABC). Zhejiang Hailiang Co said after the announcement that the decision will allow it to further develop its business in Brazil.
Colin Bennett

Canadian metal exporters welcome South Korea trade deal - 0 views

  • The Aluminium Assn of Canada (AAC) has welcomed the striking of a Canada-South Korea Free Trade Agreement, saying it will help its industry boost sales to South Korea
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Copper slumps to 5-week low on weak Chinese demand - 0 views

  • Copper prices tumbled to a five-week low Thursday on expectations that falling demand from China and a slowdown in the U.S. housing market will lead to a surplus of the metal. Other commodities traded mixed, with crude oil rebounding slightly and gold, silver and soybeans falling. Corn and wheat futures rose. China, the world's biggest buyer of copper, has been importing less of the metal since the completion of most major construction projects heading into the Beijing summer Olympics. Copper imports in June fell 20 percent compared to May, China's custom's agency said this month. As a result, stockpiles of the metal have swelled in Shanghai and London, helping drive down prices.
    Copper prices tumbled to a five-week low Thursday on expectations that falling demand from China and a slowdown in the U.S. housing market will lead to a surplus of the metal. Other commodities traded mixed, with crude oil rebounding slightly and gold, silver and soybeans falling. Corn and wheat futures rose. China, the world's biggest buyer of copper, has been importing less of the metal since the completion of most major construction projects heading into the Beijing summer Olympics. Copper imports in June fell 20 percent compared to May, China's custom's agency said this month. As a result, stockpiles of the metal have swelled in Shanghai and London, helping drive down prices.
Colin Bennett

A costly cap on utilities' cap-and-trade programme - 0 views

    the CAIR decision could have done permanent damage to any cap-and-trade approach \nto pollution control.
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End of easy carbon trading? - 0 views

    LONDON, UK, August 12, 2008. Analyst New Energy Finance says the days of easy carbon trading may be over as the low hanging fruit of the cheap carbon credits in the developing world have now been harvested. To date, the cheapest way of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have come from projects eliminating high global warming potential (GWP) gases in developing countries, notably China. These projects involve the destruction of two waste gases from industrial facilities: the hydrofluorocarbon HFC-23 and nitrous dioxide, or 'laughing gas' (N2O), both of which are several thousand times more potent in terms of global warming that CO2. The size of the emissions reductions achievable from these projects relative to the scale of the investment required, that these carbon credits are so cheap - around €1/tCO2e. In comparison, costs claimed by project developers of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects are €5-15 per tonne and the global market price for carbon countries from developing countries are around €20/tCO2e.
Colin Bennett

Copper firm halts share trading - 01 Oct 2008 - NZ Herald: New Zealand Business, Market... - 0 views

    Copper miner Tamaya Resources has suspended trading of its shares on the Australian stock exchange and begun discussions with creditors, a month after delivering a A$141.2 million ($168.4 million) half-year loss.
Colin Bennett

Renewable Energy Marketers Form Trade Association - 0 views

    (Washington, DC) Some of the most influential and competitive organizations in the renewable energy industry have now joined together to create the first trade association for organizations that market renewable energy. The Renewable Energy Marketers Association (REMA) has formed to vigorously promote the economic and national security benefits of domestic renewable energy.
Colin Bennett

China to see greater uncertainties in its trade expansion - People's Daily Online - 0 views

    China's trade expansion is expected to be hampered by greater uncertainties amid world economic slowdown risk, rising prices of raw materials on the international markets and the swiftly appreciating yuan, according to a report issued by the Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday.
Panos Kotseras

China - 2010 home appliances 'trade in' policy - 0 views

    According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the home appliances 'trade in' policy realized RMB121.1B of sales income in 2010. Sales income and sales volume amounted to RMB16.6B and 3.6 million sets respectively in Q4 2010. Value was up by 142.7% and volume 147.7% from the same period a year ago. A joint programme of the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Environmental Protection stated that effective from June 2010, the policy would be launched in 19 additional provinces and cities, in addition to the existing nine. The time period of the policy was extended to the end of 2011. Home appliances covered by the programme include television sets, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners and computers.
Panos Kotseras

UK - LME introduces Asian Benchmark reference prices - 0 views

    The London Metal Exchange (LME) announced that it launched new Asian Benchmark reference prices for LME copper, LME aluminium, and LME zinc. The exchange said that new unofficial three month futures prices for the above contracts will be published at the end of the Asian trading day. As published on 24th January 2011, the first LME copper Asian Benchmark price was US$9,550.00/t. The LME attributed the introduction of the new benchmark prices to the increasing futures trading volume on LMEselect, the exchange's electronic trading platform, during Asian time zones. It is expected that the new reference prices will provide a transparent view of the sentiment across Asian key metal and financial markets.
Colin Bennett

South Korean wrought copper alloy free trade agreement with Australia - 0 views

    South Korean makers of wrought copper alloy are expecting that the free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and Australia, which will go into effect on December 12, will stimulate their exports
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