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Michelle Krill

TechLearning: Top 100 Sites of 2011 - 3 views

    "The time is finally here for my annual list of favorite sites of the year. This year I decided to up my post to the top 100 instead of 25 because of the number of sites that I reviewed and the popularity of the post. I tried to cover a wide range of sites, from flash-card creators to digital storytelling, and of course social networks, which really stood out in 2011. I hope everybody enjoys the list and has as much fun reading it as I did creating it."
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 - 1 views

    The Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 #edtech
Sue Sheffer

TEDxNYED | independently organized TED event - 1 views

    TEDxNYED, an all-day conference focusing on empowering innovation in education, is being held in New York City on Saturday, March 5, 2011. It will be webcast live here at, allowing viewers around the world to join and engage in these ideas worth spreading."
John Sengia

Home - IYC 2011 - 0 views

    The UN has declared 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry. Activities on this site throughout the year hope to re-introduce chemistry to people throughout the world - to show that chemistry is inseparable from our lives and from modern society.
Donald Burkins

Full Show | Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century | PBS Video - 1 views

    Program: Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century Episode: Full Show Featuring the foremost thought leaders, innovators and practitioners in the field, Digital Media is a startling preview of a 21st Century education revolution. Duration: (52:55) Premiere Date: 02/13/2011 Episode Expires: Fri 13 Feb 2015 TV Rating: NR
karen sipe

Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education - 3 views

    Sophia is a first of its kind online social teaching and learnign platform that provides free academic content to educators. in beta testing since March, 2011, the site lets educators supplement their teaching methods with Web 2.0 tools to craete public or private learning environments
    Free resource another place to find some supplemental materials
Marge Runkle

Educational Twitter Chats Calendar - 1 views

    "Educational Twitter Chats Calendar"
karen sipe

10 of the best apps for education | eSchool News - 2 views

    The following apps Molecules, Word Lens, Blackboard mobile learn, Today in History, Math Ref Free, P183 Graphing Claculator, Star Walk, Cram, Essay Grader, eclicker
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Primary Sources for Younger Students - 2 views

    America's Story from America's Library from Teaching with the Library of Congress
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool - 4 views

    Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool -
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Blogging Rubric (a nice one!) - 2 views

    RT @colleengreene: RT @busynessgirl: Blogging Rubric (a nice one!) #297sm @cvmuse" #smedu #edchat #edcamphbg #petec12
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Assessment Feedback via Screencast - 3 views

    Student Examples from @alytapp
Ann Baum (Johnston)

65+ iPad Apps Perfect For Elementary School | Edudemic - 2 views

    65+ iPad Apps Perfect For Elementary School | Edudemic via @edudemic
Donna Albertson

The Times and the Common Core Standards: Reading Strategies for 'Informational Text' - ... - 0 views

    "We'll be exploring the new Common Core State Standards, and how teaching with The Times can address them, through a series of blog posts."
John Sengia

Mission US | THIRTEEN - 2 views

    This site is a new multimedia project featuring free interactive adventure games set throughout U.S. history. The first game, Mission 1: For Crown or Coloni? puts players in the shoes of Nat Wheeler, a 14 year old printer's apprentice in 1770 Boston. As players complete tasks throughout the city, they meet everyone from merchants to soldiers, sailors to poets, Patriots to Loyalists. The game reveals rising tensions threatening to come to a head, and, ultimately, players must choose where their loyalties lie. Teachers can use the website to manage classes and track student progress.
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    Free site that looks like it would be fun for kids.
    Looks interesting.
    "Mission US is a multimedia project featuring free interactive adventure games set in different eras of U.S. history. The first game, Mission 1: "For Crown or Colony?," puts the player in the shoes of Nat Wheeler, a 14-year-old printer's apprentice in 1770 Boston. As Nat navigates the city and completes tasks, he encounters a spectrum of people living and working there when tensions mount before the Boston Massacre. Ultimately, the player determines Nat's fate by deciding where his loyalties lie. Mission 2, "Flight to Freedom" (working title), which focuses on resistance to slavery, will launch in spring of 2011. Other missions, as well as a broadcast special, are planned for release in 2012."
    Interactive games to learn about American history - The Revolution and Underground Railroad.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Free Technology for Teachers: My Fake Wall - 6 views

    Create a Fake Facebook Wall
Michelle Krill

DEN Blog Network » The Five E's of Inquiry-Based Instruction: DEN SCIcon Keyn... - 0 views

    Scientific Inquiry is what drives the science community as a way of developing children's use of their scientific skills. It doesn't mean just hands on; it means doing activities and presenting content in a way that promotes critical thinking skills.
Donald Burkins

Presentation Zen: Before success comes the courage to fail - 0 views

    " We notice what is different, and if we slow down long enough a lesson may be revealed" "Even monkeys fall from trees" "There are only two mistakes on can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting" (Buddha) "Failure is always an option" (Myth-Busters, and see the clips)
    Too good not to pass along. This is a GREAT blog on a very regular basis. Are you all familiar with Garr and his work on making better presentations? (Presentation Zen)
Donald Burkins

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 2 views

    "Taking a test is not just a passive mechanism for assessing how much people know, according to new research. It actually helps people learn, and it works better than a number of other studying techniques. "
Donald Burkins

Rethinking Education: A New Michael Wesch Video | Open Culture - 1 views

    "Since 2007, Michael Wesch, a Kansas State University anthropologist, has released a series of viral videos interrogating the ways in which new web technologies shape human communication and interactions with information. "
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