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Is it still vegan if it's processed on shared equipment? - 0 views

    Still, some vegans refuse to eat products that were processed in shared facilities. This logic makes little sense for several reasons. First, you are not supporting products that are indeed vegan and making it even more difficult for small vegan companies to start up and survive. Secondly, most people already think it's hard to be vegan. Imagine if you were also to tell them that most vegan items in the grocery store actually aren't vegan. Lastly, these products do not contain animal products and are in no way contributing to animal exploitation. Those who choose not to consume these products are approaching veganism from a purity perspective instead of focusing on what really matters- avoiding all unnecessary animal exploitation.

Interview with PETA Official Bruce Friedrich - The Stanford Progressive - 0 views

  • That's an interesting eventual philosophical discussion. Obviously, with animals rights we don't mean the same as human rights like liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Attempting to figure out precisely how one would apply those as inalienable rights to animals is going to be very difficult. What PETA has focused on and what the animal rights movement has focused on is the right of animals not to be eaten, worn, or experimented on (unless it is in their own best interest—similar to experiments which involve human beings), and not to be used as a mean of human amusement. And there are going to be some grey areas. One of the big grey areas right now is the fact that about 8 million animals are dropped off at shelters every year but there are only homes for about 4 million of them. So what do you do with the other 4 million animals? We know that if they were turned loose on the streets most would die horrible deaths. There aren't old feral cats, and thus, right now, until we can create a world in which people are not breeding animals and selling animals, in which everyone is going to a shelter to adopt an animal, it is in those animals best interest to be humanely euthanized. So there are some grey areas, there are some dicey discussions to be had, but at the end of the day eating animals, wearing animals, experimenting on animals—those are pretty easy philosophical and scientific discussions to have.

Harold Brown ~ ARZone Chat Transcript of 16/17 October 2010 - Animal Rights Zone - 0 views

  • In my opinion there isn't a heck of a lot of difference between these "animal protection" organizations and the industry and its proxies. Another way to think of this situation is what we have seen in the environmental movement since the 1980's. What I have observed is that once any organization grows to a certain critical mass things change. There is always a disconnect from the grassroots and survival of the corporate entity is job one. It was a back room trade off. An "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine." The industry is changing of its own volition due to recent developments in animal husbandry and the re-engineering of the animals them selves. As far as I know these "animal protection" organizations have never put into print, spoke of or promoted animal rights. It is the media that has conflated these animal husbandry reform organizations with animal rights and many well meaning activists become confused and support them thinking that they are convertly animal rights organizations.
  • You talk about cattle and dairy culture being validated by TV advertisements; about a dominating culture of indoctrination; and how frightening social change can seem.
  • Where the animal movement has gone wrong for over 30 years is the story they shared. It is a message of suffering, cruelty and harm.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • what Will Tuttle calls radical inclusion. 
  • rom the other side of the fence and I knew that
  • Guilt and shame never changed anyone’s heart or mind.
  • They now have a new sow that gives birth to about 20 piglets and that her body size is such that the old crates are too small, that they literally won't fit into the old crates.
  • There is NO humane solution to dairy other than just making it stop
  • that most calves are sent to auction 24-72 hours after birth.
  • the coming convergence of global warming, peak oil, population growth, ecological disaster and other factors will force a remedy upon us. 
  • I am the eternal optimist and believe that people are capable of great things if given the opportunity. I have seen it time and again. It is about creating a safe place and a community where people can come and deconstruct their indoctrination.
  • I think it is important that although you may want to give up cheese it isn't all your fault that you can't, despite your will power.  there is a component in the protein of milk called casomorphine.  Yup, morphine.  You are addicted as are so many vegetarians that want to eat a plant based diet.  It is a tough addiction to break but to be informed  goes a long way.  One we understand that there isn't anything in any animal product that we need then it is recognized that it is only a want. Wants are easy to leave behind.

TwitLonger - When you talk too much for Twitter - 0 views

    Thanks to the 562 people who have signed the petition to FARM to ban H$U$ from the (so-called) "animal rights" conference. Please read the thoughtful comments. As expected, Paul Shapiro and the well-financed corporate butchers of H$U$ delivered a slick and sleazy presentation that bemoaned animal eating, a position not normally offered elsewhere, bemoaned pig confinement, while having a mass murderer of pigs employed as a director, and while conducting experiments on wild horses with drugs made from pig eggs, and bemoaning battery cages for chickens while promoting the egg industry's agenda for battery cages for chickens. Down with H$U$, the meat industry's self-appointed voice for "animal rights"!!! TAKE BACK THE ANIMAL RIGHTS MOVEMENT FROM THE BUTCHERS OF H$U$!!! No one elected Wayne Pacelle and H$U$ to be a voice for animals or animal rights activists!!! Hey Hey Ho Ho, H$U$ has got to go!!!

How Using Antibiotics In Animal Feed Creates Superbugs : The Salt : NPR - 0 views

  • antibiotics in livestock feed give rise to antibiotic-resistant germs that can threaten humans.
  • an antibiotic-susceptible staph germ passed from humans into pigs
  • it became resistant to the antibiotics tetracycline and methicillin
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • And then the antibiotic-resistant staph learned to jump back into humans.
  • "It's like watching the birth of a superbu
  • whole-genome analysis on a staph strain called CC398 and 88 closely related variations.
  • emerged within the past decade in pigs and has since spread widely in cattle and poultry as well as pigs.
  • the animal bacterium jumped back into humans with close exposure to livestock.
  • This "pig MRSA" has been detected in nearly half of all meat sampled in U.S. commerce
  • we think it may be changing gears, so to speak, and gaining the capacity to be passed from person to person.
  • Price says the new data provide an early warning of what might become a major public health problem.
  • in some areas of the Netherlands, it's causing as many as 1 in 4 human MRSA cases
  • "our inappropriate use of antibiotics ... is now coming back to haunt us."
  • the solution is clear — banning antibiotics in livestock feed, as the European Union has done.
  • Most antibiotics sold in the U.S. go to animals, mostly in their feed, where they act as a growth promoter and damp down infection outbreaks in large feedlots.
  • It said it would focus instead on "voluntary reform" by the meat industry to limit use.

PCRM >> Pamela Anderson Supports Great Ape Protection Act >> Summer 2010 - 0 views

    Actress Pamela Anderson recently joined the PCRM Legislative Fund in urging Congress to support the Great Ape Protection Act. The act would ban invasive chimpanzee experiments and support human-based research methods. In a letter to lawmakers, Anderson zeroed in on chimpanzee experiments on hepatitis C.  "As one of more than 3 million Americans living with hepatitis C," she wrote, "I am writing to ask that you take steps to end ineffective and cruel research using chimpanzees and direct federal funds to modern, human-based research methods that will be more effective at finding a vaccine and treatment for hepatitis C and other deadly diseases."

Francione: On the relationship between atheism and veganism: I am absolutely perplexed ... - 0 views

    "Fourth, all of the philosophical/legal writing that I have done over the past 20+ years relies on an expansion of the liberal doctrine of equality. My work does not presuppose any religious or spiritual belief or require any such beliefs to come to the conclusion that we have no moral justification for exploiting nonhuman animals. My work relies on reason and rational argument. But there are many reasonable and intelligent people who do not agree with my view and yet have no substantive response to my arguments. I suppose that what separates us-and what caused me to become interested in animal ethics in the 1980s-is the sense of kinship that I feel with nonhuman animals. And I would suspect that this sense of kinship was and is related to my longstanding acceptance of Ahimsa, or the principle of nonviolence, as my foundational spiritual belief. "

When the Ethical Treatment of Animals Goes Wrong | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • advertisements being run by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These ads advocated banning the use of kennel crates for dogs.
  • Such statistics triggered a complaint to Virginia’s Agriculture Department and VDACS then commissioned Dr. Daniel Kovich to investigate and conduct an inspection of PETA’s headquarters. In his final report he noted “The facility does not contain sufficient animal enclosures to routinely house the number of animals annually reported as taken into custody.” Dr. Kovich went on to conclude that PETA’s “primary purpose is not to find permanent adoptive homes for animals.” He also determined that PETA employees kill 84 percent of the animals in their custody within 24 hours of receiving them—even though most are healthy and not showing any behavioral problems. Inquiries about how and if PETA attempts to actually find people that might want to adopt the animals that they received were not answered.
  • Apparently Newkirk believes that one way to help achieve this “lovely” outcome is to destroy virtually all of the animals placed in PETA’s care before they can be adopted and become well-loved pets in any family’s home.

Learn How to Enjoy Watching Free Adult Scandal - 2 views

started by teremoso on 20 May 12 no follow-up yet

The Past is Prologue : Nathan J Winograd - 1 views

  • The goal was not to get promises and commitments that we would strive to do better as a society.
  • The focus was always on changing the law to eliminate the ability to do otherwise, now and for all time.
  • The suffrage movement wasn’t just seeking discretionary permission from elections officials to vote, an ability that could be taken away. Its goal was winning the right to vote, a right guaranteed in law.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The civil rights movement wasn’t just seeking the discretionary ability to sit at the front of the bus or to eat at the same lunch counters or be given equal protection and equal opportunity. Its goal was winning the right to do so, a right guaranteed in law.
  • Because without legal rights, one’s fate is contingent on who the election official is, who the restaurant owner is, who the mayor is, and in our case, who the shelter director is.

Understanding the Culture of Cruelty : Nathan J Winograd - 0 views

  • I recently went to hear an author talk about his book on the neuroscience behind morality. He described how normally circumspect people turn off their natural compassion when placed in unnatural contexts. People we might consider “kind” or “decent” could be cruel when placed in a context in which cruelty is the norm. And what could be more unnatural than a typical U.S. animal control shelter which is little more than an assembly line of killing?
  • working at a shelter is a paycheck and nothing more to employees
  • The answer to that question can be found in the very nature of shelters themselves and the kind of people who apply to work in them.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • slaughterhouse workers had to make the animals unworthy of any consideration on their behalf. And the two most common methods of achieving this are indifference and showing sadistic behavior toward the animals.
  • to get there, many of them had to fire most of the existing staff; because the tragic fact is that animal shelters in the U.S. are designed for violence and the people in them are largely hired specifically to commit it.
  • The good news, of course, is that an increasing number of these shelters do align the ideal and the reality.
  • Killing is the ultimate form of violence.
  • But it is taking far too long, and too many animals are being subjected to systematic and unrelenting violence

Does "free" adoptions equal bad homes? - Houston animal shelters | - 0 views

  • Given the free and anonymous supply of animals elsewhere, why would animal abusers make themselves known to the very agencies with enforcement powers against them? I might suggest, some screening, such as checking complaint lists, enforcement screens on Chameleon not just by name but address to see if there have been reported calls to that location.
  • Whether a person pays an adoption fee is not an accurate predictor of whether that person will be loving and responsible pet parent.
    Given the free and anonymous supply of animals elsewhere, why would animal abusers make themselves known to the very agencies with enforcement powers against them? I might suggest, some screening, such as checking complaint lists, enforcement screens on Chameleon not just by name but address to see if there have been reported calls to that location.

The Myth of Sustainable Meat - - 0 views

  • Although these smaller systems appear to be environmentally sustainable, considerable evidence suggests otherwise.
  • Grass-grazing cows emit considerably more methane than grain-fed cows.
  • If we raised all the cows in the United States on grass (all 100 million of them), cattle would require (using the figure of 10 acres per cow) almost half the country’s land (and this figure excludes space needed for pastured chicken and pigs).
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Advocates of small-scale, nonindustrial alternatives say their choice is at least more natural. Again, this is a dubious claim. Many farmers who raise chickens on pasture use industrial breeds that have been bred to do one thing well: fatten quickly in confinement.
  • In essence, what we see as natural doesn’t necessarily conform to what is natural from the animals’ perspectives.
  • confinement pays
  • confinement pays.
  • These businesses — no matter how virtuous in intention — would gradually seek a larger market share, cutting corners, increasing stocking density and aiming to fatten animals faster than competitors could.
  • Barring the strictest regulations, it wouldn’t take long for production systems to scale back up to where they started.
  • advocates of alternative systems make one undeniably important point about the practice called “rotational grazing” or “holistic farming”: the soil absorbs the nutrients from the animals’ manure, allowing grass and other crops to grow without the addition of synthetic fertilizer.
  • In other words, raising animals is not only sustainable, but required.
  • employs chickens to enrich his cows’ grazing lands with nutrients.
  • he feeds his chickens with tens of thousands of pounds a year of imported corn and soy feed

History of Vegetarianism - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - 0 views

  • A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security. - New York Post, 28 November 1972
  • "Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from that of their social environment. "
  • "It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man."

Is No Kill More Difficult In Big Cities? « No-Kill Communities - 0 views

  • In this post, I look at the statistics and come to the conclusion that the answer to the question “Is no kill more difficult in big cities” is “no.”
  • So why do we keep hearing people say that no kill is a small-town phenomenon that cannot succeed in big cities?
  • I could just as easily come up with a list of factors that could make no kill easier in big cities
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Big cities have a concentrated population from which to draw volunteers, fosters, and donors, and they also have ready availability of expertise in areas such as marketing and grant proposals.
  • What does correlate with no kill success? No-kill leadership at the shelter.
  • We need to focus on regime change, not on distractions like population size.
  • if we could magically replace every old-fashioned shelter director in the US today with a director who supports no kill and has the ability to implement the No Kill Equation, then we could be a no-kill nation by the end of this year.
  • the impediment was Washoe County’s regressive director
  • One point which needs to be added is that larger cities not only have more resources to draw from, they tend to have lower per capita intake rates.

No Kill en el mundo - An Interview with AR Zone : Nathan J Winograd - 0 views

  • I don’t begin to pretend that I know the culture of South Korea. But I also cannot deny that the world is a lot smaller than it once was because of technology and human mobility. I also cannot deny shared human experience. We are people, and despite the ugly things that people are capable of, we are also capable of great compassion. I agree with abolitionist Theodore Parker that the arc of history may be long but it bends toward greater compassion. So, my initial caveat aside, I do not see why a model that works in the U.S. and works in Canada and works in Australia and works in New Zealand cannot work elsewhere.
  • It is also hard for me to see how the absence of “large, well-funded animal charities” in South Korea would be a bar to No Kill success. In the U.S. No Kill began and continues as a completely grassroots effort. In fact, in the U.S., the “large, well-funded animal charities” have been a roadblock to success. Without exception, the large national organizations like the Humane Society of the United States, the American Humane Association, the ASPCA, and PETA have been hostile to No Kill, championing killing and fighting reform efforts. today, the biggest barrier to more widespread No Kill success in the U.S. is not “pet overpopulation.” It is not an absence of spay/neuter. It is not the “irresponsible public.” It is not a lack of funding. The single biggest barrier to No Kill is the fact that 3,500 shelter directors are mired in killing and they are legitimized, protected, and promoted by the large national organizations.

Wish You Were Here : Nathan J Winograd - 0 views

  • At a well run No Kill animal shelter, there are a variety of ways to respond to animals, depending on the reason that animal is in the shelter in the first place. There is not a one-size fits-all strategy of impound, holding period, adoption or killing, as is common in traditional, poorly run, high kill shelters. Each animal is treated as an individual, and the needs of every animal are addressed and met on a case-by-case basis.
  • When their animal control officers find lost animals in the field – they knock on doors or call the numbers on tags so that they can take the animal home instead of impound him/her.
  • If the animal is impounded, shelter staff is efficient at cross checking lost and found reports, so that the number of lost animals that are reclaimed by their people is much higher, and they have hours that allow people with lost pets to conveniently visit the shelter to reclaim them.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Some animals entering a shelter are free-living cats. A No Kill shelter will spay/neuter and release those cats instead of kill them.  Likewise, injured animals will receive medical attention, and then go into foster homes, as will other sick animals, orphaned neonatals, and dogs with behavior issues that need rehabilitation. And, lastly, further reducing the number of animals a shelter has to find homes for are local rescue groups. These groups take some of the animals entering the shelter, and a well-run No Kill shelter considers such organizations valuable allies, and has a friendly, cooperative relationship with th
  • good adoption hours
  • offsite adoption venues,
  • the lack of programs, the lack of alternatives to killing.
  • the problem is not “pet overpopulation,” but a lack of imagination, commitment, and determination to treat each animal as an individual with distinct needs that must be met.
1More - 0 views

  • What They Don't Want You To Know -- Nonviolence Works! Why don't we hear of the triumphs of Nonviolence -- the "people power" that tumbles oppressive regimes? Why don’t we hear about the “Velvet Revolution” in Czechoslovakia, the “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the dethroning of oppression in the Philippines, in East Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, in Latin America? All over the world lasting, positive change is the result not of trillion-dollar armies, but of Nonviolent people power. Why don’t we hear about these remarkable revolutions? The information blackout is no accident. Perhaps we don’t learn about Nonviolent revolution because… it works! Nonviolent people power can change the world. That’s a scary thought for the miniscule minority hanging on for dear life To the helm of power. For a group To remain in power without representing the true will of the people, they must maintain power by manipulation and by force -- military force -- a worldwide police state. This is why some of the most out-of-Touch and Top-heavy governments in the world have To maintain and use an over-the-Top show of force. What if the secret got out? What if people knew that Nonviolence works? What if they knew that they didn’t need big muscles and guns and the inhumanity To use them? What if people sTopped giving their power away To the oppressor? What if the power suddenly shifted back To the people? It would mean the creation of a world reflective of the values of the people. And for the most part, those values (truth, justice, freedom, kindness, compassion, goodwill Toward people, Toward the planet and Toward animals, etc.) are good. What an amazing world this could be… and it could happen practically overnight if we organized around our values.

Hotties Women Can give Your Feelings so Cool - 2 views

started by teremoso on 20 May 12 no follow-up yet
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