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Digital Passport by Common Sense Media | Digital Passport - 0 views

    Digital Passport is a great way to teach digital citizenship in 3rd through 6th-grade classrooms. It provides a foundation for appropriate and safe online behavior by offering fun and interactive lessons and meets Common Core and ISTE Nets Standards. Students can engage in videos, games, and quizzes about cyber-bullying, respect, digital literacy, and many other topics to promote digital citizenship. The site offers educator materials that can be utilized by simply registering for a login and password. Both students and teachers can access Digital Passport on computers, tablets, or phones in school and at home. The application can be accessed directly through the website or downloaded. One way to implement this tool in lessons is to allow students to have the opportunity to work on Chrome books or in a lab. Students can be assigned quizzes through the teacher dashboard. Once students get through the lessons, they earn badges and a "Certificate of Achievement," which allows for positive reinforcement. Teachers can monitor student progress during the activity and print reports to share with each student, their parents, and administrators. During lessons, students can be assigned to work individually on a device or as a class on a smart board, which allows for an exciting and innovative way to learn about digital citizenship.
christinadeblasi (Digital Citizenship) - 2 views

Tool Name: ( Short Description: provides teachers with an online digital citizenship lesson that encourages students to become resp...

techinpedagogy digital citizenship

started by christinadeblasi on 27 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Digital Passport - 2 views

*Nick Tirozzi* *Tool Name*: ( *Short Description:* Digital Passport used a game-based learning approach to teach elementary level students ...

Teacher Resource assessment digital citizenship footprint

started by ntirozzi on 17 Mar 18 no follow-up yet

Common Sense Media - Digital Citizenship Curriculum Tools - 1 views Once again, I will reference a Common Sense Media tool for this topic as well! They have so many wonderful resources, and their Digital Cit...

Teacher Resource digital citizenship parent resources

started by k8thegr8ssn on 24 Jun 17 no follow-up yet

NetSmartZ - 1 views

Description: NetSmartZ is a website for teacher and student access in regards to the topic of digital citizenship. Teachers can find lesson plans to teach about digital citizenship topics as well ...

Digital Citizenship Techinpedagogy400

started by ecooley21 on 27 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Edutopia: Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators - 1 views

    This article has a lot of good resources for teaching digital citizenship, particularly for elementary educators.

New York Times Learning Network - 2 views

*Tool Name*: New York Times Learning Network ( *Short Description:* The New York Times has a specific website that offers teaching ideas and directly relate...

"Digital Citizenship" "Critical Thinking" "social media" "student engagement" "reliable sources"

started by empfinkenstein on 18 Mar 18 no follow-up yet

Youth and Media - Digital Dossier - 1 views

    This YouTube video describes how for children today, their entire lives are part of their digital dossier, often from before they are even born. Show it to your students and get their thoughts. They may not be aware of the digital footprints they leave behind every day. This is one way to address digital security and digital citizenship with your students.
Vincent Madar

Digital Bytes by CommonSenseMedia - 1 views

Short Description: Digital Bytes is an online activity that teaches students a number of skills in regards to digital citizenship. It is geared towards students in grades 6-12 and is just one in a...

Digital Citizenship

started by Vincent Madar on 17 Mar 18 no follow-up yet
Kayla Stevens

Digital Compass - 1 views

Digital Compass is a tool to help students learn about digital citizenship by playing an interactive game. When playing the game, the students will pick a character of their choice and create a st...

Teacher Resource Communication Digital Citizenship Application Digital

started by Kayla Stevens on 26 Jun 17 no follow-up yet

InCtrl - Lesson: Digital Citizenship - 2 views

    A series of free lessons on Digital Citizenship. Reccomended for 4th-8th grade. Engaging videos for students that make the topics come to life.

Common Sense K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum - 0 views

    Common Sense K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum is an effective tool for teachers to use to help students learn and thrive in a world of media and technology safely and responsibly.
ammiegf2000 - 0 views

This is a website that provides information for educators, parents, and students regarding digital citizenship. It strengthens awareness and understanding of digital citizenship and encourages resp...

#techinpedagogy #digital citizenship

started by ammiegf2000 on 29 Jun 18 no follow-up yet
Lauren Korres

The Adventures of Cyberpigs by Mediasmarts: Cyberpigs 1 - 0 views

Online interactive adventure about digital citizenship. Students travel in outer space with the three cyberpigs need their help with making crucial digital citizenship decisions along the way. The ...

Teacher Resource Digital Citizenship

started by Lauren Korres on 25 Jun 17 no follow-up yet

WWW - Wild Web Woods - 1 views

This one is good for elementary school students in particular and can be used as a "homework" assignment they need to do with parents or can be done for a set period of time in the classroom or com...

Digital Citizenship DigitalCitizenship Game

started by elizabethbouvier on 27 Jun 17 no follow-up yet

Digital Citizenship role play - 1 views

Here is some great role play for students to practice digital citizenship! …

#techinpedagogy #DigitalCitizenship

started by danieljseek on 26 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

US Digital Literacy - 0 views

    Contact US Digital Literacy Today Our message: Thank you for visiting US Digital Literacy. Digital Literacy is important in education, the work force and generally for every internet user. While this site focuses on the educational side of Digital Li teracy, it also provides many resources in an all in one website to help you tap into the exponential amount of resources available via the internet.

Me and my Shadow - Digital Footprints & Digital Shadows - 1 views

  • provides a good introduction to digital footprints/shadows, offering some tools that can be used to control one's footprint and a substantial knowledge-base of how-to's and information on subscriber agreements.

DigitalCitizen App - 0 views

Check out the free app DigitalCitizen. Lessons are geared towards middle schoolers and topics include online safety, ethical use of digital resources, and cyber bullying.

digital citizenship middle school cyber bullying ethical online saftey

started by mollyzarookian on 01 Jul 16 no follow-up yet

Technology Post 6 Digital Citizenship - 1 views

InCtrl allows teacher grades 4-8 to introduce and discuss about the important of being a digital citizen. It has interactive lessons on such topics as media literacy, privacy, and cyberbullying. ...

digital citizenship

started by gregory1988 on 05 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
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