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Study shows blogging may increase productivity at work - 7 views

    Reflective practice is vital to professional learning. Blogging is a great way to thoughtfully reflect on what we do.

Blooms Taxonomy Tutorial FLASH - CCCS Faculty Wiki - 7 views

    Flash tutorial on Bloom's taxonomy

Creating a learning space for real life, in second life, 2 weeks on. « Learn ... - 0 views

  • I don’t believe that institutions are the ideal place for learning. Actually, I think it could be proven so… Instead, I’m going for a family home.. but one that can accommodate up to 15 people if need be
    • Teachers Without Borders
      In our many conversations over the last few weeks, Leigh has made clear that what he is interested in is a family home that can also be a learning place. Leigh has inspired me to think of everyday places as places for learning. This of course relates to Oldenburg's notion of the third place, except that Leigh is interested increating a kind of a third place in our homes, defined by Oldenburg as our first places. I'm really looking forward to our discussion this weekend in SL because I want to further explore this notion of one's dwelling as an informal learning place that exists not only in addition to the formal places of learning but also, and perhaps primarily, as THE place for learning.
  • disruption through architecture
    • Teachers Without Borders
      a powerful term! Need to explore this further with Leigh.
  • my design is for a family house that is large enough to host 15 or so people from time to time; that is fully self sufficient in providing for its own energy, water and food needs; that is a system that produces no waste; and that uses building materials and structures that are reused, portable and make minimal impact on the area being occupied
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Then I decided to focus on the building design, and for this I’m using discarded 20′ shipping containers as the basis of the building. Shipping containers are great to work with. They are readily available for reuse, reasonably cheap, structurally sound, transportable (obviously), durable, and come in remarkably good dimensions for proportioning an efficient living and working space
  • I have applied permaculture design processes and principles to this project, and thought of the space in Second Life as though it was a real space in real life. I very much enjoy the permaculture design process for its very holistic, even universal design ethic - and given its focus on sustainability and self sufficiency it is also very timely in todays world
  • my insistence to use real life proportions and limitations
  • I am trying to work out how to make it so that all the materials and objects that are used in the build can be packed inside the containers, and that any modifications I make to the containers will not compromise their structural integrity, or ability to be transported
  • To my mind, nothing these days should be built or developed without careful consideration of these issues. Nothing ever should have been actually! But regarding the challenges of designing a learning space, I am using these primary considerations within a frame of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Its obvious that if people’s basic survival needs are not being met, then they are not in a very good position to be learning things beyond what it takes to survive. If they are stressed, hungry, or uncomfortable, then we are hardly in an ideal space for learning about abstract concepts or developing new skills. Or if the learning space itself is struggling to pay out money for energy, food, or waste management, then it too is in less of a position to commit to learning. And so it is with a real world sustainability and self sufficiency approach that I’m considering these needs
    Leigh Blackall, the first Educator-in-Residence at the Virtual Classroom Project in jokaydia (SL) reflects on the first two weeks of his residency.

6 powerful strategies for paradigm-shifting teacher PD | Connected Principals - 7 views

    "" open space technology giving time to present

French parents to boycott homework | World news | - 4 views

    A group of French parents and teachers have called for a two-week boycott of homework in schools, saying it is useless, tiring and reinforces inequalities between children. They say homework pushes the responsibility for learning on parents and causes rows between themselves and their children. And they conclude children would be better off reading a book.

Action Research: A Self-Directed Approach to Professional Development - 4 views

  • The best part about being a teacher is that you get to remain a student forever. Teachers are lifelong learners. To be an effective educator, you must constantly pursue learning through workshops, conferences, on-site or online training modules, and seminars. Professional development can help teachers stay up-to-date with new trends and learn new techniques, strategies, and methods for dealing with various classroom challenges. But all professional development is not the same.
  • If you feel frustrated by not being able to find what you need, how about creating your own solutions? Every classroom challenge is as individual as the students in the class. Sometimes, instead of looking for solutions out there somewhere, it helps if a teacher learns to understand the challenge and experiments to find the answer that suits her class or students. Most teachers shy away from the word "research," thinking it is scholars' job to conduct research and come up with condensed data or analysis. But all of us are researchers, consciously or otherwise.
  • Teachers can do action research by formally defining a problem, drafting a hypothesis, collecting and organizing data, and coming to a conclusion about the effect of the hypothesized change. And the conclusion you derive will be more meaningful and effective because it deals with your challenges and your solutions, keeping in mind your circumstances and resources.
    Action Research: A Self-Directed Approach to Professional Development

Commentary: Meaningful professional development | EdNewsColorado - 4 views

    Time, creativity, clear commitments and professionalism ensured every teacher learned and contributed to the conversation. Infusing these elements into our site-based and district level professional learning can shift professional development from something that is done to teachers, to something that is done by teachers.

Education Week: Spotlight on Professional Development - 3 views

    The Education Week Spotlight on Professional Development is a collection of articles hand-picked by our editors for their insights on: Using social media and networking for professional development New guidelines for teacher learning Integrating face-to-face and online professional development Using classroom visits to learn best practices from peers Supporting teachers to meet the needs of English-language learners You get the nine articles below and a resource guide in a downloadable PDF.

Three Questions to Begin Transformation to Teacher Leadership - Leading From the Classr... - 3 views

  • One theme that resonated with me was discussing the knowledge and skill sets needed for teachers beginning to explore their leadership potential. While many schools and districts offer new teacher mentoring programs, there is a lack of formal programs or supports for emerging teacher leaders.
  • Effective teachers develop a range of knowledge and skills from managing a classroom community and helping students learn. But beyond the competence of subject matter knowledge, teachers may also develop skillsets in pedagogy and other areas.
  • teacher leaders need to work collaboratively with administration in order for teacher leadership to be the norm throughout a school.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • This normalization of a teacher leadership culture requires administrators dedicated to a distributed school leadership model, but also requires teacher leaders who are able to critically analyze and problem solve school wide issues.
  • "Teacher leaders need to turn around every now and then and look, if no one if following, they are not leading. And knowing a lot about topic is not helpful if it can't be explained in a way that encourages the right people to listen." There is a critical difference between being an "expert" and "leader." Experts know a lot about their area of expertise. But teacher leaders in formal roles are responsible for the direction of a group of people, and apply themselves in a way that allows them to constructively meet the challenges of that responsibility.
    Teacher Leader Model Standards

3 Teacher Evaluation Mistakes to Avoid - Washington, DC, United States, ASCD EDge Blog ... - 3 views

    School districts across the US are creating new teacher evaluation systems that are supposed to better identify ineffective teaching and, in some cases, tie a teacher's rating to student performance. My quarrel is not with the evaluation systems themselves however. My quarrel is with how they are being implemented. Here are three of the most common mistakes I've seen:

Reflective Practice and Inquiry in Professional Development for Online Teaching - 3 views

    This article is a resource for those new to online professional development. It describes professional development training for faculty preparing to teach online. The primary focus of the training is on pedagogical rather than technical skills. This focus is central for encouraging reflection and inquiry to improve teaching practices. The discussion and summary of results provide an overview of the training and evidence of reflection and inquiry. Keywords: Faculty development, online teaching and learning, assessment, student-centered learning, constructivism

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities - 3 views

    Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list.

epac / Evolving List of ePortfolio-related Tools - 3 views

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