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Chris Hall

e-Assessment Toolkit | The e-Assessment Association - 0 views

    "The e-Assessment Toolkit exists to provide clear, current, practical information to e-assessment practitioners, or those thinking of adopting e-assessment. The toolkit offers useful tools and resources, helping users to develop and share their knowledge of e-assessment for effective implementation."
Chris Jobling

The Design Studio / Transforming Assessment and Feedback - 0 views

    "The Assessment and Feedback area of the Design Studio gives access to existing and emergent work on assessment and feedback of significant interest. Under a series of themes, you can explore what we currently know about enhancing assessment and feedback practice with technology, find links to resources and keep up to date with outputs from the Assessment and Feedback and other current JISC programmes."
Chris Jobling

Evaluation of Assessment Diaries and GradeMark at University of Glamorgan | The Project Blog - 0 views

    This is the project blog for a JISC funded project - Evaluating assessment diaries and GradeMark at the University of Glamorgan. This project is part of the JISC Assessment and Feedback Programme. The programme has three strands. Our project is in Strand B where we will evaluate assessment and feedback related innovations which are already underway in a faculty or institution, and report on lessons for the sector.
Chris Hall

A Marked Improvement - 2 views

    A Marked Improvement has been developed by a group of experts, working with the HEA to provide a strong rationale for transforming assessment in higher education. It includes an assessment review tool, offering a practical method to take stock of current practice and look to a targeted approach to strategic change. The publication also includes further resources for staff, which can be used to support changes to assessment policy and practice.
Chris Jobling

FASTECH: Feedback and Assessment for Students with Technology : JISC - 0 views

    "FASTECH is designed to use readily available technologies to support the systemic enhancement of assessment and feedback strategies and practices at programme, faculty and institutional levels. A key aim is to provide evidence of, and guidelines for, technological improvements and change processes that can be used to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of assessment and feedback at these levels throughout the sector. By welcoming engagements, developing our work with, and inviting contributions from members of the HE community throughout the project, we aim to build a strong community of practice, focussed upon developing understanding of how to improve assessment and feedback practices and environments."
Chris Hall

Marc My Words: Own the Assessment, Not the Course by Marc J. Rosenberg : Learning Solutions Magazine - 0 views

    "Think in a different way about the age-old question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Which comes first, the assessment (the test) or the course? Do you have to have the course before you know what to assess or test? Or must you first define what you hope to accomplish-and how to best assess that accomplishment-before you can build the course that gets you there?"
Chris Hall

Changing assessment and feedback practice | Jisc - 0 views

    "This guide offers many lessons learned and much good practice about how to approach large-scale change in assessment and feedback practice and may be of interest to senior managers, programme teams responsible for curriculum design, any staff interested in reviewing assessment and feedback practice or in organisational change."
Chris Hall

Effective Assessment in a Digital Age : JISC - 0 views

    Effective Assessment in a Digital Age complements Effective Practice in a Digital Age1, the 2009 JISC guide to learning and teaching with technology, and Effective practice with e-Assessment2 (JISC 2007) by focusing on the potential enhancement to assessm
Chris Jobling

Transforming Assessment - 0 views

    "Rethinking assessment in a participatory digital world - Assessment 2.0 Transforming Assessment is an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Fellowship specifically looking at the use of e-assessment within online learning environments, particularly those using one or more Web 2.0 or virtual world technologies."
Chris Hall

The Design Studio / Making Assessment Count Consortium - 0 views

    Making Assessment Count eReflect site
Chris Hall

PLOS ONE: Negatively-Marked MCQ Assessments That Reward Partial Knowledge Do Not Introduce Gender Bias Yet Increase Student Performance and Satisfaction and Reduce Anxiety - 0 views

    Negatively-Marked MCQ Assessments That Reward Partial Knowledge Do Not Introduce Gender Bias Yet Increase Student Performance and Satisfaction and Reduce Anxiety
Chris Hall

Leicester Research Archive: An efficient and effective system for interactive student feedback using Google+ to enhance an institutional virtual learning environment - 1 views

    Whether or not you take a constructivist view of education, feedback on performance is inevitably seen as a crucial component of the process. However, experience shows that students (and academic staff) often struggle with feedback, which all too often fails to translate into feed-forward actions leading to educational gains. Problems get worse as student cohort sizes increase. By building on the well-established principle of separating marks from feedback and by using a social network approach to amplify peer discussion of assessed tasks, this paper describes an efficient system for interactive student feedback. Although the majority of students remain passive recipients in this system, they are still exposed to deeper reflection on assessed tasks than in traditional one-to-one feedback processes.
Chris Jobling

Effective Assessment in a Digital Age : JISC - 0 views

    Effective Assessment in a Digital Age + online resources #jiscassess
Chris Hall

"Using Rubrics for Information Literacy Skill Assessment: A Case Study " by Bobbi Makani, et al. - 0 views

    "Information literacy-the ability to find, evaluate and use information effectively-is an essential skill set. The authors examine how assignments such as case analyses and research reports help business students master these abilities and provide examples of how analytic rubrics with measurable outcomes are particularly suited to assessing these skills. Also demonstrated is how librarians enhance and support student learning of information literacy by teaching in-depth research skills. Working together, professors and librarians can give students a solid foundation in the information-handling skills they need to be effective and productive in the workplace today."
Chris Hall

Cloud-Based Assessment Tools for the Facilitation of Direct Observation and Assessment of Student Performance - Resources - iCollaborative - MedEdPORTAL - 0 views

    "Direct observation of a medical trainees' performance in clinical settings remains challenging. Direct observation serves to ascertain and document the acquisition of core clinical skills. Barriers to direct observation include the lack of effective implementation strategies and difficulties in delivering transparent standards for judging competence at the bedside. Studies have demonstrated that in the absence of transparent standards, the discriminating ability of evaluators judging the exact same clinical performance is poor. The development of criterion-based assessment tools for use by observers during student-patient encounters offers a potential solution to this problem. "
Chris Hall

iLibrarian » 7 Things You Should Know About Assessing Online Team-Based Learning - 0 views

    "The folks at Educause have put together a new "7 Things" guide, covering 7 Things You Should Know About Assessing Online Team-Based Learning."
Chris Jobling

Electronic management of assessment project | Jisc - 0 views

    "Exploring how technology can support the assessment lifecycle, from the electronic submission of assignments to marking and feedback."
Chris Hall

Pedagogical strategies and technologies for peer assessment in Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) - WRAP: Warwick Research Archive Portal - 0 views

    "Pedagogical strategies and technologies for peer assessment in Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs)"
Chris Hall

JEEHP :: Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions - 0 views

    Facilitating the provision of detailed, deep and useful feedback is an important design feature of any educational programme. Here we evaluate feedback provided to medical students completing short transferable skills projects. Feedback quantity and depth were evaluated before and after a simple intervention to change the structure of the feedback-provision form from a blank free-text feedback form to a structured proforma that asked a pair of short questions for each of the six domains being assessed. Each pair of questions consisted of asking the marker 'what was done well?' and 'what changes would improve the assignment?' Changing the form was associated with a significant increase in the quantity of the feedback and in the amount and quality of feedback provided to students. We also observed that, for these double-marked projects, the marker designated as 'marker 1' consistently wrote more feedback than the marker designated 'marker 2'.
Chris Jobling

Documents To Go for iOS: Word, Excel and PowerPoint on your iPhone/iPad - 0 views

    Another app that I've seen discussed in the context of electronic assessment and feedback. Useful if the original document is Word or one of the other Office files. Reviews claim that it doesn't work with an external keyboard. Premium edition syncs with Dropbox and Google Docs and costs £11.99. Worth a punt at that price anyway?
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