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matt riverre

SPRINGHILL GROUP / Swedes to crack down on bogus billing scams - 0 views

The Swedish government want to increase penalties for issuing fake bills and have appointed a committee to look into the growing problem of billing fraud in Sweden. Judge falls asleep twice during ...

springhill group seoul blogspot

started by matt riverre on 12 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Min Ho Park

Don't Let Nursing Homes Keep Elderly Married Couples Apart by Springhill Care Group - 0 views     According to a new study from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, senio...

Don't Let Nursing Homes Keep Elderly Married Couples Apart by Springhill Care Group

started by Min Ho Park on 20 May 13 no follow-up yet
Springhill Care

Springhill Care Group: Don't Let Nursing Homes Keep Elderly Married Couples Apart - 1 views

  • According to a new study from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, seniors work hard to keep their marriages alive and well, even after one spouse falls ill and goes into a long-term care facility. Community-dwelling spouses were greatly drawn in the lives of their partners who are inside the institution, and that a lot of the couples remained active together may it be inside or outside the nursing home Researcher Robin Stadnyk was surprised to discover about this. Stadnyk is a post-doctoral researcher in the University of Alberta's Department of Human Ecology. She reviewed data from a qualitative study of 52 community-dwelling spouses in three Canadian provinces: Alberta, Manitoba and Nova Scotia, for her PhD research. According to her research, the participants were heavily involved in their spouses' lives, not only through caretaking duties like doing laundry and helping with personal hygiene, but also through nurturing activities that brought them closer together. "Most participants described close relationships with their spouses before the placement in a long-term care home. They simply found ways they could continue that closeness within the institutional walls," Stadnyk noted. Marriage-sustaining activities included watching TV together, studying travel brochures and reviewing diaries to relive old memories, even taking painting lessons together. For regular weekly and even daily visits, some spouses do is they bring their partners home. A loving story of an 82-year-old man in the study took weight-training just so he could lift his wife in and out of the car for the weekly trip home. "The findings defy the common assumption that the partnership of marriage effectively ends when one spouse enters a care facility," Stadnyk said. Changing roles as give-and take-partners to compassionate caretakers, husbands and wives of partners with dementia carry on with nurturing their marriages. One of the thi
Timothy Weeper

SOUTH GROUP SPRINGHILL KOREA China Korea linked to pill scam Bangkok Post news | Bookma... - 0 views

    Thailand is seeking help from China and South Korea to support its efforts to crack down on the smuggling of pseudoephedrine-based cold pills. The move came after the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) obtained information that a Thai company had struck a deal to buy 10 billion pseudoephedrine-based cold tablets from a Chinese firm. Previously, the DSI obtained information that the firm also signed a deal to buy 850 million tablets, or 40 tonnes of the medicine, from South Korea. The DSI found that 87 million cold tablets were transported into Thailand from South Korea by plane on nine occasions since 2010. They had false air cargo manifests to avoid attracting attention from the authorities. The DSI suspected the medicines were smuggled in from South Korea. The DSI is investigating two companies suspected of being involved in the smuggling of the pills from overseas. The companies are UTAC Thai Co Ltd, a supplier of integrated circuits, and TVR Group Co Ltd, a car dealer and vehicle hire firm. Some information relating to the drug purchases was uncovered at the companies during recent searches of their premises but the firms denied any involvement. Mr Tarit said yesterday DSI officials also discovered a contract to buy 10 billion pseudoephedrine-based cold tablets from China during the search at UTAC Thai Co Ltd. Under the contract, the first batch of 2 million tablets was to have been shipped to Thailand on July 31, 2009. He said the DSI also found a photo showing a man collecting the pills from Suvarnabhumi airport cargo warehouse. The cold tablets from China and South Korea have the same brand name of COLCOLCO, he said. Mr Tarit said DSI officials also searched the company's factory but there was nothing amiss. However, it was found that the company had three South Korean executives and one Thai executive, Mr Tarit said. He said the Korean Food and Drug Administration recently sent information regarding the nine shipments of
Springhill Care

Springhill: Upcoming auditions at the Boiler Room, Pull-Tight and more - 0 views

    There will be an open call for the Brighton Beach Memoirs at the Boiler Room Theatre (230 Franklin Rd., Bldg Six, Franklin) on March 21st at 2 PM. Unlike their usual by-appointment audition process, all auditionees need to attend the open call at 2 PM. Actors will read from the script in groups; no need to prepare any audition material. Call backs will be held the same day. Bring (2) copies each of your headshot and resume. The show is scheduled to run My 7th through the 29th. For audition questions, call 615-794-7744. Auditions for Pull-Tight's Father of the Bride will be held Sunday and Monday, April 11 and 12 at 7:00 pm at the Pull-Tight Theatre. There are 13 roles available. 1 man age 40-55, 3 women age 40-55, 2 women age 18-25, 2 men age 18-25, and 2 boys age 12-15. There are additional smaller roles for men or women of any age. Auditions will consist of readings from the script. For more information, please contact director Alan Mancuso directly at 708-6288 (cell) or 794-4045 (home). Actors, reenactors and muscians are desired for a Performance Reading of Scathe: A Civil War Incident in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Auditions will be held Friday, March 19, 7-9 PM and Saturday, March 20, 9-11 PM. Call Backs will be held Monday 7-8:30 PM. Daytime auditions may be by appointment. The auditions will be held at the Heron Center, located at the Tennessee Children's Home (TCH) at 5350 Main Street Spring Hill. 12 men and 7 women ages 18 to 60+. Rehearsals begin after Easter. Performances are scheduled for May 6-8. Scathe is a play with music to be performed as an Outdoor Historical Drama. It concerns the civil war, a love triangle, conspiracy and murder. There is no pay but performers will receive a copy of the performance for their portfolio.
Victoria Chase

Upcoming auditions at the Boiler Room, Pull-Tight and more - 1 views

    There will be an open call for the Brighton Beach Memoirs at the Boiler Room Theatre (230 Franklin Rd., Bldg Six, Franklin) on March 21st at 2 PM. Unlike their usual by-appointment audition process, all auditionees need to attend the open call at 2 PM. Actors will read from the script in groups; no need to prepare any audition material. Call backs will be held the same day. Bring (2) copies each of your headshot and resume. The show is scheduled to run My 7th through the 29th. For audition questions, call 615-794-7744. Auditions for Pull-Tight's Father of the Bride will be held Sunday and Monday, April 11 and 12 at 7:00 pm at the Pull-Tight Theatre. There are 13 roles available. 1 man age 40-55, 3 women age 40-55, 2 women age 18-25, 2 men age 18-25, and 2 boys age 12-15. There are additional smaller roles for men or women of any age. Auditions will consist of readings from the script. For more information, please contact director Alan Mancuso directly at 708- 6288 (cell) or 794-4045 (home). Actors, reenactors and muscians are desired for a Performance Reading of Scathe: A Civil War Incident in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Auditions will be held Friday, March 19, 7-9 PM and Saturday, March 20, 9-11 PM. Call Backs will be held Monday 7-8:30 PM. Daytime auditions may be by appointment. The auditions will be held at the Heron Center, located at the Tennessee Children's Home (TCH) at 5350 Main Street Spring Hill. 12 men and 7 women ages 18 to 60+. Rehearsals begin after Easter. Performances are scheduled for May 6-8. Scathe is a play with music to be performed as an Outdoor Historical Drama. It concerns the civil war, a love triangle, conspiracy and murder. There is no pay but performers will receive a copy of the performance for their portfolio. For more information contact Deanne Collins at
    It's my pleasure to find this amazing website who provides mostly unseen information about every single topic which is i really like it.
Ashanti Ali

Paypal Scam-livejournal-zimbio-newsvine - Timothy Weeper's column on Newsvine - 1 views

  • The World Wide Web consortium is one of the well-known partners in business. Due to the growing demand of the business industry, firms use the triple W in order for them to reach their customers across the world. And well as to make their business reached by their customers at their most convenient approach.
    Finally a smart blogger-man…I love how you're thinking…and writing!
Springhill Care

Springhill Care Group | South Korean hospital won't transfer American home until $40K b... - 1 views

    Springhill Care Group | South Korean hospital won't transfer American home until $40K bill is paid Sean Jones family ask for donations for the young English teacher who has the rare brain disease anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, can continue treatment in the United States. According to the reports, the American teacher Sean Jones was treated for a rare brain disease in South Korea is unable to return home until his nearly-$40,000 hospital bill is paid The family of an American man stuck in a South Korean hospital is requesting for donations to bring him home. Since May, the young teacher Sean Jones from Oklahoma City, has been hospitalized with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, a rare autoimmune disease that causes swelling in the brain. Reports says that Yonsei University Severance Hospital in Seoul refuses to release him after his bill of nearly $40,000 is paid while Jones' family wants him transferred to an American hospital for continued treatment Friends and family have set up a Facebook page and a account to raise money for medical costs. So far they have raised about three-quarters of the goal, Sean's mother, LaTanya Dodd, told The Korea Herald. "I really don't know if they can legally hold him here. If they can't legally do so, he will be going," said Dodd, who came to South Korea in July to care for her son, to the paper. "They won't care for him anymore, and that's what I'm worried about. Is that going to affect the whole outcome - just sitting here waiting?" Family members said Jones was moved to a group room and suffers from bedsores due to a lack of care. The fresh college grad, portrayed as outgoing and passionate about education, had been teaching English in Hwajung for almost a year when he started experiencing headaches and hallucinations. He was prescribed by the doctor, antidepressants and was advised to rest but his conditioned worsened. He was admitted t
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