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Wasif H - Ryan Hughes Muscle Building Program - 0 views

  • Nutrition: Calories: 4,689.5 Fats: 130.5g Protein: 416g Carbs: 502g Meal 1: 2 scoops Myofusion Protein 50g   |   Carbs 10g   |   Fat 6g 1 cup Oats with Splenda and Cinnamon Protein 7g   |   Carbs 37g   |   Fat 4g 2 tbsp natural Peanut Butter Protein 10g   |   Carbs 8g   |   Fat 11g Total Calories For Meal 1: 533 Meal 2: 6 oz 99% lean Ground Turkey Protein 47g   |   Carbs 0g   |   Fat 18g 8 oz Yam Protein 3g   |   Carbs 62g   |   Fat 0g 1 cup Broccoli Protein 3g   |   Carbs 62g   |   Fat 0g 1/4 cup Almonds Protein 8g   |   Carbs 8g   |   Fat 19g Total Calories For Meal 2: 849 Meal 3: 6 oz fresh grilled Salmon Protein 39g   |   Carbs 0g   |   Fat 12g 1 cup Brown Rice Protein 5g   |   Carbs 45g   |   Fat 2g 1 cup Broccoli Protein 3g   |   Carbs 5g   |   Fat 0g Total Calories For Meal 3: 515 Meal 4: 6 oz 96% lean Burger Protein 36g   |   Carbs 1g   |   Fat 7g 1 oz fat free cheddar cheese Protein 9g   |   Carbs 1g   |   Fat 0g 1 Ezekiel burger bun Protein 9g   |   Carbs 32g   |   Fat 1.5g 1 tbsp reduced sugar Ketchup Protein 0g   |   Carbs 1g   |   Fat 0g 6 oz homemade Sweet Potato Fries Protein 3g   |   Carbs 37g   |   Fat 1g Total Calories For Meal 4: 595 Meal 5: 6 oz 99% lean Ground Turkey Protein 47g   |   Carbs 0g   |   Fat 18g 8 oz Yam Protein 3g   |   Carbs 62g   |   Fat 0g 1/4 cup Almonds Protein 8g   |   Carbs 8g   |   Fat 19g Total Calories For Meal 5: 822 Meal 6: 2 scoops Myofusion Protein 50g   |   Carbs 10g   |   Fat 6g
  • Exercise
  • s Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip5 Sets 15,12,10,8,6 reps Incline Dumbbell Press4 Sets 12,10,8,8 reps Dumbbell Flyes4 Sets 10,10,8,8 reps Machine Bench Press3 Sets 15,12,10 reps Butterfly4 Sets 12,12,12,12 reps30 sec. rest between sets
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Day 2: Quads/Calves Exercises Standing Calf Raises6 sets of 8-10 reps Seated Calf Raise6 sets of 8-10 reps Leg Extensions5 Sets 15,12,12,10,10 reps Barbell Squat6 Sets 12,12,10,10,8,6 reps Leg Press4 Sets 12,10,10,8 reps Smith Machine Squat
  • Exercises Standing Military Press4 Sets 12,10,8,8 reps Seated Dumbbell Press4 Sets 10,10,8,8 reps Barbell Shrug4 Sets 15,12,12,10 reps Smith Machine Shrug3 Sets 12,12,12 reps Side Lateral Raise3 sets of 12,10,8 repsone arm at a time Front Plate Raise3 Sets of 12,10,8 reps25,35,45lb plates
  • Barbell Curl4 Sets 12,10,10,8 reps Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl4 Sets 12,10,8,8 reps Standing Dumbbell Reverse Curl4 Sets 12,10,10,8 reps Preacher Curl3 Sets 12,12,12 reps Dumbbell One-Arm Triceps Extension4 Sets 12,10,10,8 reps Weighted Bench Dip4 Sets 15,12,12,10 reps Lying Triceps Press4 Sets 12,10,10,8 reps Triceps Pushdown3 Sets 12,10,10 reps
  • Day 6: Back/Hamstrings Exercises Barbell Deadlift4 Sets 15,12,10,8 reps Bent Over Barbell Row4 Sets 15,12,10,8 reps One-Arm Dumbbell Row4 Sets 12,10,10,8 reps Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown4 Sets 12,10,10,10 reps Seated Leg Curl4 Sets 12,10,10,10 reps Hack Squat4 Sets 12,12,10,8 reps
Aninder S

McDonalds Nutrition Facts - Fast Food Nutrition Facts - 0 views

  • Chicken McNuggets (10 piece) 5.6 oz (160 g) 420 220 24 5 60 1120 26 0 0 25
  • Medium French Fries 4 oz (114 g) 350 150 16 3 0 220 47 5 0 4
  • Big Mac 7.8 oz (219 g) 560 270 30 10 80 1010 46 3 8 25
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Aninder S
      Just before you go out to McDonald's to grab a quick and easy lunch, remember that each with each meal you eat at McDonald's you're eating more than half your calories for the day! Waking up a few minutes earlier in the morning won't hurt you to make a quick and healthy lunch!
Gurkirat S

List Of Carbohydrate Foods - Nutrition - 0 views

  • The basic four best sources of good carbs are: Raw or lightly cooked vegetables found on the healthy vegetables list, Most whole fresh or frozen fruits, chosen from the healthy fresh fruits list, Beans, legumes, nuts and seeds - make healthy choices from the bean list, And high fiber 100% whole grains picked from the healthy list of whole grains.
  • The basic bad carbs list includes: All candies, jelly and jams, Sodas, fruit juices, fruit drinks, Pudding, custards and other sweets, Processed refined grains, like white rice, Bread and pasta made with any refined flour, Cakes, cookies and other sweet bakery products
    Bascially these are the good and bad carbohyrdrates.
Paul McCarlie

Exercise and Nutrition Tips - 0 views

  • The most effective way for fat loss is increasing your metabolism.
  • Weight training and aerobic activities and taken in enough nutritious calories each day for energy all while having enough protein to maintain muscle mass, which in turn will lead to fat loss
  • It is important to focus on fat loss and not just weight loss.
    Good article that gives some insight into the specifics of weight loss
Joti P

Balanced Diet Nutrition - Nutrition, Function, Side Effects - NY Times Health Information - 0 views

    • Joti P
      This article really describes what food you should and should not be eating when you want a balanced diet. 
  • A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition
  • Fruit group
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Vegetable group
  • unbalanced diet can cause problems with maintenance
  • Growth and development
  • balanced diet that is low in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol
  • Balance your calorie intake with exercise.
  • Eat 2 cups (4 servings) of fruit
  • Eat 3 ounces or more of whole-grain products per day.
  • Avoid trans fatty acids,
Wasif H

How Much Protein And Carbs Should You Eat Before Workout? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • If your workout is the key to your dream physique, then your diet is the key to your most effective workout. The food you eat is directly tied to the way your body performs, and an under-performing body won't burn as many calories or build as much muscle as one that is perfectly fueled.
  • the most important factor is the mix of carbohydrates and protein.
  • No matter what volume of food you consume, dietitian Christopher Mohr recommends 5 g of carbs for every 1 g of essential amino acids -- about 1.6 g of a complete protein will provide 1 g of essential amino acids. Consuming these nutrients before your workout allows your body to take advantage of workout-induced increased blood flow to establish the amino acids in your muscles while boosting blood sugar for steady energy.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Whatever you decide to eat, keep the 5:1.6 g carb-to-protein ratio in mind.
  • Obviously, the closer you get to your workout time, the smaller the meal should be
  • Many protein shakes and sports bars are designed specifically as pre-workout nutrition and have the precise nutrient ratio you need. They also have the added advantage of being portable, which can be convenient for those who hit the gym on the way home from work.
  • If you are stuck without your favorite supplement at hand, fat-free chocolate milk will suffice -- according to Mohr, it provides the exact carb-to-protein ratio as a pre-workout shake. The fat-free part is important though -- fat digests slowly and can weigh you down when you least need it.
  • Supplements are simply convenience products, and are not necessary to good nutrition. You can get the same benefit from whole foods, but this requires more planning and label reading. Fat-free yogurt with fruit and granola works, as does a whole-grain bagel with peanut butter.
  • Timing is important -- even the perfect meal can leave you flat if you eat it too early or weigh you down if you eat it too late
  • The actual amount of carbs and protein you eat depends upon how much time will elapse before your workout.
  • f your only pre-workout nutrition is a regular meal, eat it about three or four hours before you exercise so the food has time to digest. Otherwise, your full stomach will be susceptible to upset, and the nutrients won't be available in your bloodstream when your body needs them. Smaller meals can be eaten two or three hours prior, but stick to a small snack if you only have an hour to go.
  • Supplements are by far the easiest way to ensure you get the proper ratio in an appropriately-sized food source.
  • For a larger meal, a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce and tomato is a nearly perfect pre-workout meal, and bananas or fruit juice can be a last-minute snack for quick energy.
Wasif H - The Best Time To Take Your Supplements. - 0 views

  • Creatine - Learn More Best taken 1/2 hour or so BEFORE a workout and again RIGHT after a workout. What I do is take a creatine/juice/protein drink about a half hour before a workout and than another shake right after. This "bracketing" technique helps set up an anabolic (muscle-building) state for your muscles and helps prevent muscle breakdown from a workout (catabolism). Other than these 2 opportune times, you can add another creatine serving or two any time throughout the day. I usually recommend 25 to 30 grams of creatine on a loading phase and 10-20 grams a day on a maintenance phase.
  • Glutamine - Learn More Definitely take glutamine right before bed. This is where the overwhelming research shows the value of glutamine raising growth hormone levels significantly by taking 5 grams before bed. Also, another great time is upon waking, when your muscles have been without significant nutrition for up to 6-8 hours. Another good time for glutamine is about a half hour or hour after working out. This helps in the recovery/recuperation process from demanding workouts. So, creatine definitely before and after your workout and glutamine right before bed and right upon waking.
  • The best times to take ANY protein drink or protein supplements are as follows. I've listed them in order of importance, so based upon what you can afford, start at the top of the list and work down. When Should You Take It? The most important time is right after a workout. Your muscles are like a sponge and need instant nutrition for muscle recovery and growth. Right before bed. You're about to sleep for 6 to 8 hours. That's a long time without protein. Could you imagine going throughout your day (when awake) not eating 6 to 8 hours? Right before bed is important. Right upon waking. Same thing, you've just gone 6 to 8 hours without proper nutrition. Your body needs protein quick. Half hour before a workout. This sets up the "anabolic window" before your workout and provides your muscles with adequate nutrition so that the effects of weight training (weight training breaks down muscle-called catabolic) are not as severe.
Wasif H - Dissecting And Rebuilding Your Daily Nutrition! - 0 views

  • Caloric intake is also very important for your strength levels. If your calories are too low for your energy expenditure you will be going backwards with your progress instead of forward.
  • f you are training hard and you are not taking in the optimal amount of protein that your body needs to recover and replenish from your hard workouts, much of your time in the gym will be wasted. This doesn't sound so good does it?
  • One very important thing your Dietician forgot is your pre and post workout nutrition plan. Where are they? What you eat before and after your training plays a major role in your success. If your nutrition plan doesn't have these included in them then you are definitely getting shortchanged on your results.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Jack Up Your Fiber
  • You need to increase your daily fiber intake especially since you will be increasing your protein intake, as this will make sure to keep the plumbing in proper working order.
    • Wasif H
      Very good source , learned a lot information , would reccomend this 
Wasif H

What Do Protein Supplements Do To Young Weight Lifters? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Young weightlifters who want to emulate athletic heroes try to improve their own weightlifting skills and athletic motivation. Yet in the realm of protein supplementation, youngsters would do well to learn as much as possible about sensible nutrition
  • Young weightlifters should avoid relying on protein supplementation for muscle and strength gains, as excessive dietary protein might carry unwanted side effects, and protein supplementation can be unnecessary and expensive.
  • Teenage weightlifters immerse themselves in a demanding sport that emphasizes power and body weight. Already dealing with growth spurts and body changes, these teens may obsess about muscle gain. However, it is exercise, not high protein foods, that builds muscle -- although dietary protein provides the amino acids from which new muscle can be built.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Adolescents should obtain 13 percent to 14 percent of their entire calorie intake from protein. If an adolescent weightlifter's diet contains 3,000 calories, 14 percent of the total calories would be 428 cal.
  • diet containing protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meats, beans, nuts and low fat cheese and milk easily fulfills the young weightlifter's requirements.
  • The National Kidney Association cites studies showing accelerated kidney damage in diabetics on high protein diets.
  • However, Body Building For You suggests that athletes regularly exceed protein requirements with no adverse effects, and that no study ever scientifically proved that high protein diets are dangerous to healthy individuals.
  • n 1998, "Journal of Nutrition" reported excessive protein metabolism encouraging calcium loss through excretion, yet in 2003 the same journal suggested that calcium is not always lost, possibly because phosphorous helps to enable calcium re-uptake by the kidneys -- at least in people with no prior health problems.
  • hus, protein supplements may not harm the young weightlifter, even if those supplements contribute to protein intake beyond recommended levels.
  • Still, two concerns remain: one is financial loss at the expense of weight gain. Expensive protein supplements are unnecessary if the young weightlifter includes protein-rich foods in every meal.
  • Another danger is hidden ingredients. Some of the most respected Olympian weightlifters have tested positive for banned drugs or steroids hidden in nutritional supplements that they believed to be protein or energy supplements.
  • Some cause physical and sexual characteristics to alter, and some hasten cancer. In short, young weightlifters aspiring to world-class competition must exercise the utmost responsibility regarding nutrition. It is never too early to start such discipline.
    • Wasif H
      This information is valuable because I can relate to it. I dont want to be taking some protein that may have other chemicals that are harmful for my body. 
Gurkirat S

Nutritional Foods - What Should You Be Eating? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      All foods carry some nutritional value to them, whether its good or bad for your health is what needs to be determined. Common nutrtitonal foods are fruits, vegetables, and meats.
Joti P

BBC - Health: Healthy eating for teenagers - 0 views

  • Teenagers and diet
  • should sustain growth and promote good health.
  • number of physiological changes occur that affect nutritional needs
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Nutrition
  • Intake of iron and calcium was also below ideal levels among many of the teenagers. Meanwhile the rising levels of obesity suggest many young people are eating too many calories.
  • Iron deficiency
  • most common nutritional deficiencies in the UK.
  • can result in iron-deficiency anaemia.
  • body doesn't absorb iron quite as easily from non-meat sources, but you can enhance absorption by combining them with a food rich in vitamin C
  • so it's better to have a glass of orange juice with your breakfast cereal than a cup of tea.
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Bones continue to grow and strengthen until the age of 30, and the teenage years are very important to this development.
  • Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous are vital for this process, with calcium requirements for the teenage years ranging from 800mg to 1,000mg per day.
  • Calcium-rich foods should be consumed every day.
  • Plenty of starchy carbohydrates
  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Two to three portions of dairy products
  • Two servings of protein
  • Limit sugar-rich food and drinks
  • Drink six to eight glasses of fluid a day
  • Eat regular meals from the main food groups, and minimise intake of high-fat and sugar-rich foods
  • particular attention to getting enough iron and calcium in the diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • physically active
    • Joti P
      This website provided useful information on balanced diets in teens and the statistics are surprising but seemingly true.
    question 4
Justin D

A Nutrition Plan For Athletes | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    Teenage athletes should include protein with all or most meals and snacks. Protein is an essential nutrient needed in the body for the growth, development and repair of muscles and body tissue. Protein is particularly beneficial following a workout, as it aids in rebuilding muscle fibers broken down during an intense or prolonged exercise session. This boosts the strength of muscles in addition to increasing muscle mass and size. With adequate recovery, the body is better able to perform optimally during a workout the following day with less risk of fatigue, soreness or possible injury. Incorporate protein into daily meals by eating eggs for breakfast, a chicken salad for lunch, low-fat yogurt and string cheese for snacks and a serving of lean beef, turkey or fish for dinner. A post-workout protein shake made with low-fat milk, a banana and protein powder may also help athletes who have trouble meeting caloric needs through food.
Justin D

The Nutritional Needs Of An Active Teenage Athlete | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    Justin, Great job in the collection of articles. Now time to find which will provide the best information for you. I look forward to your highlights and annotations. Keep up the good work! Mr. L
Wasif H - Carbohydrate Typing: How To Use Carbs To Optimize Athlete Performance! - 0 views

  • We know that for athletes to optimize their performance and be successful, they must consume efficient amounts of nutrients from carbohydrates... Here are a few facts and tips about carb loading, its importance, who benefits, and more. By: Chuck Rudolph, MEd, RD Nov 25, 2009 Email More Article Summary: Endurance athletes will benefit from optimizing glycogen stores. Performance athlete should keep glycogen stores packed at all times. Carbs are the primary energy source for intense endurance exercise. Performance is defined as "the execution or accomplishment of work, acts, feats, etc." Today, we know a lot about how nutrition can affect the strength, speed and performance of athletes. We also know that for athletes to optimize their performance and be successful, they must consume efficient amounts of nutrients from carbohydrates, fats and proteins throughout the day. The main question is, "How can nutrition go above and beyond for performance when taken pre, during and post intensive exercise/training?" Click Image To Enlarge. Athletes Must Consume Efficient Amounts Of Nutrients FromCarbohydrates, Fats And Proteins Throughout The Day. What Impact Does Nutrition Have On Performance? Most of us already know that carbohydrates are the most readily available nutrient for e
  • In fact, current research is advising endurance/intense training athletes to consume 0.5-1.0 grams of carbohydrate per minute (intensity pending) during training or competition. Trying to consume more carbohydrates has only indicated intestinal distress and it is believed that the type of carbohydrate is the limiting factor.
    • Wasif H
      this site had a lot of scientific knowledge about carbohydrates. I found it quite interesting that so much is involved for this .
Wasif H - Nutrition 101: Eat To Build Lean Muscle - 0 views

Joti P

Teen Nutrition: Helping Teens Make Healthy Food Choices - 0 views

  • The foundation for a lifetime of strong bones is built during the teen and young adult years until about age 30
  • research indicates that teenagers are not getting nearly enough calcium to build strong bones and that can lead to osteoporosis later in life.
  • Maintaining normal weight is critically important since obesity often leads to diabetes-type 2, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, conditions once seen most commonly in adults.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • best way to treat and prevent these problems is a combination of healthy diet and exercise.
  • positive eating patterns fostered during the teen years are very likely to last a lifetime.
  • Improving eating habits among teens is crucially important for two reasons (among others): building strong bones and preventing obesity
    Provides some good insight for question number 2
Paul McCarlie

Eating habits and stress - Nutrition and Fitness - C-Health - 0 views

    • Paul McCarlie
      I tend to eat when I feal like it, maybe I should change that...
  • Eat regular meals
  • Eat by the clock, not by your stomach
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Make it easy
  • Buy foods that are easier to prepare (but keep an eye on their nutritional value).
  • Avoid dieting
  • avoid strict diets. These may change your metabolism so that you gain weight even faster when you end the diet.
    simple, straightforward site on healthy eating, maybe a little cliche.
Anita B

Good Carbohydrates Vs. Bad Carbohydrates | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      So the main difference between good and bad carbohydrates is that when carbohydrates are found in natural foods its much healthier compared to foods in that are unprocessed. Examples of this would be fruits, vegetables, and whole nuts and seeds etc. Bad carbohydrates are foods that are unprocessed foods, that have taken the nutrients and fiber have been removed. Example is McDonald's From this information, it has really opened my eyes that McDonald's is not healthy at all it has bad carbohydrates, which is really bad for me, because  I do not want to just throw off insulin productions, causing fluctuations in blood glucose levels. By reading this, it really does scare me, it has given me a heads up. 
  • Basic Differences One basic difference between the quality of carbohydrates is nutrition. The carbohydrates found in natural foods are healthier than those in processed foods. While carbohydrates are an essential part of good nutrition, getting too many carbohydrates from the wrong sources can increase your risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.
  • Good Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are what you want the most of in your diet. They provide the body with the fuel it needs for energy. Good carbohydrates are found in foods that have not been processed, but are eaten pretty much in their natural states. Fruits, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are all sources of healthy carbohydrates.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Bad Carbohydrates Bad carbohydrates are the refined, highly processed carbohydrates from which most of the nutrients and fiber have been removed. White flour and refined sugar contained in many processed foods are primary examples of bad carbohydrates. The body has trouble processing these foods, and therefore, they do not digest well. Simple starches and sugars throw off insulin production, causing fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Most foods that contain bad carbohydrates provide empty calories with little or no nutritional value. As a result, the body stores these extra calories in the cells as fat.
  • Benefits of Carbohydrates Good carbohydrates are high fiber foods that help you feel full longer. These are carbohydrates that are chock full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs on a daily basis. Low glycemic carbohydrates break down slowly during digestion, releasing glucose into the bloodstream gradually, thereby helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly have high glycemic indexes, causing blood sugar to rise quickly. Consuming a diet low in energy density means eating fewer refined carbohydrates and more unrefined carbohydrates that are high in nutrients. Including more good carbohydrates in your diet can help you lose excess body fat and feel more energized.
  • A healthy diet must include carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose that the body's cells use as energy
    • Anita B
      There are good and bad carboydrates so it is important to avoid the bad ones. The carbohydrates which we find in processed foods are ofcourse unhealthy compared to those we find in natural foods. Bad carbs are high processed carbohydrates from which the good parts (fiber and nutrients) are removed. Example are white flour and refined sugar.
Anita B

Protein Info - How Much Protein Do You Need - 1 views

  • But shouldn’t protein intake be a percentage of total calories? Quite a few programs and nutritionists quote percentage of calories, usually in the range of 10 percent to 20 percent, as a way to figure out how much protein a person needs to consume daily. This is a rough estimate of a person's minimum protein needs. It works because typically, larger and more active people need more calories, so the more calories they need, the more protein they will get.
  • What foods have the most protein? Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts all have substantial amounts of protein. These articles can help:
    • Ali C
      Good site because my questions had lots to do with protein and meat. Although it could have gave me more info about meat and the effects, it is still a good site.
    • Ali C
      Yes Mr. Leviitt I am still interested! I think I gained alot of knowledge about protein that I never knew before from all this research!
  • What is protein? How much protein do we need? Is it possible to eat too much protein?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • mainly made up of protein. However, p
  • mainly made up of protein. H
  • mainly
  • Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. Our bodies cannot manufacture nine of the amino acids, so it is important to include all these amino acids in our diets.
  • Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level.
    Ali, looks good! I hope that through this process you gain a valuable research tool and gain some information which will help you get in the shape you are looking for. Still want to pursue that Personal Training career? Mr. Levitt
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