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Tarmo Toikkanen

50 Useful Google Apps for Writers - Learn-gasm - 0 views

    50 google-työkalua kirjoittajille.
    Writers, especially those who work from home or who juggle busy schedules around multiple assignments, have a lot to manage-note pads, sticky notes, brainstorming lists, correspondence with clients and editors, and even personal documents and materials that take up a lot of space and time. With its new applications and tools, Google continues to make it easier to manage all that. Below are some of our top picks for the most useful Google apps for writers.
Hannele T.

Key note: Tekijänoikeuden vaikutuksista e-tiedon hyödyntämisessä - 0 views

    Key note-puheenvuoro TIETOmessuilla 23.5.2011: Tekijänoikeuden vaikutuksista e-tiedon hyödyntämisessä Asianajaja Mari Lampenius, Asianajotoimisto Susiluoto Oy - linkki pdf-esitykseen
Tarmo Toikkanen :: Words that stick - 3 views

shared by Tarmo Toikkanen on 26 Sep 10 - Cached
    Interactive wall for student-posted notes and multimedia. Good for displaying on a projector or IWB.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Digital Writing, Digital Teaching - Integrating New Literacies into the Teaching of Writing » Blog Archive » Notes from Dan Priest's "Rethinking Technology in the Multimodal Classroom" - 1 views

    "Dan Priest suggested that his explorations of the internet and some of the tools available continue to inspire the ways in which he teaches with technology. Using his Wii remote/homemade Smartboard, he argues that "Students are more receptive to graphically designed instruction today than what is considered practical""
    Liittyen viime aikojen esitystekniikan, visualisoinnin ja graafisten diojen käyttöön tässä opettajan vinkkejä palveluihin, joilla voi kehittää oman opetuksen visuaalisuutta.
Tero Toivanen

U.S. Dept. of Ed. Reaffirms OER Support, Highlights Competency-Based Assessment | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • And she noted that the department and the Obama Administration’s commitment to OER began “at the top,” with President Obama highlighting his support for “the creation of a new online and open source clearinghouse of courses” to help higher education achieve the goal of making the United States first in the world in the proportion of students graduating from college by 2020.
  • all the new intellectual property produced as a result of those grants, whether it’s a new open course or modules, or new kinds of learning materials,… would be released with a Creative Commons CC-BY license
    Yhdysvalloissa vihreätä valoa avoimille oppimisympäristöille.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Christopher D. Sessums :: Blog :: Driven to Distraction: Notes on Young Adults Living and Learning with New Media - 0 views

  • This quote struck me on many levels. Specifically, the notion of being distracted in the "other features" seemed to be a loaded statement. Do students consider exploring outside the realm of what is defined as "learning" as a distraction? Isn't exploring different facets of an application just as important as using it for its intended purpose? This led me to consider how many educators have so poisoned students thinking that being "off-task" is even considered to be a bad thing. Have we so stymied students that they believe if they are not formally "learning," if they become "sidetracked," that they are wasting their time? When did curiosity become a negative thing? (When it killed the proverbial cat, I suppose.) As I think about it, if young adults find new media a distraction, then perhaps "learning" has become too narrowly defined. This then led me to wonder how we can "measure" self-directed learning in this new media context? In other words, how can we show the different levels of learning that takes place in these new contexts?
    Christopher Sessums pohtii, ovatko sosiaalisen median tarjoamat seikkailumahdollisuudet todella haitallisia oppimiselle, vai ovatko ne oppimisen ydintä.
    Do students consider exploring outside the realm of what is defined as "learning" as a distraction? Isn't exploring different facets of an application just as important as using it for its intended purpose? This led me to consider how many educators have so poisoned students thinking that being "off-task" is even considered to be a bad thing.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Facebook Announces New Homepages: It's All About the Stream - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • One highlight of the new homepages is a new 'publisher' feature which looks almost exactly like a similar feature on FriendFeed. Users can now easily post updates, notes, photos, and videos right from their homepage without having to go to the specific application first.
  • Just like on FriendFeed, users can now easily block updates from others if they turn out to be spammers or are simply posting too few interesting (or too many) updates.
  • Thanks to updates to Facebook's privacy settings, users will now also be able to follow others without having to become actual 'friends.' This is basically the same 'friendship' model that Twitter has implemented on its service.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Facebook is slowly moving towards combining some of the best features of FriendFeed and Twitter on its homepages as it has seen how quickly users latched on to Twitter and its real-time updates.
    Facebookin uudet ominaisuudet tulevat käyttöön 11.3.2009. Tässä käydään läpi, mitä uutta on tiedossa. Huhut kasvavasta kilpailusta Friendfeedin ja Twitterin kanssa sävyttävät spekulaatiota.
    New Facebook features revealed
Tero Toivanen

A Million People Riding Google Wave. Most Of Them On Their Stomachs. - 0 views

  • I think Google Wave is something I’d like to have open all the time, as I see it as a new potential variety of communication for the web. And if I have it open, I don’t need another service, like email, to notify me about new messages. But I don’t have it open all the time now because usage among people I know is too sporadic.
  • “Although we are opening up access a bit, do remember that Google Wave is still only in its early preview phase,” the team notes today
    Google Wave on vasta kokeiluvaiheessa ja silti se on lähettänyt jo miljoona kutsua. Kirjoissa kuvataan Wave:a mahdolliseksi uudeksi kommunikaation muodoksi web:ssä.
Tero Toivanen

100 Different Evernote Uses - Andrew Maxwell | Web designer in Portland Oregon - 1 views

    100 tapaa käyttää Evernote:ia, web-palvelua, johon voi tallentaa tiedostoja ja muistiinpanoja. Ne ovat kaikkialla saatavilla, missä on Internet-yhteys.
Tarmo Toikkanen

What is the Future of Teaching? - 0 views

  • According to the New York Times Bits blog, a recent study funded by the US Department of Education (PDF) found that on the whole, online learning environments actually led to higher tested performance than face-to-face learning environments.
  • “In many of the studies showing an advantage for online learning, the online and classroom conditions differed in terms of time spent, curriculum and pedagogy. It was the combination of elements in the treatment conditions (which was likely to have included additional learning time and materials as well as additional opportunities for collaboration) that produced the observed learning advantages,” writes the authors of the report (emphasis theirs). “At the same time, one should note that online learning is much more conducive to the expansion of learning time than is face-to-face instruction.”
  • We can conclude that those in online learning environments tested better, but not necessarily why.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Researchers warned that “various online learning implementation practices may have differing effectiveness for K–12 learners than they do for older students,” which seems plausible.
  • The word education, after all, comes from the Latin educare, which means, “to lead out.” I.e., think Socrates. Anyone can absorb information from a book or video, but good teachers will always be necessary to draw out that knowledge and help students develop the skills needed to think critically about the information they consume. In other words, online learning tools are just like any other tools in a teacher’s bag of tricks: what matters is how they’re applied. The instruction of good teachers will be made better by the proper application of web tools, while bad teachers won’t necessarily be made better by utilizing online education methods.
  • It comes down to knowing how to best use the tools at your disposal to maximize the impact of education for students, which has always been what separates good teachers from bad ones. The major difference between teachers of today and teachers of the future is that in the future educators will have better online tools and will require better specialized training to learn how to utilize them properly.
    • Tarmo Toikkanen
      Exactly. The tools are not the point, it's the learning results that matter. And they stem from the learning activities, which in turn are supported by the tools that are employed.
  • Teachers will certainly need to adapt in order to use new tools and methods, but that’s nothing new. Online education may never completely replace face-to-face learning, though as the Department of Education study shows, with enough time and under the guidance of a good teacher, online learning environments can produce results that are just as good or better than classroom learning. Online learning is likely to be used more often to enhance face-to-face learning in the future, however, and in communities where classroom learning is infeasible due to lack of funds, online learning is an adequate stand-in.
    Hyvin tiivistettyä ajatusta opetuksen tulevaisuudesta.
    Good analysis on the impact of new tools, and the need for great teachers.
Tarmo Toikkanen

[Sm]all things considered by r.vuorikari: Impact of ICT use on educational performance - 0 views

  • Note, in-school use did not yield any significant impact :/ More interestingly, out-of-school use of ICT for learning purposes had a positive correlation (r=0.520, p= 0.00) with cognitive domain of educational performance, which shows good news for informal context of learning.
    Informal learning's value confirmed: out-of-school ICT use is connected to cognitive educational performance, while in-school ICT use is not.
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