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Tero Toivanen

Weblogg-ed » Teachers as Master Learners - 0 views

  • What I want are master learners, not master teachers, learners who see my kids as their apprentices for learning.
    • Tero Toivanen
      This is what teachers should be!
  • My sense is that we need to rethink the role of those adults once again, and that we’re coming full circle.
  • social and technological networks subvert the classroom-based role of the teacher.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • When learners have control of the tools of conversation, they also control the conversations in which they choose to engage.
  • instead of controlling a classroom, a teacher now influences or shapes a network.
  • Apprenticeship learning models are among the most effective in attending to the full breadth of learning. Apprenticeship is concerned with more than cognition and knowledge (to know about) – it also addresses the process of becoming a carpenter, plumber, or physician.
  • We can’t teach kids to learn unless we are learners ourselves, and our understanding of learning has to encompass the rich, passion-based interactions that take place in these social learning spaces online.
    Teachers should be master learners not master teachers!
Tarmo Toikkanen

What educational question is Second Life the answer to? - 0 views

  • In another session Shailey Minocha and Rita Tingle discussed the importance of a sense of presence and a sense of place which are harder to achieve in a 2D environment. They also suggest from their research that activities in Second Life don’t actually enhance learning in themselves but by creating a sense of community and common purpose they can build motivation in learners which then leads to better learning.
  • it’s amazing how included you feel…I would never have been able to take part in the activities offered by the OU if they hadn’t been in Second Life…everyone joins in and really helps me learn
  • The avatar becomes an extension of the self and people in her Glasgow evening classes call each other by their avatar names. Kath feels that people’s identity is more real in Second Life somehow than in their Facebook presence.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Maggie Savin-Baden from Coventry reports that students think play is important but perceive that staff think it’s a distraction from learning.
  • There is no doubt that virtual worlds are enhancing social contact and quickly become as real to their participants as “real” communication. If you don’t believe this think how much we believe we’re hearing someone’s voice when we pick up the telephone. It’s just a reproduction of their voice transported in multiple ways through complex communication networks but we con ourselves into thinking we’re actually hearing their voice.
  • Edward Castranova quotes Gartner’s prediction that by 2011 80% of web users will use an avatar and have a “second life”.
    Analyysia Second Lifen hyödyistä opetuksessa.
    Research shows that activities in Second Life don't actually enhance learning in themselves but by creating a sense of community and common purpose they can build motivation in learners which then leads to better learning.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Networked Learning Design - Occasional rants - I was wrong: games ARE an alternative vision. - 0 views

  • E-learning designers believe that people learn through "content". They assume that encountering content will lead people to change their behaviour. Games designers believe that people learn through "experience". They assume that having experiences - doing and feeling things - leads to change in behaviour. E-learning designers believe we must be "nice" to our learners in case they go away. They assume that the relationship between the course and the learner is a weak one so that if there's any significant challenge, the learner will give up. Games designers believe that we can challenge people and they'll stick with it. Indeed, it is progressive challenges that form much of the motivation for gamers. E-learning designers believe that we learn step by step (hence linearity, page-turning etc.). Game designers believe we absorb lots of things all at once (hence HUDs, complex information screens etc.). E-learning designers believe that learning experiences are emotionally neutral (in spite of all that's written about the importance of emotion in learning). Games designers always seek an "angle", an attitude.
    "games are an utterly different vision of learning, separated from e-learning by a huge and uncrossable chasm"
    Miten pelit ja eOpetus eroavat toisistaan.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Learnlets » Engaging Learning - 0 views

  • At core was an alignment between what makes effective learning practice, and what makes engaging experiences.  Looking across educational theories, repeated elements emerge. Similarly with experience design.  It turns that they perfectly align.  If you recognize that, and can execute against it, your learning will be greater than the sum of the parts, and will both seriously engage and truly educate.  Learning can, and should, be hard fun!
  • Please, wherever you draw inspiration, however you figure it out, make more engaging learning. Align the elements of effective practice and the elements of engaging experiences, and make your learning rock. For your learners’ sake, please!
    "How do you systematically design learning experiences that effectively engage the learner?" Learning and engaging (like in games) have much in common, and learning can leverage engagement.
Eija Kalliala

The Global One-Room Schoolhouse: John Seely Brown (Highlights from his "Entrepreneurial Learner" Keynote at DML2012) on Vimeo - 1 views

    Miten oppiminen ja pedagogiikka on muuttunut? Miten konteksti ja pelaaminen tai leikkiminen auttaa oppimaan ja hallitsemaan somen viestintä- ja tietopalettia?
Tarmo Toikkanen

Open source e-portfolio and social networking software - Mahara ePortfolio System - 2 views

    "Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Māori, is user centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities."
Tero Toivanen

Education Futures - Curriki: Open source education materials - 0 views

    Curriki, an online community of over 100,000 educators, learners and experts collectively developing curriculum resources freely available to anyone who wants them, seems to be meeting the challenge.
Tero Toivanen

Eurocall CMC & Teacher Education SIGs Annual Workshop - Home - 0 views

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) are defined as “materials used to support education that may be freely accessed, reused, modified and shared by anyone” (Downes, 2011). Open Educational Practices (OEP) are practices which “support the production, use and reuse of high quality OER through institutional policies, which promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower learners as co-producers on their lifelong learning path.” (ICDE, 2011). Open Communication is reciprocal and respectful exchange which contributes to social presence in online learning (Gunawardena & Zittle, 1997), and the development of intercultural awareness and competence in language learning.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Avoimien resurssien, avoimien käytäntöjen ja avoimen kommunikaation määritelmät.
  • “A culture of sharing resources and practices will help facilitate change and innovation in education” (OER Commons, 2011).
  • Open access initiatives to make research publications freely available online or the adoption of open source software solutions, such as Moodle or Mahara, are already having a big impact on education.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • This two-day conference focuses on the impact of adopting openness as a key principle in education.
Tero Toivanen

2011.11 OERu Meeting summary - WikiEducator - 0 views

  • In thinking about the next evolution of open learning, TRU Open Learning has conceptualized a new model for open education. In keeping with our outcomes based philosophy of higher education we can envision a truly open model for higher education. Judith Murray refers to this new model as "Open Education 2.0". The conceptual framework for "Open Education 2.0" requires us to think not only in terms of the "Traditional Model", but in addition to envision a parallel model where we can have Any learner, using Any material, and being supported (taught, instructed, facilitated, mentored, tutored) by Anyone, to achieve learning which is then subjected to Our assessment, in order to receive Our credit, which can be applied towards Our credential.
    • Tero Toivanen
      OER-yliopiston myötä syntymässä uusi käsitteellinen viitekehys oppimiselle: "Open Education 2.0"
Tero Toivanen

Languages smarten up your brain - Guardian Weekly - 1 views

  • Now a study published by the European Commission reveals that learning an additional language such as English may bring benefits that go beyond the ability to use the language itself. This report has implications for why, when and how we teach and learn English as a second or foreign ­language.
  • One of the significant findings for English language teaching is that changes in the brain’s electrical activity may occur much earlier than previously thought.
  • this study suggests that changes in the brain may start even in the earlier stages of language learning.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Another cluster concerns enhanced mental flexibility.
  • The benefits reported include enhanced capacity for learning whereby knowledge of languages can lead to superior memory function, especially short-term “working” memory.
  • Most of the advantages ­described support overall competence-building for life and work in modern, information-rich, internet environments.
  • Enhanced problem-solving capability is also reported.
  • Greater understanding of how language functions and is used to achieve specific goals in life acts as the fourth cluster.
  • Finally the study reports on research that links knowledge of languages to a slowdown of age-related mental diminishment such as certain forms of dementia.
  • The cognitive neurosciences stress the need for powerful learning environments, and yet not enough of our language education is spent encouraging learners to engage in higher-order thinking about meaningful content that fires up the brain.
    Most people learn languages to help them communicate. Now a study of recent research into brain function reveals that students could be gaining a lot more from their pursuit of linguistic skills, says David Marsh
Tarmo Toikkanen

What is the Future of Teaching? - 0 views

  • According to the New York Times Bits blog, a recent study funded by the US Department of Education (PDF) found that on the whole, online learning environments actually led to higher tested performance than face-to-face learning environments.
  • “In many of the studies showing an advantage for online learning, the online and classroom conditions differed in terms of time spent, curriculum and pedagogy. It was the combination of elements in the treatment conditions (which was likely to have included additional learning time and materials as well as additional opportunities for collaboration) that produced the observed learning advantages,” writes the authors of the report (emphasis theirs). “At the same time, one should note that online learning is much more conducive to the expansion of learning time than is face-to-face instruction.”
  • We can conclude that those in online learning environments tested better, but not necessarily why.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Researchers warned that “various online learning implementation practices may have differing effectiveness for K–12 learners than they do for older students,” which seems plausible.
  • The word education, after all, comes from the Latin educare, which means, “to lead out.” I.e., think Socrates. Anyone can absorb information from a book or video, but good teachers will always be necessary to draw out that knowledge and help students develop the skills needed to think critically about the information they consume. In other words, online learning tools are just like any other tools in a teacher’s bag of tricks: what matters is how they’re applied. The instruction of good teachers will be made better by the proper application of web tools, while bad teachers won’t necessarily be made better by utilizing online education methods.
  • It comes down to knowing how to best use the tools at your disposal to maximize the impact of education for students, which has always been what separates good teachers from bad ones. The major difference between teachers of today and teachers of the future is that in the future educators will have better online tools and will require better specialized training to learn how to utilize them properly.
    • Tarmo Toikkanen
      Exactly. The tools are not the point, it's the learning results that matter. And they stem from the learning activities, which in turn are supported by the tools that are employed.
  • Teachers will certainly need to adapt in order to use new tools and methods, but that’s nothing new. Online education may never completely replace face-to-face learning, though as the Department of Education study shows, with enough time and under the guidance of a good teacher, online learning environments can produce results that are just as good or better than classroom learning. Online learning is likely to be used more often to enhance face-to-face learning in the future, however, and in communities where classroom learning is infeasible due to lack of funds, online learning is an adequate stand-in.
    Hyvin tiivistettyä ajatusta opetuksen tulevaisuudesta.
    Good analysis on the impact of new tools, and the need for great teachers.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Learnlets » Driving formal & informal from the same place - 0 views

  • There’s been such a division between formal and informal; the fight for resources, mindspace, and the ability for people to get their mind around making informal concrete.  However, I’ve been preparing a presentation from another way of looking at it, and I want to suggest that, at core, both are being driven from the same point: how humans learn.
  • Don’t assume self-learning skills, but support both task-oriented behaviors, and the development of self-monitoring, self learning.
  • The goal is to remove the artificial divide between formal and informal, and recognize the continuum of developing skills from foundational abilities into new areas, developing learners from novices to experts in both domains, and in learning.
    There's been such a division between formal and informal; the fight for resources, mindspace, and the ability for people to get their mind around making informal concrete. However, I've been preparing a presentation from another way of looking at it, and I want to suggest that, at core, both are being driven from the same point: how humans learn.
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