louisgray.com: Google Reader Limits Your RSS Article Spam Potential | MarshalSandler.com - 0 views
marshal sandler on 23 Apr 09April 23, 2009 louisgray.com: Google Reader Limits Your RSS Article Spam Potential Image via CrunchBase " The Pruneing of Google Reader !" " As Google Reader is my main jumping off point to gather all the news of the day, it's no secret the RSS reader also plays a major role in how I help distribute the news, be it through hitting share to add items to my link blog, or by e-mailing articles out to others. In October I mentioned how e-mailing RSS pieces can help to evangelize the service, and I've continued to make it something I do, for friends or for colleagues. But of late, I've found more restrictions being added that make it seem people have maliciously mass distributed articles out of Reader, so more safeguards have been added to slow me down." Louis Gray WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2009 Share and Enjoy: