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How to Improve Your English by Reading Newspaper? - 0 views

    Are you in the process of learning English and do you like reading the newspaper daily, Do you read the newspaper which is in your native language or English, However, you can improve your English skills through daily reading English newspaper as you can simultaneously develop many skills.
marshal sandler » PressThink - 0 views

  • Dear Mr Winer as a man of good taste,  this is a tasty look at a great Wordsmith I am going to be politically incorrect  print it out and put it next to my dradle under the chanukah  bush ! At 72 yeara old I still say merry christmas happy chanukah -Feliz Navidad Feliz Ano Nuevo . I think my clear conscience came from my high school read’s and a good Shrink!  This choice of Mr Rosen brings back great reads,John Dos Passos,Pablo Neruda,Freeman Dyson,  Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Rudyard Kipling, Herman Melville, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, and Emile Zola, by the time I graduated high school thanks to people like Mr Rosen I had read a lot of the Great Books ! I guess Christmas Eve is the day to announce the Blogger of the Year. It’s only the second time I’ve done it, and I did it last year on this day, and it seems like a good day to do it. That’s what being a real blogger is like. It’s like just feeling like doing something and then doing it. I hope that makes sense. Dave Winer Scripting News
    PressThink Image of Jay Rosen from Twitter Image of Jay Rosen Dear Mr Winer as a man of good taste, this is a tasty look at a great Wordsmith I am going to be politically incorrect print it out and put it next to my dradle under the chanukah bush ! At 72 yeara old I still say merry christmas happy chanukah -Feliz Navidad Feliz Ano Nuevo . I think my clear conscience came from my high school read's and a good Shrink! This choice of Mr Rosen brings back great reads,John Dos Passos,Pablo Neruda,Freeman Dyson, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Rudyard Kipling, Herman Melville, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, and Emile Zola, by the time I graduated high school thanks to people like Mr Rosen I had read a lot of the Great Books ! I guess Christmas Eve is the day to announce the Blogger of the Year. It's only the second time I've done it, and I did it last year on this day, and it seems like a good day to do it. That's what being a real blogger is like. It's like just feeling like doing something and then doing it.

How to Read my Girlfriend's - 0 views

    Many men often have this question in mind when they suspect their Girlfriend of cheating on them-"Is there any way that I can read Girlfriend's Facebook Messages without letting her know?" Well, the answer is yes! I remember one thing that happened with one of my colleagues who is also a good friend of mine. He was dating a girl for around 1 year and was truly in love with her. Their relationship was going good and he was going to propose to her on her birthday. But one night before the special day, he saw something weird on her laptop! It was his girlfriend's Facebook profile that was left opened accidentally (probably she forgot to log-out). There were some personal photographs of her she had shared with some other guy, over the chat. At that moment, my friend lost all his senses and realized that the girl he had loved so much was cheating on him.
tech vedic

Change the Size of a Web Page - 0 views

    You often find text in web pages which is very difficult to read. To read the font clearly, you can make the page bigger. Further, some web browsers allow you to zoom in and out.
marshal sandler » Seth's Blog - 0 views

    Having reached the ripe old age of 72 I have a lot of time to study web content platforms this is what I call blogs since the term blog,s to me is semantic jazz! For years I read Etc a magazine published by the I had tapes by the Late S I Hyakawa and Antatole Rapport ! Even once attended a lecture by Hiyakawa in Miami ! There are two web content platforms that are very informative which I enjoy for specifice reasons! and Seth Godin ! The both possess a a conversational style. This style says to the reader I am talking to you not shouting out to the world ! I had the benefit of a wonderful education and by the time I graduated high school had read Homer, John Dos Passos, and a lot of the great books ! Today a lot of platforms are being authored by Geeks who are well educated but not in the Liberal Arts ! So many write in bytes and bits ! I was banned from Mahalo for my reblogs and Freindfeed for not posting in a designated area! I was crushed can't you tell ! Most of these sites are run by Geeks who can only communicate with machines not people ! Gone are the day's when you get a well written letter on Crain Crest splattered with ink from a fountain pen !
marshal sandler

Economic Pulse: Saturday Errands - 0 views

    February 22, 2009 Economic Pulse: Saturday Errands Charles Shaw wine displayed in a Trader Joe's ... Image via Wikipedia Shopping Frank- Naomi and I live in a small town Royal Oak Michigan-both of us have time and every day we go out at least for coffee-If i don't take a laptop we usually got to McDonalds and since we both have Kindles we sit and read-the place is usually busy with kids as well as retired folks ! They still serve one of the best cups of coffee anywhere and they have three chocolate chip cookies for a dollar-and the product is good-fast food in known for serving a percentage but McDonalds is cost conscious and always maintains a quality level above other food outlets-we get our local television from Detroit Stations and I have been watching the National Advertisments diminish and being replaced with infomercials-all the newpapers in Michigan have cut down delivery days and are losing readership- I don't really care since we both get our news Online and there are Online Magazines Like Zimbio which have ton's of content-The other Local coffee shops and most restuarants are as dead as Custer-We buy the a lot of food items at small middle eastern and oriental grocery stores where expecially vegetables are always fresh and priced right-Chicken and Meat in Middle Eastern Grocery stores is dressed according to dietary laws and they all sell Amish Chicken the best available.If we want deserts we buy the at a middle eastern bakery that ships world wide- and is a short drive-One of the few stores alway busy is Trader Joes they are marketing a brand of wine Charles Shaw and I see people buying it in cases, we have bought it is a good brand-and they seem to sell a lot of well processed frozen items-I have noticed a lot of Trendy Brands are being replaced with private label- Wallmart are experts at quality control in store brand foods-and sell more television sets than any store we buy at-I noticed they had great pricing on a
marshal sandler » Ned Sublette - 0 views

    Ned Sublette I was on Gotham Gal's website this morning using th LIJIT Search Engine I wanted to re read a book by one of my favorite authors and he is also a great musician ! Yes I found it! Viva Ritmo Latino Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo by Ned Sublette "This entertaining history of Cuba and its music begins with the collision of Spain and Africa and continues through the era of Miguelito Valdés, Arsenio Rodríguez, Benny Moré, and Pérez Prado. It offers a behind-the-scenes examination of music from a Cuban point of view, unearthing surprising, provocative connections and making a case for Cuba as fundamental to the evolution of music in the New World. Revealed are how the music of black slaves transformed 16th-century Europe, how the claves appeared, and how Cuban music influenced ragtime, jazz, and rhythm and blues. Music lovers will follow this journey from Andalucía, the Congo, the Calabar, Dahomey, and Yorubaland via Cuba to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Saint-Domingue, New Orleans, New York, and Miami. The music is placed in a historical context that considers the complexities of the slave trade; Cuba's relationship to the United States; its revolutionary political traditions; the music of Santería, Palo, Abakuá, Vodú, and much more. Cuba and its Music is an ambitious project whose repercussions in a different genre might be on a par with those of Buena Vista. Grounded on frequent trips to the island and an extensive bibliography, this book by Ned Sublette is a first for an English-reading public: a didactic and accessible steer through part of Cuba's turbulent history and its music, whose parameters embrace cultural anthropology, sociology, politics, and history, as well as musicology and music. I also get a lot of great Latin Music from NPR Lijit is great search engine with excellent Tech Support it is great add for any web site N
marshal sandler

Acumen Fund - 0 views

    The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz is a Book I just finished reading- I was sent a review copy-It really defines Bitter Sweet Bittersweet refers to a combination of the standard tastes of sweetness and bitterness, and is often used as a metaphor for experiences which have elements of both happiness and sadness.  It is another addition to the never ending Saga of Our Africa-Poverty-Murder-Sadness-it is beautifully written by a Great Lady with A very Clear Conscience-I say our Africa since if we live on the Mortal Coil we own the complete coil not just a segment-Seth Godin who first discussed the Fund on Squidoo lives on the total coil-and Condition-Mortal coil is a poetic term that means the troubles of daily life and the strife and suffering of the world. It is used in the sense of a burden to be carried or abandoned, most famously in the phrase "shuffle[d] off this mortal coil" from Shakespeare's Hamlet.   I will pass my copy If you live in Royal Oak Michigan E Mail me at I will send you my copy or drop it off to you-then you can read and pass it on-or go to amazon and you can buy one-
marshal sandler

Marketing your blog on Twitter | Janet Fouts - 0 views

    Marketing your blog on Twitter Thu, May 7, 2009Social Media Tips and Tricks Marketing your blog on Twitter is easy right? You just post a link to it and the Tweeple come running to read it. Maybe, and maybe not. There's a lot more to it than that. First and foremost who are you talking to? Are the people in your Twitter network interested in the topic? If you're going outside of your Twitter networks area of interest it's much less likely to be seen. Look for somebody on Twitter who is focused in that area and Tweet it to them, ask their opinion or ask for a re-tweet so you can be seen in their network. About the title You want it to be short and to the point for a couple of reasons. Search engines love keywords and if your title is full of off topic words it's not going to do you any favors. Your title needs to capture attention on Twitter and still leave room for people to re-tweet it to their own networks on Twitter too. For some great tips on how to write a title that will get you noticed, read copyblogger's post. Timing
marshal sandler

Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts | - 0 views

    May 3, 2009 Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase I don't know Janets backround but no Social Media Consultant on the internet can present the features and how to use an application better ! There is a knack to creating information on Products very few do it successfully-her content is a manual for success ! Book Mark and Tag Janet Fouts-for Knowledge squidoo, marshalsandler, zemanta, chrisbrogan, seth, likaholix, micropersuasion, facebook, edelamdigital, edelmandigital, kindle2.0, comcast cares, nazis, tumblr, fox2dertoit, disqus,, trust, plummets, fredwilson, pownce, google, music, slavery,, search, wordpress, vimeo, holacost, wordle, newyorktimes, headup, bose, krumlr, scriptingnews, rocks, foodzie, edlemandigital, worldblog, customerservice, gothamgal, iphone, housefire, vegetableart, socialmedia, frankeliason, robocrunch, android,janetfouts,,ericgoldstein,steve rubel,edelman digital,shave,haircut,chris brogan,seth godin,techburgh,andyquayle,squid blog,Janet Fouts-Social media,how to, Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts. Enhanced by Zemanta diigo it Save Page to Krumlr! Stumble It! Add this page to Mister Wong Share and Enjoy: * Digg * Sphinn * * Facebook * Mixx * Google * * connotea * MisterWong.DE * BarraPunto * Faves * MisterWong * co.mments * SphereIt * Netvibes * Tumblr * LinkedIn * TwitThis * Reddit * Yahoo! Buzz * * StumbleUpon * YahooMyWeb Sphere: Related Content Blog Traffic Exchange Related Posts * Gotham Gal-Etiquette Image via Wikipedia It is no secret Gotham Gal is one of my favorites and is a top content creator ! I once posted a comment on her husband's web site that I still took notes on Crain StationaryWith A Quill pen ! My mother was very well...... * Disqus Add

Ways to replace drum cartridge of Dell Printer - 0 views

    Read this blog, It will help you in fixing your drum cartridge problem. If you Don't have any knowledge about Replacing drum cartridge of Dell Printer. Read our blog by clicking above given link

Internet Explorer: Advise you to NOT use them. - 0 views

    If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, PLEASE STOP NOW before it's too late for you. Please read this article I wrote on JoshiesWorld with reasons that you should stop using internet explorer right now.
    If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, PLEASE STOP NOW before it's too late for you. Please read this article I wrote on JoshiesWorld with reasons that you should stop using internet explorer right now.

Why Kindle Audio Books Are Ideal? | Amazon Kindle Help Support 1-855-856-2653 - 0 views

    Kindle is an ideal device for everyday reading. But what if you get tired of reading want some break in the meanwhile then these audio books come handy. These are audio books that reads out your desired book and all you have to do is sit back and relax listen.


    We are telling to you that When you try to install a printer or fix to driver installation problems, Then what is the process of these activities. So read this mention blog and install and download of the Epson Printer driver in your Computer. If you are facing any other kind of problem, Just dial this no. 1-855-264-9333. It's an Epson support Toll-free Number.
    We are telling to you that When you try to install a printer or fix to driver installation problems, Then what is the process of these activities. So read this mention blog and install and download of the Epson Printer driver in your Computer. If you are facing any other kind of problem, Just dial this no. 1-855-264-9333. It's an Epson support Toll-free Number.

Fix 'Mcafee not working' on windows 10 - 0 views

    These programmes have more advanced features that help protect the device from a variety of threats. The Windows 10 PC has a lot of McAfee security programmes that can protect it. But nowadays, more people are finding it difficult to use Windows 10. Don't panic, just read the blog completely. You will get the best ways to fix McAfee antivirus not opening windows 10.
    More people are finding it difficult to use Windows 10. Don't panic, just read the blog completely. You will get the best ways to fix McAfee antivirus not opening windows 10.
tech vedic

Most important smartphones of 2012-13 - 0 views

    "iPhone 5 Called ""Gadget off the Year"" by Time Magazine, Apple's iPhone 5 (from $199 on 2-year AT&T, Sprint or Verizon plan) is a serious piece of hardware. Along with its powerful new A6 chip, iPhone 5 works on 4G/Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks for wireless speeds that rivals your home's broadband connection. iPhone 5 also has improved cameras: an eight-megapixel iSight rear-facing camera (3264 x 2448 pixels) and front-facing FaceTime camera with 720p HD quality for video calling. Samsung Galaxy S III The Samsung Galaxy S III (from $149 on 2-year plan with AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Verizon) is a true smartphone in every sense of the word -- and we're not even referring to its stunning 4.8-inch display, fast LTE speeds or versatile Android operating system. the Galaxy S III's front-facing camera knows when you're looking at the screen, so it'll give you the bright display you seek, but if your eyes look away it'll dim itself to preserve its battery. It also knows when you want to talk: if you're messaging with someone and want to call them, simply lift the smartphone to your ear and it'll dial for you. Nokia Lumia 920 As the flagship Windows Phone 8 device, Nokia's Lumia 920 (from $99.99 on 2-year AT&T plan), has a lot to offer, including a colorful Start screen with ""live tiles""; familiar Microsoft apps like Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote; and a People hub that aggregates all your contacts into one page per person (so you don't need to close, say Outlook, to see what that friend is up to on Facebook or Twitter). HTC Droid DNA and HTC One X+ A pair of Android-powered HTC devices are also worthy of ""best of 2012"" nods: the HTC Droid DNA ($149.99 on 2-year Verizon Wireless plan) and HTC One X+ ($199.99 on 2-year AT&T plan). Protected by Corning's uber-durable Gorilla Glass 2 technology, the Droid DNA's 5-inch 1080p HD screen was built for video, games, ebooks and web browsing. Integrated Beats Audio - an
tech vedic

System Running Slow - 0 views

    Slow computer issue is a common problem faced across different platforms. Though there could be varied reasons on the background, hard-drive read/write issue is the most prominent one.
arjun aswal

Azeem Ibrahim Speaker Profile - 0 views

    Just reading a list of Azeem Ibrahim's achievements is exhausting," declared Scotland's Sunday Post of this multitalented whiz kid who has already packed a number of careers into one. Still only in his mid-thirties, this globetrotting entrepreneur, philanthropist and scholar is building a formidable track record as a brilliant polymath and adviser to world leaders.
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