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International School of Central Switzerland

287 Free PowerPoint templates, themes and backgrounds - 0 views

    some useful things here for the classroom, too.
    Over time we have built up a collection of 287 free PowerPoint templates and themes. We have made available a wide range of these designs for you to download for free.
International School of Central Switzerland

Map Puzzles: Learn U.S. and World Geography - 0 views

    Learn United States and World geography with Maps that Teach. Free interactive maps to learn continents, countries, states, capitals, borders, physical features and cultural monuments. Free Online Map Puzzles, no downloading, no installation - PC or Mac!
International School of Central Switzerland

teachnic - Math - 0 views

    Smardboard activities and lessons, download links to Smartnotebook files. Use with any board and the SmartNotebook viewer software.
K Epps

Tar Heel Reader - 0 views

    Welcome to the Tar Heel Reader, a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces (i.e. switches, alternative keyboards, touch screens, and dedicated AAC devices). The books may be downloaded as slide shows in PowerPoint, Impress, or Flash format.
International School of Central Switzerland

Flipchart Viewer Agreement : Software : Support : Promethean Planet - 0 views

    Promethean's flipchart viewers allow you to view and have interaction with flipcharts created in Activstudio and Activprimary software It is free to download the viewers, but its use is subject to your agreement of our terms and conditions of use. The viewer is available in three formats: PC Activstudio PC Activprimary Mac Activstudio
K Epps

EDpaX - Delivering the FULL Primary School Curriculum using the Interactive Whiteboard - 0 views

    Try before you buy! Click to download full teaching topics for use on your Interactive Whiteboard.
International School of Central Switzerland

Calculators of maths construction - 1 views

    From the Dept. of Computer Science at Swansea University, this is a java applet that will work on your computer screen (use a mouse) or on a iwb. Links to download, or use on the web, with movies of how it looks, and documentation pdf
International School of Central Switzerland

Swisscom - About Swisscom - Elementary GLOBE - 0 views

    Elementary GLOBE is designed to introduce students of grades K-4 to the study of Earth System Science (ESS). Elementary GLOBE forms an instructional unit comprised of five modules that address ESS and interrelated subjects including weather, hydrology, phenology, and soils. Each Elementary GLOBE module contains a science-based storybook and classroom learning activities. downloadable modules in English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic
International School of Central Switzerland

Mini-Movies for Your SmartBoard - 1 views

    A SmartBoard mini-movie is a simple (most involve only a click of the mouse), interactive animation that teachers can download and add to their galleries. From there, the movies can be inserted into their SMART Notebook presentations. Each mini-movie is a dynamic Flash file, similar to the same files that are already included in SMART Notebook's resources.
International School of Central Switzerland

Freezeray - 2 views

    find and download interactive resources for Science investigations. In fact, these resources were developed specifically for Interactive Whiteboards. The site organizes the resources into various categories including Physics, Biology, Technology, and Chemistry.
International School of Central Switzerland

Awen - Freebies - 3 views

    "Here are some free activities for you to download. They are experiments developed by some of our programmers as they learn about programming, and are not representative of our commercial products; but you might find them useful or entertaining in the classroom. Run the applications on the interactive whiteboard in your classroom and print out instructions for ten playground games."
International School of Central Switzerland

Links to SMARTboard Notebook sites where you can download Notebook files to use on any... - 9 views

    Links to SMART Notebook sites where you can download ready made Notebook files and templates.\nCustom Search Engine that searches only for notebook files.
International School of Central Switzerland

My Interactive Classroom | Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Learning Games | Tasmania Austr... - 5 views

    "My Interactive Classroom produces interactive whiteboard (IWB) learning games and classroom materials that engage students and make learning fun. The learning resources presented on this site raise the level of interactivity obtained from your interactive whiteboard. An IWB should be interactive for all. Often commercial and net based interactive materials are too teacher orientated - they are about the teacher clicking and 'interacting' with the board, while the students just "watch the interaction". My Interactive Classroom resources are whole class activities. Interaction is designed to be between the students and the board or, even more importantly, the activities facilitate learning interaction between the students themselves. My Interactive Classroom provides free download and very affordable learning games and classroom resource materials. All have been developed by experienced classroom teachers for you to enjoy with your own class. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, ideas and testimonies."
International School of Central Switzerland

SMART - Lesson Activity Toolkit Toolkit Tips and Tricks - 11 views

    Download the Smart Educational Toolkit, then use this page to find the howto videos you need. "Power your lessons with the creative potential of the Lesson Activity Toolkit. Discover new ways to build lessons that energize your classroom with these helpful tips, video tutorials and best practices."
K Epps

FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts - 0 views

    Online, free font builder
K Epps

Photobie: free image editor, photo editor, screen capture ( screencapture ), GIF animat... - 0 views

    Photobie is image editing software that combines features amateurs can use with advanced tools professionals will appreciate. Photobie is free for personal use with no Pro upgrade to pay for -- all features are free. Photobie is also a community of people
International School of Central Switzerland

Touch, Write and Save - 1 views

International School of Central Switzerland

Awen - Fridge Letters - 2 views

    "Drag the letters around the screen! To get a new letter, drag it on from the bottom or right. To get rid of a letter, drag it off the edge. To clear the whole screen, click on the dustbin. "
    free download. Works with any IWB
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