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Rhondda Powling

YA Matters: Meet The Writers - YouTube - 1 views

    "From writing advice to reading recommendations, we get up close and personal with some of the finest creators of Young Adult (YA) literature in the country. The Centre for Youth Literature connects Australia's young adults with books, stories and writing. Creatively produced by the Centre for Youth Literature in partnership with the Melbourne Writers Festival. YA Writers: Myke Bartlett, AJ Betts, Isobelle Carmody, Cath Crowley, Ellie Marney, Richard Newsome, Alice Pung, Penny Tangey, Carole Wilkinson, Lili Wilkinson, and Claire Zorn"
Camilla Elliott

Websites on Children's Literature and Related Subjects - 2 views

    From the Lu Rees Archives of Australian Children's Literature. University of Canberra
Rhondda Powling

All Published Literature Quizzes and Games - Sporcle Games & Trivia - 1 views

    Many games and quizzes, all based around literature including those about: authors, genres, opening lines, last lines, particular novels, poets and poetry, nursery rhymes and even words used in novels.
SLAV Connects

ICDL - International Children's Digital Library - 0 views

    The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.
    The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.
Rhondda Powling

Literature (Crash course) - YouTube - 0 views

    The Crash Course videos are created by great YouTube advocates, John and Hank Green. They are intended as an overview of different subjects, from literature and history to chemistry, biology, and psychology.
Rhondda Powling

Celebrate Science: Where Should We Shelve Informational Fiction? - 0 views

    Blog post discussing this literature "For the most part, the authors fully realized that these books should be classified as fiction, and they liked the term "informational fiction" because it acknowledged all the research they'd done and that the books were mostly faithful to the facts. But the Library of Congress labelled these books "juvenile literature" (the term they use for nonfiction). And in most cases, publishers and reviewers called the books narrative nonfiction."
SLAV Connects

Oxford Reference: Oxford Reference Library collection: - Oxford University Press - 1 views

    Perpetual access to online reference material.  Australian content growing. Browser based - HTML content.  Collection focussed on literature.
    Perpetual access to online reference material.  Australian content growing. Browser based - HTML content.  Collection focussed on literature.
Rhondda Powling

YA Books and More: Great places to keep up with YA and Children's Books! - 0 views

    Post that links to a lot of useful places for information on YA literature/books
Rhondda Powling

Lit Genius - 0 views

    "Lit Genius is a community of scholars-and a crew of heroic hearts-devoted to annotating great literature. We host everything from the classics to recent fiction to spoken word."
Camilla Elliott

Tolkien - The Monsters and the Critics (Beowolf) - 0 views

    Critical essay on classical literature Beowolf by Tolkein. It set the agenda for modern discussion and was written on the eve of WWII.
Rhondda Powling

SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides - 1 views

    Spark Notes is a fantastic tool to help students through difficult assignments and essays in Literature and English classes. The notes shouldn't be a replacement for reading. Rather, use them as an aid to help you understand the concepts. If you're reading Shakespeare, for instance, Spark Notes will help you understand the language so you can better understand the story. Spark Notes can also offer study tips or break up the text into smaller pieces to help students manage their workload.
Rhondda Powling

TEEN ZONE - Book Lists - 0 views

    Some useful loists for YA literature. Grouped under various topics and each book given a short description.
Rhondda Powling

Free Kindle books for your kids . . . - Ben and Me - 0 views

    "If you don't have a Kindle, you can download Kindle for PC for free. There are also Kindle apps for iPad and iPod, as well as Droid. Amazon frequently runs freebies on books for the Kindle, but there are many books that are always free. This post lists/links some of the free Kindle books available. It is no way exhaustive, but begin to get a collection started by to collecting classic children's literature on the Kindle
Rhondda Powling

Book People: James Moloney - Children's Books Daily... - 0 views

    A short piece about James Moloney that includes an interview: "Ten Things You Need to Know About James Moloney" He names "Hole"s by Sachar and
Rhondda Powling

How to get teenagers to read - 1 views

    "Children are heartily encouraged to read in their early years of school. However, once students have mastered this skill and they move from learning to read, to reading to learn, the role of pleasure in the activity can be forgotten. If reading is just seen as a tool for learning, the will to read may not be fostered in young people. Recreational book reading involves voluntary reading for pleasure, and research suggests that students in Australia and internationally are reading less over time."
Rhondda Powling

Book list for pre-teen gifted readers - The Babblery - 0 views

    "Pre-teen gifted readers often run into a problem around the age of ten: as younger children they read everything in children's literature that they could get their hands on. By the time they reach ten years old, they're starting to run into roadblocks when looking for appropriate books. Some ten-year-olds are ready to go on to Young Adult fiction, but most aren't. Young Adult, with its focus on teens' changing bodies and questioning of their place in the world, is often inappropriate and sometimes very upsetting for "tweens" who have outgrown children's books but are looking for meaty reading to satisfy their literary cravings."
Rhondda Powling

» Biloxi Teachers Paint Lockers to Look Like Spines of Famous Books - 0 views

    "The English hallway transformed into a brightly colored Avenue of Literature by teachers. Each of the 189 lockers that line the hallway - unused for more than a decade - has been painted over to look like the spine of a popular book. The project was spearheaded by a group of teachers, who decided to devote their summers to creating an environment more conducive to a love of learning than a procession of defunct storage units. Teacher Elizabeth Williams explained, "We want students to come back to school in August and walk on the hallway and be absolutely amazed with what we've done and be curious. We want that to be the driving spark for reading in our classrooms." In deciding which titles would earn a spot on the Avenue, the Biloxi teachers tried to draw on a wide range of genres, interests and reading levels. Each novel in the Twilight series is represented, but so are Watership Down and Johnny Tremain"
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