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Phil Taylor

eLearn: Feature Article - It's the Pedagogy, Stupid: Lessons from an iPad Lending Program - 1 views

  • the iPad's appeal is two-fold: simple convenience and outstanding image resolutio
  • The pedagogical foundations must be solid, because the tool will achieve no heights the underlying pedagogy will not support.
Phil Taylor

6 Bad Reasons Teachers Assign Homework and Why Each One Sucks - Brilliant or Insane - 0 views

    Discussion article. Do you agree?
Phil Taylor

What Will Education Look Like in 2020? | EdTech Magazine - 2 views

  • the idea that technology will save education (as opposed to the idea that relevance will).
  • The reason that so many schools are struggling with the change technology represents is because they haven’t adjusted to this shift, to the emergence of participatory, user-driven technologies and social media as viable communicative and collaborative tools.
Phil Taylor

Zac Hawkins' Plea for Classroom BYOD | Powerful Learning Practice - 3 views

    As Zac notes in this article, which he wrote spontaneously on his "Bring Your Own Device" while at school, many teachers have been reluctant to allow technology into their classrooms, even if they have that option. Zac suggests it's a trust issue - teachers don't trust students and students decline to demonstrate that they're trustworthy because they feel they are being denied access to what (to them) is a tool for everyday learning in the real world
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