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Amanda Bond

New Literacy in the Web 2.0 World - 2 views

    Daniel Churchill. New Literacies Team starting point
Janie Davies

Four Pedagogical Approaches in Helping Students Learn Information Literacy Skills - 2 views

    In spring 2012, Rider University librarians heightened their collaboration with classroom faculty to teach students in core writing classes information literacy (IL) skills during IL instruction (ILI) sessions. This quasi-experimental study assessed four pedagogical approaches for single or multi-session ILI. The conventional approach, which involves lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on time, was used in both the control and the experimental groups.
connie23b - 0 views

For those interested in health literacy this is an amazing resource on health website design that includes a topic on social media. It is an excellent resource!

social media INF206 health literacy UX

started by connie23b on 03 Jan 17 no follow-up yet
Heather Bailie

Social media and Web 2.0: Teacher-librarians, risk and inequity - 1 views

    In a pilot study the author found the approach to social media access for school students and teachers differed according to sector. State schools had a "walled garden" approach while independent schools "empowered and managed". The differences were attributable to either risk aversion or bandwidth management or both. This was found to contribute to the digital divide between "information-rich and information-poor" with state students disadvantaged in the development of digital literacy.

Higher Education – Information Literacy Website - 3 views

    Johannessen, Hilde. (2017). Teaching Source Criticism to Students in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100630-6.00006-0.

Fake Or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts - 3 views

    First time sharing on Diigo! This article offers good tips on determining the credibility of news sources.
Heather Bailie

Turning Students into Good Digital Citizens -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "Schools have always been charged with the task of producing good citizens. But how has our definition of a "good citizen" changed over the ages?"

33 Graphic Design Tools To Publish Visual Content - 2 views

  • 33 Graphic Design Tools To Publish Visual Content by TeachThought Staff Digital literacy is, in part, about digital publishing. Digital publishing is, in part, about the writing process–choosing an audience and purpose, drafting content, revising and editing that content, and then sharing it with the world. But digital publishing is also about the right tools for the right platform and the right device. Education is no different; digital publishers in your classroom need the right tools to do amazing things. The pathway from idea to socializing has been lubricated by incredible technology. In fact, that’s a key theme of progressive technology: It makes new things possible.
    Visual digital publishing
Amanda Lucas

The Release of the NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Library Edition - YouTube - 0 views

    Brief overview of major findings of the report.
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