6 Rules for Creating Killer Email Campaigns - 1 views
When planning your marketing mix, the most important component is email. Why? Because it's the easiest way to reach people, considering that 85 percent of the world and 91% of the US have an email address and check their inboxes daily
FYI. Remember people frequently check their emails on mobile devices and if your email does not display well or interact with easily, people will start to dismiss your email "marketing newsletters", and flag them as read later pile or worst the never read pile.
CDC Social Media Tools, Guidelines & Best Practices | Social Media | CDC - 0 views
This website provides guidance and examples for social media policy prepared by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The guidance points out analysing policy target is essential. The step by step guidance with Facebook, Twitter and text messages leads the focal points to write policy. The website also provides its policies as example for references.
Staff use of social media in Sydney Catholic Schools - 0 views
An example of an actual policy, this is clearly written, in accessible language, and there is support for the use of online communities with students for educational purposes if the explicit procedures and expectations are followed. The policy for the personal use of social media clearly outlines what is and is not acceptable and there is excellent practical advice for teachers to consider in order to maintain professional standards. My only question is has this been reviewed? It is dated February 2011 with a review date of March 2012 but this is the only version available (from CEO Sydney website) as of January 2015.
Information Literacy Lessons Crucial in a Post-Truth World | Knowledge Quest - 2 views
Examining social media policies in libraries - 18 views
Thanks for sharing dan_giles, I enjoyed reading your Blog post.
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