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sandra rogers

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - 0 views

    ccol tool to make word clouds out of words, and rss feed or delicious account
sandra rogers

Storytelling | Xtranormal - 0 views

    Animated Movies Made Easy! Xtranormal instantly turns your words into a 3D animated movie.
sandra rogers

RubiStar Home - 0 views

    Want to make exemplary rubrics in a short amount of time? Try RubiStar out! Registered users can save and edit rubrics online. You can access them from home, school, or on the road. Registration and use of this tool is free, so click the Register link in
sandra rogers

Rubric for Online Instruction - 0 views

    What does a high quality online course look like? This site is designed to answer the question being asked: What does a high quality online course look like? It is ourhope that instructors and instructional designers will use this site to learn more abou
sandra rogers

Why Rubrics? - 0 views

    pretty straightforward explanation, includes samples
sandra rogers

ION (Illinois Online Network) - 0 views

    online rubric for course design
sandra rogers

4 Tips For Transitioning Your Classroom To Digital Media - 0 views

    Making the transition to digital media isn't as comprehensive as making the transition to an entirely digital classroom, but it does require some new habits and new thinking. 1. Think backwards. 2. Think curation. 3. Think access. 4. Think distribution. A
sandra rogers

25 Of The Best Pinterest Boards In Education - 0 views

    Blogs and Twitter aren't the only social tools out there that can help you keep up with the latest and greatest developments in educational technology. Pinterest is rapidly becoming a favorite tool of educators all over the nation, and many have amassed s
sandra rogers

21 Literacy Resources For The Digital Teacher - 0 views

    The following digital tools show promise to support word learning, review, and play with language. I've grouped them into four categories: Reference Tools, Word Clouds, Games and Review, Word Walls and Virtual Field Trips. They're not listed in any partic
sandra rogers

Getting Started Using Learnist In The Classroom - 0 views

    Learnist organizes information Into "socially-driven lessons." Reminiscent of MentorMob, Pinterest, and Grockit, Learnist is the latest in a line of digital tools that are designed to leverage the power of crowds to provide resources and informal learning
sandra rogers

Pocket (Formerly Read It Later) - 0 views

    Save For Later Put articles, videos or pretty much anything into Pocket. Save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite.
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