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Frederick Smith

A Cold Current (of anti-black racism) - by Jesmyn Ward - 0 views

    'That undercurrent of violence I felt when I was 6 was there again, present in the easy devaluation of the word "nigger." I knew that it was that very history of violence - my dead great-great-grandfather's ghost and all the young black men who died at the hands of people who thought they were lesser - that was the subtext. This was why I felt so threatened, so overwhelmed, why I was often silenced when people said these things to me. [Violence] in fact exerted a strong undertow in the present. That it could take my great-great-grandfather, but also take young men like Oscar Grant III, shot to death by a transit officer in Oakland in 2009, like Trayvon Martin, like my only brother, killed by a hit-and-run drunken driver who was charged with leaving the scene of an accident but never with the crime of my brother's death. That it could assert they were less in life and deny them justice after death as well. That living in a country where one group of people owned another group of people for some 250 years yielded a culture where one life was worth less than another. Again and again. Then and now.... There is power in naming racism for what it is, in shining a bright light on it, brighter than any torch or flashlight. A thing as simple as naming it allows us to root it out of the darkness and hushed conversation where it likes to breed like roaches. It makes us acknowledge it. Confront it. And in confronting it, we rob it of some of its dark pull. Its senseless, cold drag. When we speak, we assert our human dignity. That is the worth of a word.'
Frederick Smith

Jim Holt Essay: "Death: Bad?" - 0 views

    3 classic (& lousy) arguments that it's irrational to fear death - review of Simon Critchley's 'Book of Dead Philosophers'
Frederick Smith

Responses to P. Chen, - 0 views

1  . Old Colonial Texas, now August 11th, 2011 1:10 pm What is critical here is the concept of long-term relationships between doctors and their patients, which most states are now destr...

autonomy & beneficence doctor expertise pauline chen bioethics

started by Frederick Smith on 15 Aug 11 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

Craig Bowron: Helping or hurting our elderly? - 0 views

    >'With unrealistic expectations of our ability to prolong life, with death as an unfamiliar and unnatural event, and without a realistic, tactile sense of how much a worn-out elderly patient is suffering, it's easy for patients and families to keep insisting on more tests, more medications, more procedures. >Doing something often feels better than doing nothing. Inaction feeds the sense of guilt-ridden ineptness family members already feel as they ask themselves, "Why can't I do more for this person I love so much?" >...At a certain stage of life, aggressive medical treatment can become sanctioned torture. When a case such as this comes along, nurses, physicians and therapists sometimes feel conflicted and immoral. We've committed ourselves to relieving suffering, not causing it. A retired nurse once wrote to me: "I am so glad I don't have to hurt old people any more." '
Frederick Smith

C.S. Lewis at Poets Corner - by Steven Erlanger - 0 views

    '50 years to the day after his death, Clive Staples Lewis, known to his friends and family as Jack, will be among the more than 100 people commemorated in some fashion in Westminster Abbey's Poets' Corner, alongside figures like Geoffrey Chaucer, Ben Jonson, Samuel Johnson, Shakespeare, the Brontë sisters, Gerard Manley Hopkins, John Keats, John Milton and Ted Hughes.'
    '50 years to the day after his death, Clive Staples Lewis, known to his friends and family as Jack, will be among the more than 100 people commemorated in some fashion in Westminster Abbey's Poets' Corner, alongside figures like Geoffrey Chaucer, Ben Jonson, Samuel Johnson, Shakespeare, the Brontë sisters, Gerard Manley Hopkins, John Keats, John Milton and Ted Hughes.'
Frederick Smith

Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation - Readers' Comments - - 0 views

    Most readers favor palliative sedation if its primary intent is to allay intolerable suffering even if it may accelerate dying - as opposed to allowing the suffering because its treatment may lead to an earlier death.
Frederick Smith

Words a Cell Can't Hold, by LIU XIAOBO - 0 views

    from "Experiencing Death" (Advent-&-Passion?) I had imagined being there beneath sunlight/ with the procession of martyrs/ using just the one thin bone/ to uphold a true conviction/ And yet, the heavenly void/ will not plate the sacrificed in gold/ A pack of wolves well-fed full of corpses/ celebrate in the warm noon air/ aflood with joy . . . .
Frederick Smith

Cardinal Martini Said Church '200 Years Out Of Date' - 0 views

    Martini, once favoured by Vatican progressives to succeed Pope John Paul II and a prominent voice in the church until his death at the age of 85 on Friday (8/30), gave a scathing portrayal of a pompous and bureaucratic church failing to move with the times.
Frederick Smith

Bret Stevens, WSJ - reflects on father's life & death - 0 views

    Quality of living & dying
Frederick Smith

When Care Is Worth It, Even if End Is Death - Peter Bach, MD (Memorial) - 0 views

    Poor analysis of mis-spent $ at EOL
Frederick Smith

The Way of Peace and Grace - by Derek Flood - 0 views

    >THE DIVINE COMMANDS to commit genocide found in the Old Testament are some of the most difficult and disturbing parts of scripture. Consider God's decree against the Amalekites: "Totally destroy everything ... Do not spare them; put to death ... children and infants" (1 Samuel 15:2-3). Such passages have been used repeatedly to justify bloodshed in the name of God, beginning with the Crusades and continuing right up through U.S. history, where texts were used in sermons to justify the slaughter of American Indians.... I'd like to propose that there is a better way-a way found in learning to read our Bibles as the apostle Paul read his. >Paul has removed the references to violence against Gentiles, and recontextualized these passages to instead declare God's mercy in Christ for Gentiles. This constitutes a major redefinition of how salvation is conceived: Instead of salvation meaning God "delivering" the ancient Israelites from the hands of their enemies through military victory (as described in Psalm 18, above), Paul now understands salvation to mean the restoration of all people in Christ, including those same "enemy" Gentiles.
Frederick Smith

Dying for Coverage: Deadly Conseq's of No Insur - 0 views

    26,000 premature deaths/yr in US b/o no health insurance
Frederick Smith

When Doctors Discriminate (against mentally ill) - by JULIANN GAREY - 0 views

    'If you met me, you'd never know I was mentally ill. In fact, I've gone through most of my adult life without anyone ever knowing - except when I've had to reveal it to a doctor. And that revelation changes everything. It wipes clean the rest of my résumé, my education, my accomplishments, reduces me to a diagnosis. I was surprised when, after one of these run-ins, my psychopharmacologist said this sort of behavior was all too common. At least 14 studies have shown that patients with a serious mental illness receive worse medical care than "normal" people. Last year the World Health Organization called the stigma and discrimination endured by people with mental health conditions "a hidden human rights emergency." If you met me, you'd never know I was mentally ill. In fact, I've gone through most of my adult life without anyone ever knowing - except when I've had to reveal it to a doctor. And that revelation changes everything. It wipes clean the rest of my résumé, my education, my accomplishments, reduces me to a diagnosis. I was surprised when, after one of these run-ins, my psychopharmacologist said this sort of behavior was all too common. At least 14 studies have shown that patients with a serious mental illness receive worse medical care than "normal" people. Last year the World Health Organization called the stigma and discrimination endured by people with mental health conditions "a hidden human rights emergency." I never knew it until I started poking around, but this particular kind of discriminatory doctoring has a name. It's called "diagnostic overshadowing." According to a review of studies done by the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London, it happens a lot. As a result, people with a serious mental illness - including bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder - end up with wrong diagnoses and are under-treated. That is a problem, because if yo
Frederick Smith

A Religious Legacy, With Its Leftward Tilt, Is Reconsidered - by Jennifer SCHUESSLER - 0 views

    'For decades the dominant story of postwar American religious history has been the triumph of evangelical Christians. Beginning in the 1940s, the story goes, a rising tide of evangelicals began asserting their power and identity, ultimately routing their more liberal mainline Protestant counterparts in the pews, on the offering plate and at the ballot box. In "After Cloven Tongues of Fire: Protestant Liberalism in Modern American History," published in April by Princeton University Press, Mr. Hollinger argues that the mainline won a broader cultural victory that historians have underestimated. Liberals, he maintains, may have lost Protestantism, but they won the country, establishing ecumenicalism, cosmopolitanism and tolerance as the dominant American creed. Mr. Hollinger's argument generated much chatter among his colleagues when he first presented it at the 2011 meeting. But his sometimes pugnacious new book, he said, is just a "punctuation mark" on the recent spate of work reconsidering the left-hand side of the American religious spectrum, which includes titles like Matthew S. Hedstrom's "Rise of Liberal Religion: Book Culture and American Spirituality in the 20th Century"; Jill K. Gill's "Embattled Ecumenism: The National Council of Churches, the Vietnam War and the Trials of the Protestant Left"; and David Burns's "Life and Death of the Radical Historical Jesus." The surge of interest in liberal religion, many say, reflects the renewed vitality of religious history more generally, which has spread beyond its traditional redoubts in divinity schools to become one of the most popular specializations among academic historians, according to the American Historical Association.
Frederick Smith

Letters re James Wood's Post-Haiti Anti-Theodicy Op-Ed - - 0 views

    Out of Tragedy, Questions About God: 4 out of 5 letters (surprising proportion for NYTimes) object to Wood's either/or view of theodicy: if God is omnipotent (& doesn't prevent suffering), he is cruel; if God is loving and good (and only comforts, but doesn't prevent suffering), he is weak and worth ignoring. They affirm the mystery "that God is deeply present in and through the events of the world - often inscrutably, but always powerfully and lovingly - and though we cannot for the life of us see how, even catastrophes include divine presence and power." A Christian notes that fellow believer "might counter [that] suffering and death come to all, even to a God who in his love took on our mortal, vulnerable condition as his own."
Frederick Smith

Weighing Medical Costs of End-of-Life Care - Readers' Comments - - 0 views

    Readers largely support measures to allow death in dignified environment with palliative approach, as opposed to repeated aggressive interventions that are rarely successful when the prognosis is poor.
Frederick Smith

Healthcare-Reform - 1 views

Health care reform is an issue that has been on the political front burner for me this year - as it has been for so many others, now and in 1993-4, if not earlier. (The comments below draw in part...

health care reform FSmith posting

started by Frederick Smith on 10 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

Months to Live - Palliative Care Doctor Fought for Life - - 0 views

    Dr. Desiree Pardi, a leading practitioner in palliative care, counseled patients about accepting death, until cancer spread in her body, and she chose to fight it.
Frederick Smith

James Kugel's In the Valley of the Shadow - review by Judity Shulevitz - 0 views

    Kugel uses his encounter with death to investigate and report on a state of mind notoriously resistant to literary exploration: the state of mind in which you intuit something on the order of God. . . . To the religious - or at least to Kugel and his sources - religion is an experience more than a cosmology. "It is not God's sovereignty over the entire universe that is at issue so much as his sovereignty over the cubic centimeter of space that sits just in front of our own noses," he writes. "That is to say, religion is first of all about fitting into the world and fitting into one's borders. There may indeed be something 'mythic' about it, but it pales before the mythic quality of our own clumsy, modern selves."
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