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Frederick Smith

Months to Live - Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death - Sedation - Series - - 0 views

    Discussion of palliative sedation at end of life (Franklin Hospital Hospice Unit, NSLIJHealth System & Hospice Care Network of L.I.)
Frederick Smith

Months to Live - Palliative Care Doctor Fought for Life - - 0 views

    Dr. Desiree Pardi, a leading practitioner in palliative care, counseled patients about accepting death, until cancer spread in her body, and she chose to fight it.
Frederick Smith

At end, offering comfort instead of cure-NYTimes feature - 0 views

    Palliative care program at Montefiore Hospital
Frederick Smith

PalltvCare obstacles in hospitals - 0 views

    Startup cost & shortage of palliative MDs.
Frederick Smith

Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation - Readers' Comments - - 0 views

    Most readers favor palliative sedation if its primary intent is to allay intolerable suffering even if it may accelerate dying - as opposed to allowing the suffering because its treatment may lead to an earlier death.
Frederick Smith

Among Doctors, Fierce Reluctance to Let Go - by P.Span - 0 views

    Even when the system works as it's supposed to, and palliative care specialists arrive like the cavalry to provide comfort care, to stop fruitless and painful interventions and to support what patients want, their own colleagues may brand them murderers. It takes strong doctors to stand up to that kind of verbal abuse, to explain that courts and ethics committees have approved care that's intended to reduce suffering, to point out that the patient's own wishes are paramount. Perhaps they have to be stronger than we know. "The culture is changing," Dr. Matlock told me. "But it's not changed yet."
Frederick Smith

NYT letters re "Offering Comfort, Not Cure" - 0 views

    letters re Montefiore palliative program description in NYTimes
Frederick Smith

Comment-JAMA article on lower EOL cost in high$ regions - 0 views

    The researchers found that in areas where end-of-life care costs were normally high, having an advance directive significantly lowered the cost of care. On average, end-of-life care spending was $5,585 less per person in the high-spending regions when someone had an advance directive. > Having an advance directive didn't necessarily limit the initiation of aggressive treatments, but seemed to lead to their earlier withdrawal. Author said this finding was particularly important because some people make the argument that having an advance directive might limit all of the care you receive at the end of your life. But, this finding shows that while treatments are often started, for "patients with an advance directive, there's an earlier recognition of when treatments aren't working and when it's time to go to hospice."
Frederick Smith

Weighing Medical Costs of End-of-Life Care - Readers' Comments - - 0 views

    Readers largely support measures to allow death in dignified environment with palliative approach, as opposed to repeated aggressive interventions that are rarely successful when the prognosis is poor.
Frederick Smith

ECONOMICS & UNIN - 0 views

ECONOMICS & UNINSURED An individual's lack of health insurance affects everyone in the country economically, so requiring it is constitutional.  When the uninsured person goes to the ER, t...

health care reform health costs health insurance uninsured constitution

started by Frederick Smith on 06 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

Helping Patients Face Death, She Fought to Live - 0 views

    NYH palliativist fights for her own life to the end
Frederick Smith


A TRAGIC TRAVESTY: INSURER DENIES COVERAGE FOR A 22-Y.O. WOMAN'S RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AS A "PRE-EXISTING CONDITION"     20 years ago I had an unforgettable patient experience that co...

health insurance health care reform pre-existing condtion

started by Frederick Smith on 06 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
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