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Frederick Smith

3 Reasons Interfaith Efforts Matter, by Eboo Patel - 0 views

    >In America, just about everyone is some sort of hyphenated hybrid of race, religion and ethnicity/nationality. Irish-Catholic-American, African-American Pentecostal, Jewish-American secular Humanist, and so on. As Walt Whitman said, "I am large / I contain multitudes." > When interfaith cooperation is done well, it not only helps people from different faith and philosophical backgrounds get along, it creates space for the diverse identities within each of us to become mutually enriching rather than mutually exclusive.
Frederick Smith

Cardinal Martini Said Church '200 Years Out Of Date' - 0 views

    Martini, once favoured by Vatican progressives to succeed Pope John Paul II and a prominent voice in the church until his death at the age of 85 on Friday (8/30), gave a scathing portrayal of a pompous and bureaucratic church failing to move with the times.
Frederick Smith

James Martin, Not-So-Social Gospel Parables - 0 views

    The Lazy Paralytic & other parables
Frederick Smith

DGushee,Glenn Beck & "unChristian Social Justice" - 0 views

    "I have never before written about Glenn Beck, [who] I think of as a hugely skilled political entertainer who ... has made his rise on skillfully inflammatory rhetoric that has hooked the emotions of millions. But this time he hooked the Bible and the God of the Bible.... "He has united and offended all Christians who know that our God is a God of justice, and that advancing justice is central to our mission as a people and to the kingdom of God for which we work and wait."
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