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Frederick Smith

A Cold Current (of anti-black racism) - by Jesmyn Ward - 0 views

    'That undercurrent of violence I felt when I was 6 was there again, present in the easy devaluation of the word "nigger." I knew that it was that very history of violence - my dead great-great-grandfather's ghost and all the young black men who died at the hands of people who thought they were lesser - that was the subtext. This was why I felt so threatened, so overwhelmed, why I was often silenced when people said these things to me. [Violence] in fact exerted a strong undertow in the present. That it could take my great-great-grandfather, but also take young men like Oscar Grant III, shot to death by a transit officer in Oakland in 2009, like Trayvon Martin, like my only brother, killed by a hit-and-run drunken driver who was charged with leaving the scene of an accident but never with the crime of my brother's death. That it could assert they were less in life and deny them justice after death as well. That living in a country where one group of people owned another group of people for some 250 years yielded a culture where one life was worth less than another. Again and again. Then and now.... There is power in naming racism for what it is, in shining a bright light on it, brighter than any torch or flashlight. A thing as simple as naming it allows us to root it out of the darkness and hushed conversation where it likes to breed like roaches. It makes us acknowledge it. Confront it. And in confronting it, we rob it of some of its dark pull. Its senseless, cold drag. When we speak, we assert our human dignity. That is the worth of a word.'
Frederick Smith

The Future of Religious Violence, by Tim Muldoon - 0 views

    "Religion was supposed to die of asphyxiation in the wake of modernity, but the opposite has proven to be the case. So the options aren't religion or no religion; the options are good religion or bad religion. I'm voting for the former, meaning a critical understanding of power in religious traditions."
Frederick Smith

The Way of Peace and Grace - by Derek Flood - 0 views

    >THE DIVINE COMMANDS to commit genocide found in the Old Testament are some of the most difficult and disturbing parts of scripture. Consider God's decree against the Amalekites: "Totally destroy everything ... Do not spare them; put to death ... children and infants" (1 Samuel 15:2-3). Such passages have been used repeatedly to justify bloodshed in the name of God, beginning with the Crusades and continuing right up through U.S. history, where texts were used in sermons to justify the slaughter of American Indians.... I'd like to propose that there is a better way-a way found in learning to read our Bibles as the apostle Paul read his. >Paul has removed the references to violence against Gentiles, and recontextualized these passages to instead declare God's mercy in Christ for Gentiles. This constitutes a major redefinition of how salvation is conceived: Instead of salvation meaning God "delivering" the ancient Israelites from the hands of their enemies through military victory (as described in Psalm 18, above), Paul now understands salvation to mean the restoration of all people in Christ, including those same "enemy" Gentiles.
Frederick Smith

UgandaAnti-GayLegis&AmerEvangSupport - 0 views

    'Raised in Pennsylvania, I grew up in the black church. My father was a religious leader in the community, and my sister is a pastor. I went to church every Sunday and sang in the choir. But for all that the church gave me - for all that it represented belonging, love and community - it also shut its doors to me as a gay person. That experience left me with the lifelong desire to explore the power of religion to transform lives or destroy them. I became interested in Uganda, an intensely religious country that attracts many American missionaries and much funding from United States faith-based organizations. The American evangelical movement in Africa does valuable work in helping the poor. But as you'll see in this Op-Doc video, some of their efforts and money feed a dangerous ideology that seeks to demonize L.G.B.T. people and intensifies religious rhetoric until it results in violence. It is important for American congregations to hold their churches accountable for what their money does in Africa.' - ROGER ROSS WILLIAMS
Frederick Smith

Climbing out of the hole - by Jesse Wegman (edit notebk) - 0 views

    They have been held in solitary confinement for at least 20 years, each in his own 8-by-10-foot windowless cell at the Pelican Bay supermax prison, with about a thousand others - half of whom have been there for more than a decade. A 2011 United Nations report said the practice can amount to torture and called for a ban on terms longer than 15 days. In this country, there are an estimated 25,000 prisoners in long-term solitary in supermax prisons; in California, the average stay is nearly seven years. The inmates are isolated because prison officials have determined that they pose a threat to the safety of the guards and other prisoners, despite a growing body of evidence that such use of solitary does not reduce prison violence or promote safety.
Frederick Smith

The New Prostitutes, by Robert Kolker - 0 views

    "In 2005, Ms. Brainard-Barnes was a 22-year-old single mother who had difficulty holding down a steady job. She never could afford her own place, staying with her sister for long stretches and occasionally with a boyfriend. As soon as she enrolled on a site called, that, after a few clicks, turned out to mean nude modeling and sometimes working as an escort. Within a few months, Ms. Brainard-Barnes was making up to $2,000 a day on trips to New York City. Online, she could be her own boss and not share what she made with anyone - not a pimp, not an escort service, not a boyfriend. In 2010, Maureen Brainard-Barnes's body was one of four uncovered close by one another in the sand dunes of Gilgo Beach, Long Island, wrapped in burlap.... The Web enables some people to take risks they never would have imagined. In this way, the women of Gilgo Beach still have something to teach us. The Internet might have made pimps less necessary, but today's escorts are as marginalized as ever, and every bit as vulnerable. The police rarely help them when they are at risk, and they rarely take their disappearances seriously. As far as the authorities are concerned, their profession still seals their fate."
Frederick Smith

9/11 & Pearl Harbor, Muslims & Japan - 0 views

On 8/3, my good friend and much-admired fellow physician Patrick Cavanaugh brought up a relevant question - asking, "Would a Japanese history museum be appropriate at the Arizona memorial [at Pearl...

islam religion politics mosque 9_11

started by Frederick Smith on 15 Aug 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

US Exceptionalism as Idolatry - 0 views

The insistence of conservative leaders that patriotism be defined by a believe that the US is INTRINSICALLY EXCEPTIONAL strikes me as the very form of IDOLATRY attacked by both Hebrew prophets and ...

Politics American exceptionalism Washington Post

started by Frederick Smith on 05 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

The Emerging "Coffee Party" Movement & coincidental convergence - 1 views

Americans' Break for Coffee: "Let's wake up, smell the coffee, and converse civilly about America's ABCs" (Incomplete write-up-2/14/10) A. Our Government is Paralyzed Americans Break for Coff...

politics Coffee-Party government Tea Party movement

started by Frederick Smith on 03 Mar 10 no follow-up yet
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