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Nathan Goodyear

Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress - 0 views

    Study links synthetic T4, synthroid, to increased risk of Lung cancer. The authors acknowledge that the limitations of this study are large. Yet, the association is evident. The proposed mechanism is likely the overdosing and the resultant ROS as a result.
Nathan Goodyear

Effects of Thyroxine as Compared with Thyroxine plus Triiodothyronine in Patients with ... - 0 views

    Armour Thyroid (T4 and T3 combined) provides better symptom control when compared to synthroid alone (T4)
Nathan Goodyear

Levothyroxine therapy and serum free thyroxine and... [J Endocrinol Invest. 2002] - Pub... - 0 views

    T4 therapy (synthroid) alone does not increase serum free T3 concentrations in many patients
Nathan Goodyear

Informa Healthcare - Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine - 11(3):159 - Su... - 0 views

  • Conclusions: Combined T3 + T4 treatment seems to be more effective than treatment with T4 alone in hypothyroid patients
    patients on synthroid only improved when switch to combined T4/T3 (armour thyroid)
Nathan Goodyear

Franken-Thyroxine Making Your Thyroid Condition Worse? | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Na... - 0 views

    synthroid is not biodentical Thyroxine (thyroid) hormone
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic Effects of Liothyronine Therapy in Hypothyroidism: A Randomized, Double-Blind... - 0 views

    T3 shown increase weight loss, lower LDL, decrease apolipoprotein B, decrease T cholesterol versus T4.  This flies in the face of conventional medical dogma, that T 4 (synthroid, levothyroxine) is the only route of thyroid replacement.  In fact, this suppports the use of armour thyroid, a T4/T3 combination.
Nathan Goodyear

Combination Treatment with T4 and T3: Toward Personalized Replacement Therapy in Hypoth... - 0 views

    Wow!  JCEM states, " may be time to consider a personalized regime of thyroid hormone replacement therapy in hypothyroid patents."  Otherwise stated, combination T4, T3 provides a more customized thyroid replacement therapy than synthroid alone.
Nathan Goodyear

Peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones: a revie... [Altern Med Rev. 2000] - PubMed r... - 0 views

  • The common feature of these disorders is a low level of circulating T3, with generally normal to slightly elevated blood T4 levels and either normal or slightly suppressed TSH levels. This pattern of altered thyroid hormone levels is generally agreed to be a result of impairment in extra-thyroidal peripheral metabolism
    thyroid replacement is not just about T4 (synthroid); but about T3, which is 5.4 x more potent
Nathan Goodyear

Hypothyroidism (Feb/March 2007) Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients - 0 views

    Great discussion of Thyroid therapy
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