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Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage HPV Genetics of cervical cancer raise concern about antiviral therapy in some cases - 0 views

    "Researchers say they want to emphasize, however, that the HPV vaccine commonly used by millions of women around the world is perfectly safe if done prior to infection with the virus. The concerns raised by this study relate only to viral therapies or possible use of a therapeutic vaccine after the virus has already been integrated into human cells. "It's been known for decades that only women with prior infection with HPV get cervical cancer," said Andrey Morgun, an assistant professor and a leader of the study in the OSU College of Pharmacy. "In about 90 percent of cases it's naturally eliminated, often without any symptoms. But in a small fraction of cases it can eventually lead to cancer, in ways that have not been fully understood.""
Erich Feldmeier

Detectan Virus del Nilo Occidental en Nueva York | El Diario NY - 0 views

    Culex pipiens "Era sólo cuestión de tiempo. Por primera vez, durante esta temporada de mosquitos, el Departamento de Salud de Nueva York (DOHMH) ha detectado zancudos infectados con el virus del Nilo Occidental en la ciudad de Nueva York. "
Erich Feldmeier

Jeremy Ginsberg: Grippe, Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data : Nature - 0 views

    "Seasonal influenza epidemics are a major public health concern, causing tens of millions of respiratory illnesses and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide each year1. In addition to seasonal influenza, a new strain of influenza virus against which no previous immunity exists and that demonstrates human-to-human transmission could result in a pandemic with millions of fatalities2. Early detection of disease activity, when followed by a rapid response, can reduce the impact of both seasonal and pandemic influenza3, 4. One way to improve early detection is to monitor health-seeking behaviour in the form of queries to online search engines, which are submitted by millions of users around the world each day. Here we present a method of analysing large numbers of Google search queries to track influenza-like illness in a population."
Erich Feldmeier

Stanford Bioengineers Introduce 'Bi-Fi' - The Biological Internet | School of Engineering - 0 views

    "If you were a bacterium, the virus M13 might seem innocuous enough. It insinuates more than it invades, setting up shop like a freeloading houseguest, not a killer. Once inside it makes itself at home, eating your food, texting indiscriminately. Recently, however, bioengineers at Stanford have given M13 a bit of a makeover. The researchers, Monica Ortiz, a doctoral candidate in bioengineering, and Drew Endy, PhD, an assistant professor of bioengineering, have parasitized the parasite and harnessed M13's key attributes - its non-lethality and its ability to package and broadcast arbitrary DNA strands - to create what might be termed the biological Internet, or "Bi-Fi." Their findings were published online Sept. 7 in the Journal of Biological Engineering."
Erich Feldmeier

Genaro di Prisco: Pestizide ebnen tödlichem Bienenvirus den Weg - @biogarage @bdw-redaktion - 0 views

    "In einem weiteren Versuch testeten die Forscher, wie sich dieser immundämpfende Effekt auf den Virenbefall der Bienen auswirkt. Dazu fütterten sie die Bienenarbeiterinnen von Versuchsvölkern mit Zuckerlösungen, die unterschiedlich hohe Beimischungen des Neonicotinoids Clothianidin enthielten. Die Konzentrationen reichten dabei von 0,1 bis zu 10 parts per billion (ppb). "Das entspricht einer Kontamination, die noch unter der typischerweise auf Feldern vorhandenen liegt", sagen die Forscher. In den Bienenvölkern war das Flügeldeformationsvirus präsent, wurde aber von den Insekten ausreichend in Schach gehalten. Die Infektion blieb dadurch latent. Wie sich zeigte, änderte sich dies aber durch die Pestizidgabe sehr schnell: Bereits die geringsten Dosen führten dazu, dass sich das virus in den Bienen nach einigen Tagen deutlich vermehrte. Ähnliche Ergebnisse brachten die gleichen Tests mit dem Neonicotinoid Imidacloprid."
Charles Daney

Bee calamity clarified :The Scientist [24th August 2009] - 0 views

    An illness that has been decimating US honeybees for more than three years probably isn't caused by a single virus, but by multiple viruses that wear down the bees' ability to produce proteins that can guard them against infection, according to a new study.
Charles Daney

How many human cancers are caused by viruses? | Mystery Rays from Outer Space - 0 views

    A virus was recently shown to cause a rare type of human cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma. Does it also cause a more common type of cancer?
Skeptical Debunker

Flightless mosquitoes developed to help control dengue fever - 0 views

  • Dengue fever causes severe flulike symptoms and is among the world's most pressing public health issues. There are 50 million to 100 million cases per year, and nearly 40 percent of the global population is at risk. The dengue virus is spread through the bite of infected female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and there is no vaccine or treatment. UCI researchers and colleagues from Oxitec Ltd. and the University of Oxford created the new breed. Flightless females are expected to die quickly in the wild, curtailing the number of mosquitoes and reducing - or even eliminating - dengue transmission. Males of the strain can fly but do not bite or convey disease. When genetically altered male mosquitoes mate with wild females and pass on their genes, females of the next generation are unable to fly. Scientists estimate that if released, the new breed could sustainably suppress the native mosquito population in six to nine months. The approach offers a safe, efficient alternative to harmful insecticides.
    A new strain of mosquitoes in which females cannot fly may help curb the transmission of dengue fever, according to UC Irvine and British scientists. Great idea or frankensketter?
Skeptical Debunker

Scientists reveal driving force behind evolution - 0 views

  • The team observed viruses as they evolved over hundreds of generations to infect bacteria. They found that when the bacteria could evolve defences, the viruses evolved at a quicker rate and generated greater diversity, compared to situations where the bacteria were unable to adapt to the viral infection. The study shows, for the first time, that the American evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen was correct in his 'Red Queen Hypothesis'. The theory, first put forward in the 1970s, was named after a passage in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass in which the Red Queen tells Alice, 'It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place'. This suggested that species were in a constant race for survival and have to continue to evolve new ways of defending themselves throughout time. Dr Steve Paterson, from the University's School of Biosciences, explains: "Historically, it was assumed that most evolution was driven by a need to adapt to the environment or habitat. The Red Queen Hypothesis challenged this by pointing out that actually most natural selection will arise from co-evolutionary interactions with other species, not from interactions with the environment. "This suggested that evolutionary change was created by 'tit-for-tat' adaptations by species in constant combat. This theory is widely accepted in the science community, but this is the first time we have been able to show evidence of it in an experiment with living things." Dr Michael Brockhurst said: "We used fast-evolving viruses so that we could observe hundreds of generations of evolution. We found that for every viral strategy of attack, the bacteria would adapt to defend itself, which triggered an endless cycle of co-evolutionary change. We compared this with evolution against a fixed target, by disabling the bacteria's ability to adapt to the virus. "These experiments showed us that co-evolutionary interactions between species result in more genetically diverse populations, compared to instances where the host was not able to adapt to the parasite. The virus was also able to evolve twice as quickly when the bacteria were allowed to evolve alongside it."
    Scientists at the University of Liverpool have provided the first experimental evidence that shows that evolution is driven most powerfully by interactions between species, rather than adaptation to the environment.
Erich Feldmeier

Pocken - Virologen bauen Pferdepocken im Labor - Gesundheit - Sü - 0 views

    "es ist unmöglich, weltweit alle Firmen zu kontrollieren, die DNA herstellen, sagt Paul Keim. "Uns ist schon seit einigen Jahren klar, dass es im Grunde aussichtslos ist, diese Art von Aktivität zu regulieren." Evans betont, man müsse auch die Chancen der Technologie sehen. So hofft er, mit Hilfe des Virus Impfstoffe zu entwickeln.
Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage scinexx | Oralsex überträgt krebserregende Viren: Infektionen mit Humanen Papilloma-Viren im Halsbereich sind in Deutschland auf dem Vormarsch - HPV, Oralsex, sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten, Humanes Papilloma Virus, Krebs, Zungenkrebs, Rachen - 0 views

    "50 bis 80 Prozent aller Männer und Frauen sind mit Humanen Papilloma Viren (HPV) infiziert. In den meisten Fällen bleibt das folgenlos. Einige Hochrisiko-Varianten dieser Erreger können jedoch Genitalwarzen und Krebs auslösen. Bei Frauen gehen beispielsweise so gut wie alle Fälle von Gebärmutterhalskrebs auf solche HPV-Typen zurück. Die Viren tauchen aber zunehmend auch an anderen Körperregionen als den Genitalien auf, dorthin gelangen sie über Anal- und Oralverkehr. "
Janos Haits

Find out where you are on the Cyberthreat map / Узнай, где сейчас кипит кибервойна - 0 views

Walid Damouny

Researchers explore link between schizophrenia, cat parasite - 1 views

  • There are unusually low rates of schizophrenia and toxoplasmosis in countries where cats are rare, and unusually high rates in places where eating uncooked meat is customary.
    • Walid Damouny
      Something serious
    "Johns Hopkins University scientists trying to determine why people develop serious mental illness are focusing on an unlikely factor: a common parasite spread by cats."
Walid Damouny

If influenza was a stock, I wouldn't touch it. - 0 views

    If influenza was a stock, I wouldn't touch it. PETER GROSS, chief medical officer at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, responding to a White House report that warned a resurgence of swine flu - or H1N1 - could kill 30,000 to 90,000 Americans this fall
    PETER GROSS, chief medical officer at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, responding to a White House report that warned a resurgence of swine flu - or H1N1 - could kill 30,000 to 90,000 Americans this fall
thinkahol *

Short Sharp Science: Smallpox finding prompts HIV 'whodunnit' - 0 views

    People keep blaming the emergence of HIV on science, or at least medicine. For the longest time this came in the form of the claim that it was all due to contaminated polio vaccine. That turned out to be factually groundless. Now a group of scientists in the US thinks it may all be down to the greatest medical intervention of all: the eradication of smallpox.
    "A more potentially useful observation about HIV and viruses comes from Jennifer Smith of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and colleagues in the 1 June issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, in which they report that men with HPV infection on their penis are nearly twice as likely to catch HIV than men without. They suspect the virus - which causes cervical cancer in women, and genital warts in men and women - attracts lymphocytes to the skin of the penis for HIV to infect, or creates micro-lesions where it can enter. That's good news, because we have a vaccine for HPV that appears to be completely safe. The team calculates that vaccinating men against HPV could prevent as many cases of HIV as more widely hailed circumcision efforts. It just goes to show that vaccination - already one of the biggest success stories of medicine - can continue to throw up unexpected benefits."
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