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Janos Haits

Wolfram Education Portal: Free Resources and Materials for Teachers - 0 views

    Wolfram has long been a trusted name in education-as the makers of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, we've created some of the most dynamic teaching and learning tools available. We are pleased to offer the best of all of our technologies to you here in the Wolfram Education Portal, organized by course. In the portal you'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts.
Janos Haits

PLoS | Leading a transformation in research communication - 0 views

    We are a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization. Our mission is to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. Everything that we publish is open-access - freely available online for anyone to use. Sharing research encourages progress, from protecting the biodiversity of our planet to finding more effective treatments for diseases such as cancer.
Erich Feldmeier

Georg Pohnert: Chemists reveal how algae delete unwanted 'competitors' - Shychemist - 0 views

    "Every morning when the sun comes up, the ocean ground is radically cleaned. As soon as the first rays of sunlight find their way into the water, the microalgae "Nitzschia cf pellucida" start their deadly 'morning hygiene'. The algae, the size of only some few micrometers, wrap themselves and their surroundings in a highly toxic poison: cyanogen bromide, a chemical relative of hydrocyanic acid, although much more toxic."
Janos Haits

Future Timeline | Technology | Singularity | 2020 | 2050 | 2100 | 2150 | 2200 | 21st century | 22nd century | 23rd century | Humanity | Predictions | Events - 0 views

    Welcome to the future! Here you will find a speculative timeline of future history. Part fact and part fiction, the timeline is based on detailed research that includes analysis of current trends, projected long-term environmental changes, advances in technology such as Moore's Law, future medical breakthroughs, and the evolving geopolitical landscape. Where possible, references have been provided to support the predictions. is intended to be an ongoing, collaborative project that is open for discussion - we welcome ideas from scientists, futurists, inventors, writers and anyone else interested in the future of our world.
Erich Feldmeier

Michaela Dewar: - info overload Ich merk mir was, was du dir nicht merkst - 0 views

    "Um das Gedächtnis auf Trab zu halten, lösen gerade ältere Menschen oft Kreuzworträtsel oder Sudokus. Das ist laut der neuen Studie von Dewar und ihren Kollegen nicht die Ideallösung, zumindest nicht, wenn direkt nach dem Erlernen der Neuigkeit gespielt wird. Einfach einmal zehn Minuten hinsetzen und nichts tun ist besser - denn dann hat das Gehirn Zeit und Ruhe, sich das neu Erlernte einzuprägen. Das Team von der University of Edinburgh hat dazu zwei Studien durchgeführt. In der ersten erzählten die Wissenschaftler älteren Menschen zwischen 61 und 87 Jahren zwei Kurzgeschichten. Danach durfte eine Gruppe zehn Minuten in einem dunklen Raum pausieren, während die andere ein „Finde den Unterschied"-Spiel am Computer spielte. Anschließend sollten die Probanden die Geschichte möglichst detailgetreu nacherzählen. Nach einer Woche forderten die Forscher sie erneut dazu auf."
Erich Feldmeier

The good, the bad, and the ugly: an fMRI invest... [Soc Neurosci. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    "Social interactions require fast and efficient person perception, which is best achieved through the process of categorization. However, this process can produce pernicious outcomes, particularly in the case of stigma. This study used fMRI to investigate the neural correlates involved in forming both explicit ("Do you like or dislike this person?") and implicit ("Is this a male or female?") judgments of people possessing well-established stigmatized conditions (obesity, facial piercings, transsexuality, and unattractiveness), as well as normal controls. Participants also made post-scan disgust ratings on all the faces that they viewed during imaging. These ratings were subsequently examined (modeled linearly) in a parametric analysis. Regions of interest that emerged include areas previously demonstrated to respond to aversive and disgust-inducing material (amygdala and insula), as well as regions strongly associated with inhibition and control (anterior cingulate and lateral prefrontal cortex). Further, greater differences in activation were observed in the implicit condition for both the amygdala and prefrontal cortical regions in response to the most negatively perceived faces. Specifically, as subcortical responses (e.g., amygdala) increased, cortical responses (e.g., lateral PFC and anterior cingulate) also increased, indicating the possibility of inhibitory processing. These findings help elucidate the neural underpinnings of stigma"
Erich Feldmeier

Cadotte, Dinnage, Tilman: ESA Online Journals - Phylogenetic diversity promotes ecosystem stability - 0 views

    "Our results indicate that communities where species are evenly and distantly related to one another are more stable compared to communities where phylogenetic relationships are more clumped. This result could be explained by a phylogenetic sampling effect, where some lineages show greater stability in productivity compared to other lineages, and greater evolutionary distances reduce the chance of sampling only unstable groups. However, we failed to find evidence for similar stabilities among closely related species. Alternatively, we found evidence that plot biomass variance declined with increasing phylogenetic distances, and greater evolutionary distances may represent species that are ecologically different (phylogenetic complementarity). Accounting for evolutionary relationships can reveal how diversity in form and function may affect stability."
Spz Kaz

Samsung's Transparent Smart Window at CES 2012 - 0 views

    Samsung's Transparent Window got a lot of attention at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Watch this video to find out why!
Janos Haits

LiDRC Lab - 0 views

    Linked Data Research Centre (LiDRC) Laboratory The LiDRC Lab is a collection of tools and demos we are working on in the Linked Data Research Centre, DERI at NUI Galway. Experimental Tools & Services In the table below you'll find tools and services we are experimenting with. They are likely not stable and are subject to (rapid) change.
Janos Haits

Online Universities | Accredited Online University Guide - 0 views

    Online Universities, an online resource for students interested in going to college online.'s goal is to assist students in finding the best online university that fits your needs and demands as a student.
Janos Haits

Research [OCLC - Home] - 0 views

    OCLC Research works with the community to collaboratively identify problems and opportunities, prototype and test solutions, and share findings through publications, presentations and professional interactions.
Janos Haits

Home - Library Guides at University at Albany - 0 views

    Research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by your friendly librarians. Know what we know - find it in Library Guides!
Erich Feldmeier

Andrew Ede: Skeptic » eSkeptic » Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 - 0 views

    " Of course, skeptics hope that their efforts aid in advancing science education.1 In spite of these efforts, survey data from several sources suggests that paranormal belief and pseudoscientific thinking continue to be commonplace.2 Skeptics often use these findings to reinforce arguments for more science education. Their argument is based upon the largely untested assumption that increased science knowledge reduces the number of paranormal beliefs an individual holds. However, this assumption may not be valid. Andrew Ede recently argued that science education may do little to raise the level of rational thinking and may, in fact, actually deter it!"
Janos Haits

digitalresearchtools / FrontPage - 0 views

    This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively.  Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you're looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool's features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers.
Erich Feldmeier

Stephen Sheperd: Ignorance is bliss when it comes to challenging social issues, cp. optimism bias ! - 0 views

    "And the more urgent the issue, the more people want to remain unaware, according to a paper published online in APA's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. "These studies were designed to help understand the so-called 'ignorance is bliss' approach to social issues," said author Steven Shepherd, a graduate student with the University of Waterloo in Ontario. "The findings can assist educators in addressing significant barriers to getting people involved and engaged in social issues."
Erich Feldmeier

Alternativmedizin - Studien belegen den Eindruck - Wissen - - 0 views

    ""Frauen fühlen sich von einer Hebamme besser betreut, wenn die etwas macht oder ihnen etwas gibt. Das ist bei einem Arzt nicht anders", sagt Regine Knobloch, beratende Hebamme beim Deutschen Hebammenverband. In Deutschland spiele auch der Wettbewerb unter Hebammen eine Rolle, sagt Knobloch. Wer in der Begleitung von Schwangeren oder der Wochenbettbetreuung keine Homöopathie, Aromatherapie oder ähnliche Verfahren anbiete, finde womöglich weniger Kundinnen. Der Einsatz alternativer Therapien sei "kongruent mit der Philosophie von Hebammen", schreibt Helen Hall etwas sperrig. Was das heißt? "Viele sehen sich in der Tradition alter Kräuterfrauen, die Hebammen früher waren", sagt Knobloch. "Gleichzeitig fechten Hebammen seit mindestens dem 18. Jahrhundert einen Macht- und Verteilungskampf mit der Ärzteschaft aus", sagt der Historiker Robert Jütt"
Janos Haits

OCLC: Experimental - 0 views

    Here you can find some of the experimental projects that we're working on. While some of them may influence OCLC products and services, others are "blue sky" ideas-activities that embrace new and emerging technologies in order to discover ways to better enable data sharing, cooperative services and community growth within the profession.
Erich Feldmeier

New Theory on Why Men Love Breasts | Breast Evolution | LiveScience - 0 views

    "But Young's new theory will face scrutiny of its own. Commenting on the theory, Rutgers University anthropologist Fran Mascia-Lees, who has written extensively about the evolutionary role of breasts, said one concern is that not all men are attracted to them. "Always important whenever evolutionary biologists suggest a universal reason for a behavior and emotion: how about the cultural differences?" Mascia-Lees wrote in an email. In some African cultures, for example, women don't cover their breasts, and men don't seem to find them so, shall we say, titillating. Young says that just because breasts aren't covered in these cultures "doesn't mean that massaging them and stimulating them is not part of the foreplay in these cultures. As of yet, there are not very many studies that look at [breast stimulation during foreplay] in an anthropological context," he said. Young elaborates on his theory of breast love, and other neurological aspects of human sexuality, in a new book, "The Chemistry Between Us" (Current Hardcover, 2012), co-authored by Brian Alexander."
Erich Feldmeier

Stanford Bioengineers Introduce 'Bi-Fi' - The Biological Internet | School of Engineering - 0 views

    "If you were a bacterium, the virus M13 might seem innocuous enough. It insinuates more than it invades, setting up shop like a freeloading houseguest, not a killer. Once inside it makes itself at home, eating your food, texting indiscriminately. Recently, however, bioengineers at Stanford have given M13 a bit of a makeover. The researchers, Monica Ortiz, a doctoral candidate in bioengineering, and Drew Endy, PhD, an assistant professor of bioengineering, have parasitized the parasite and harnessed M13's key attributes - its non-lethality and its ability to package and broadcast arbitrary DNA strands - to create what might be termed the biological Internet, or "Bi-Fi." Their findings were published online Sept. 7 in the Journal of Biological Engineering."
Erich Feldmeier

@auticon @biogarage #neurobiology Autistic Kids Brains Generate 42 Percent More Information at rest - 0 views

    "New research from Case Western Reserve University and University of Toronto neuroscientists finds that the brains of autistic children generate more information at rest - a 42% increase on average. The study offers a scientific explanation for the most typical characteristic of autism - withdrawal into one's own inner world. The excess production of information may explain a child's detachment from their environment. "
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