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Explore & Share at 9th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics, London - 0 views

    Explore & Share at 9th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics, London, UK (A solution for Current & Future Global Predicament) August 26-27, 2019 London, UK: Since 2016, Biopolymer Congress has been contributing successfully to the global scientific research field. 8th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics was held during June 28-29, 2018 at Berlin, Germany with the theme "Biopolymer- A Drug to heal the nature". Active participation of Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Students and Leaders from the fields of Polymer Science, plastics, Green technology, medical, and Biomaterials is highly appreciated and made this event a blast. Thanks to all of our Organizing Committee members, honourable guests, wonderful speakers, conference attendees and Media partners. With the success of Biopolymer Congress 2018 at Berlin, we are feeling proud to announce Biopolymer Congress 2019 conference with the theme "A solution for current & future Global predicament", is going to held in London, UK, during August 26-27, 2019. Importance and Scope: Over the past few years, global economic activities have increased a lot. This tremendous growth has raised serious problems about current important patterns of production and consumption. As the current society has increased its attention in understanding of the environmental aspects and its industrial practices, greater attention has been given to the concept of sustainable economic systems that rely on energy from undepletable source and materials. The use of biologically derived Polymers become as an important component of this global world. The history of Biopolymer is not a long one. Various reasons are associated with the research and development of Biopolymers. Use of Bioplastics will make a tremendous change and will help rid of the conventional plastics, which is a welcome change. Why to attend?: To take preventive steps for Global Predicament, Biopolymer Congress 2019 offers a fantastic opportunity to meet and

The Loneliest Plant In The World : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR - 1 views

    When a cycad is ready to reproduce, it grows a large colorful cone, rich with pollen or seed. It signals its readiness by radiating heat or sending out attractive odors to pollinators, who travel back and forth. Once fertilized, the seed-rich cone is ripped apart by hungry seed carriers (who've included over the years, not just birds and insects, but dinosaurs, pterosaurs, bats; these trees have been eaten by just about everybody). But what if you can't find a mate? The tree in London (and its clones that are now growing in botanical gardens all over the world) is a male. It can make pollen. But it can't make the seeds. That requires a female. Researchers have wandered the Ngoya forest and other woods of Africa, looking for an E. woodii that could pair with the one in London. They haven't found a single other specimen. They're still searching. Unless a female exists somewhere, E. woodii will never mate with one of its own. It can be cloned. It can have the occasional fling with a closely related species. Hybrid cycads are sold at plant stores, but those plants aren't the real deal. The tree that sits in London can't produce a true offspring. It sits there, the last in its long line, waiting for a companion that may no longer exist.

D. Kumaran: Hierarchiegehorsam im Hirnscanner - 0 views

    Kumaran D et al., The Emergence and Representation of Knowledge about Social and Nonsocial Hierarchies, 2012, Neuron, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.09.035 Eine neue Studie, die in dem Journal Neuron veröffentlicht wurde, deckt auf, wie das Gehirn Informationen darüber abspeichert, wer in einer Gruppe das ‚Sagen' hat. Die Studie, die gemeinsam von Wissenschaftlern des Instituts für Kognitive Neurologie und Demenzforschung der Universität Magdeburg (IKND), des Deutschen Zentrums für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE, Standort Magdeburg) und der University College London (UCL) durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass Menschen zum Lernen von sozialen Rangfolgen einen bestimmten Teil des Gehirns brauchen. Die Größe dieses Gehirnareals sagt voraus, wie gut jemand soziale Rangfolgen lernen und einschätzen kann. Menschen und andere Primaten sind bemerkenswert gut darin, sich gegenseitig innerhalb einer sozialen Hierarchie einzuordnen. „Diese Fähigkeit ist überlebensnotwendig, weil sie hilft, Konflikte zu vermeiden und vorteilhafte Koalitionspartner zu finden. Allerdings wissen wir überraschend wenig darüber, wie das Gehirn dies steuert", sagt der Neurowissenschaftler Prof. Emrah Düzel.

Sanjay Purkayastha: - Kaugummis für den Darm, Insulin, Diabetes - 0 views

    "Das Kaugummikauen täuscht dem Körper eine Nahrungsaufnahme vor, erklären die Wissenschaftler. Sie vermuten, dass dadurch die Nerven im Verdauungssystem stimuliert und Hormone freigesetzt werden, die die Produktion von Speichel und Bauchspeicheldrüsensekreten erhöhen. Wodurch dieser Effekt genau zustande kommt, sollen nun jedoch größer angelegte Studien zeigen. Sanjay Purkayastha (St. Mary's Hospital, London) et al.: JAMA, Bd. 143, S. 788"

Peter Rothwell, Daily aspirin at low doses reduces cancer deaths - University of Oxford - 0 views

  • Peter Rothwell: In this new work, scientists from Oxford, Edinburgh, London and Japan used data on over 670 deaths from cancer in a range of randomised trials involving over 25,000 people. These trials compared daily use of aspirin against no aspirin and were done originally to look for any preventative effect against heart disease. The results, published in the Lancet, showed that aspirin reduced death due to any cancer by around 20% during the trials. But the benefits of aspirin only became apparent after taking the drug for 5 years or more, suggesting aspirin works by slowing or preventing the early stages of the disease so that the effect is only seen much later. After 5 years of taking aspirin, the data from patients in the trials showed that death rates were 34% less for all cancers and as much as 54% less for gastrointestinal cancers, such as oesophagus, stomach, bowel, pancreas and liver cancers.

Philippe Froguel, Amelie Bonfond: - Was das Schlafhormon Melatonin mit ... - 0 views

    "Sogar kurzfristige Störungen im Schlafrhythmus können schon negative Auswirkungen haben, zeigten Studien: Probanden, deren Schlaf in drei Nächten wiederholt gestört wurde, bekamen vorübergehend Symptome von Diabetes. Die Wissenschaftler um Philippe Froguel vom Imperial College in London konnten die Verbindung zwischen Schlafrhythmus und Diabetes nun mit genetischen Studien untermauern: Die Studie belegt die Rolle des Melatonins."

Diane Lawrence - Auf gute Nachbarschaft! - 0 views

    "Sind sie gezwungen, mit anderen Arten eng zusammenzuleben, können Bakterien Bündnisse schließen anstatt sich zu bekämpfen. Das zeigen Laboruntersuchungen eines britischen Forscherteams. Demnach können sich einige der Mikroben darauf einstellen, die Abfälle anderer Arten des Verbands zu verwerten. So kann die bakterielle Gemeinschaft unterm Strich die Ressourcen ihres Lebensraums optimal nutzen - zum Vorteil aller. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen unterstreichen die Bedeutung der Interaktionen zwischen Lebewesen in Ökosystemen, sagen Diane Lawrence vom Imperial College London und ihre Kollegen"

It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    A giant asteroid smashing into Earth is the only plausible explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs, a global scientific team said on Thursday, hoping to settle a row that has divided experts for decades. A panel of 41 scientists from across the world reviewed 20 years' worth of research to try to confirm the cause of the so-called Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) extinction, which created a "hellish environment" around 65 million years ago and wiped out more than half of all species on the planet. Scientific opinion was split over whether the extinction was caused by an asteroid or by volcanic activity in the Deccan Traps in what is now India, where there were a series of super volcanic eruptions that lasted around 1.5 million years. The new study, conducted by scientists from Europe, the United States, Mexico, Canada and Japan and published in the journal Science, found that a 15-kilometre (9 miles) wide asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in what is now Mexico was the culprit. "We now have great confidence that an asteroid was the cause of the KT extinction. This triggered large-scale fires, earthquakes measuring more than 10 on the Richter scale, and continental landslides, which created tsunamis," said Joanna Morgan of Imperial College London, a co-author of the review.

Traces of the past: Computer algorithm able to 'read' memories - 0 views

  • To explore how such memories are recorded, the researchers showed ten volunteers three short films and asked them to memorise what they saw. The films were very simple, sharing a number of similar features - all included a woman carrying out an everyday task in a typical urban street, and each film was the same length, seven seconds long. For example, one film showed a woman drinking coffee from a paper cup in the street before discarding the cup in a litter bin; another film showed a (different) woman posting a letter. The volunteers were then asked to recall each of the films in turn whilst inside an fMRI scanner, which records brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow within the brain. A computer algorithm then studied the patterns and had to identify which film the volunteer was recalling purely by looking at the pattern of their brain activity. The results are published in the journal Current Biology. "The algorithm was able to predict correctly which of the three films the volunteer was recalling significantly above what would be expected by chance," explains Martin Chadwick, lead author of the study. "This suggests that our memories are recorded in a regular pattern." Although a whole network of brain areas support memory, the researchers focused their study on the medial temporal lobe, an area deep within the brain believed to be most heavily involved in episodic memory. It includes the hippocampus - an area which Professor Maguire and colleagues have studied extensively in the past. They found that the key areas involved in recording the memories were the hippocampus and its immediate neighbours. However, the computer algorithm performed best when analysing activity in the hippocampus itself, suggesting that this is the most important region for recording episodic memories. In particular, three areas of the hippocampus - the rear right and the front left and front right areas - seemed to be involved consistently across all participants. The rear right area had been implicated in the earlier study, further enforcing the idea that this is where spatial information is recorded. However, it is still not clear what role the front two regions play.
    Computer programs have been able to predict which of three short films a person is thinking about, just by looking at their brain activity. The research, conducted by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL (University College London), provides further insight into how our memories are recorded.

Perception of our heartbeat influences our body image - 1 views

    ScienceDaily (Jan. 7, 2011) - A new study, led by Dr Manos Tsakiris from Royal Holloway, University of London, suggests that the way we experience the internal state of our body may also influence how we perceive our body from the outside, as for example in the mirror.

Smallest atomic displacements ever may lead to new new classes of electronic devices | ... - 0 views

    An international team of scientists has developed a novel X-ray technique for imaging atomic displacements in materials with unprecedented accuracy, using a recently discovered class of exotic materials - multiferroics - that can be simultaneously magnetically and electrically ordered. Multiferroics are also candidate materials for new classes of electronic devices. The researchers are from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble (France), the University of Oxford, and the University College London.

How your memories can be twisted under social pressure | KurzweilAI - 1 views

    Listen up, Facebook and Twitter groupies: how easily can social pressure affect your memory? Very easily, researchers at the Weizmann Institute and University College London have proved, and they think they even know what part of the brain is responsible. The participants conformed to the group on these "planted" responses, giving incorrect answers nearly 70% of the time. Volunteers watched a documentary film in small groups. Three days later, they returned to the lab individually to take a memory test, answering questions about the film. They were also asked how confident they were in their answers. They were later invited back to the lab to retake the test. This time, the subjects were also given supposed answers of the others in their film-viewing group (along with social-media-style photos) while being scanned in a functional MRI (fMRI) that revealed their brain activity. Is most of what you know false? Planted among these were false answers to questions the volunteers had previously answered correctly and confidently. The participants conformed to the group on these "planted" responses, giving incorrect answers nearly 70% of the time. To determine if their memory of the film had actually undergone a change, the researchers invited the subjects back to the lab later to take the memory test once again, telling them that the answers they had previously been fed were not those of their fellow film watchers, but random computer generations. Some of the responses reverted back to the original, correct ones, but get this: despite finding out the scientists messed with their minds, close to half of their responses remained erroneous, implying that the subjects were relying on false memories implanted in the earlier session. An analysis of the fMRI data showed a strong co-activation and connectivity between two brain areas: the hippocampus and the amygdala. Social reinforcement could act on the amygdala to persuade our brains to replace a strong memory wi

Genetic test could enable new targeted prostate cancer therapy - 1 views

    A new study by The Institute of Cancer Research, London (ICR) has shown that a genetic test for faults in DNA repair could enable targeted nuclear treatments for patients with prostate cancer.

Meaghan Christian: Family meals can help children reach their 5 A Day: a cross-sectiona... - 0 views

    "The CADET tool found that children consumed on average 293 g F&V (95% CI 287 to 303) per day. Clustered (by school) multilevel regression models with total F&V as the primary outcome were conducted to explore how the home environment affects children's F&V intake. Children of families who reported 'always' eating a family meal together at a table had 125 g (95% CI 92 to 157; p=

RNA world easier to make : Nature News - 0 views

  • John Sutherland and his colleagues from the University of Manchester, UK
  • ribonucleotide
  • building block of RNA
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Donna Blackmond, a chemist at Imperial College London.
  • strong evidence for the RNA world
  • 'RNA world' hypothesis, which suggests that life began when RNA, a polymer related to DNA that can duplicate itself and catalyse reactions
  • chemists had thought the subunits would probably assemble themselves first, then join to form a ribonucleotide
  • three distinct parts: a ribose sugar, a phosphate group and a base
  • RNA polymer is a string of ribonucleotides
  • efforts to connect ribose and base together have met with frustrating failure
  • researchers have now managed to synthesise
  • ribonucleotides
  • remedy is to avoid producing separate ribose-sugar and base subunits
  • makes a molecule whose scaffolding contains a bond that will
  • be the key ribose-base connection
  • atoms are then added around this skeleton
  • final connection is to add a phosphate group
  • influences the entire synthesis
  • acting as a catalyst, it guides small organic molecules into making the right connections
  • What we have ended up with is molecular choreography
  • objectors to the RNA-world theory say the RNA molecule as a whole is too complex to be created using early-Earth geochemistry
  • flaw is in the logic — that this experimental control by researchers in a modern laboratory could have been available on the early Earth
  • Robert Shapiro, a chemist at New York University
  • early-Earth scenarios
  • heating molecules in water, evaporating them and irradiating them with ultraviolet light
  • results showing that they can string nucleotides together
  • ultimate goal is to get a living system (RNA) emerging from a one-pot experiment
  • need to know what the constraints on the conditions are first
  • Shapiro sides with
  • another theory of life's origins
  • because RNA is too complex to emerge from small molecules, simpler metabolic processes
  • eventually catalysed the formation of RNA and DNA

With Building Materials UK Adding a Bedroom was a Breeze - 0 views

started by Andrew Dal on 07 Mar 11 no follow-up yet

More Space, More Fun - 1 views

started by Andrew Dal on 21 Mar 11 no follow-up yet

Acoustic Suspended Ceilings for Enhance Productivity - 1 views

started by Andrew Dal on 19 Apr 11 no follow-up yet
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