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thinkahol *

Short Sharp Science: Half a heartbeat changes our response to scary images - 0 views

    In another study, in which volunteers saw the same pictures while having their brain scanned using MRI, she found that people had a stronger response in the hippocampus and amygdala - areas of the brain associated with fear - when they were shown fearful faces at systole than when they saw them at diastole. In other words, half a heartbeat was all it took for a person to experience a significantly different response to the same scary stimulus.
thinkahol *

Perception of our heartbeat influences our body image - 1 views

    ScienceDaily (Jan. 7, 2011) - A new study, led by Dr Manos Tsakiris from Royal Holloway, University of London, suggests that the way we experience the internal state of our body may also influence how we perceive our body from the outside, as for example in the mirror.
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