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Diversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris... - 0 views

    Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are the most important legume staple food in Kenya coming second to maize. In Central Highlands of Kenya, the 0.4-0.5ton ha-1 output is below the genetic yield potential of 1.5-2ton ha-1 partly due pests and diseases. Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) have been reported to cause yield losses of up to 60% on beans. Though bean production is important in the Central highlands of Kenya, information on PPN associated with the beans in the region is lacking. This study was therefore undertaken to establish the diversity of PPN associated with common beans and to assess the root knot nematode damage on beans in the region. The study covered 50 farms (32 in Kirinyaga and 18 in Embu Counties) distributed in eight localities namely Kibirigwi (L1), Makutano (L2), Kagio (L3), Mwea (L4) and Kutus (L5) in Kirinyaga County and Nembure (L6), Manyatta (L7) and Runyenjes (L8) in Embu County and covering three Agro Ecological Zones (AEZs); UM2 (L1, L2, L3 & L4), UM3 (L5, L7 & L8) and UM4 (L6) AEZs. Manyatta (L7) and Nembure (L6), had the highest and second highest gall indices, respectively, while Kibirigwi (L1), Makutano (L2) and Mwea (L4) had some of the lowest gall indices. The most common PPN in bean roots were Meloidogyne spp. Pratylenchus spp. and Scutellonema spp. with a frequency of 94.38%, 78.25% and 59.13%, respectively. This further confirm the importance of these nematodes in bean production systems. Upper Midland 3 (UM3) AEZs and UM4 had higher nematode population densities and diversity than UM2. Disease severity and nematode composition and distribution were notably low in the irrigated areas Kibirigwi, Kagio and Mwea compared to rain-fed areas such as Makutano, Nembure and Manyatta.

Tamir DI, Mitchell JP. Disclosing information about the self is intrinsically rewarding. - 0 views

    Tamir DI, Mitchell JP. Disclosing information about the self is intrinsically rewarding. Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. Abstract Humans devote 30-40% of speech output solely to informing others of their own subjective experiences. What drives this propensity for disclosure? Here, we test recent theories that individuals place high subjective value on opportunities to communicate their thoughts and feelings to others and that doing so engages neural and cognitive mechanisms associated with reward. Five studies provided support for this hypothesis. Self-disclosure was strongly associated with increased activation in brain regions that form the mesolimbic dopamine system, including the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area. Moreover, individuals were willing to forgo money to disclose about the self.

Meaghan Christian: Family meals can help children reach their 5 A Day: a cross-sectiona... - 0 views

    "The CADET tool found that children consumed on average 293 g F&V (95% CI 287 to 303) per day. Clustered (by school) multilevel regression models with total F&V as the primary outcome were conducted to explore how the home environment affects children's F&V intake. Children of families who reported 'always' eating a family meal together at a table had 125 g (95% CI 92 to 157; p=

Seasonal effects on suicide rates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "These findings clearly state that there is a relationship between summer suicide rates and biochemical (e.g., plasma L-TRP and melatonin levels, [3H]paroxetine binding to blood platelets), metabolic (serum total cholesterol, calcium and magnesium concentrations), and immune (number of peripheral blood lymphocytes and serum sIL-2R) variables.[18] Another study focused on the association between depression, suicide, and the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). They state that "depression is accompanied by a depletion of n-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids".[22] Their methodology involved taking periodic blood samples-every month for one year-of healthy volunteers, allowing them to analyze the "PUFA composition in serum phospholipids and [relating] those data to the annual variation in the mean weekly number of suicides". They used an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to document their results, finding that PUFA like arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid all occurred at significantly lower rates in winter than in summer months. The association between depression, suicide, and PUFA rates is indicative of there being a biological factor in seasonal effects on suicide rates"

@PeterSpork #epigenetik #sleep BBC News - How much can an extra hour's sleep change you? - 0 views

    Dr Simon Archer and his team at Surrey University were particularly interested in looking at the genes that were switched on or off in our volunteers by changes in the amount that we had made them sleep. "We found that overall there were around 500 genes that were affected," Archer explained. "Some which were going up, and some which were going down." What they discovered is that when the volunteers cut back from seven-and-a-half to six-and-a-half hours' sleep a night, genes that are associated with processes like inflammation, immune response and response to stress became more active. The team also saw increases in the activity of genes associated with diabetes and risk of cancer. The reverse happened when the volunteers added an hour of sleep. So the clear message from this experiment was that if you are getting less than seven hours' sleep a night and can alter your sleep habits, even just a little bit, it could make you healthier

How Brain Cancer Is Associated With Cell Phone Radiation? - 1 views

started by anonymous on 13 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Mind-reading scan identifies simple thoughts - health - 26 May 2011 - New Scientist - 3 views

    A new new brain imaging system that can identify a subject's simple thoughts may lead to clearer diagnoses for Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia - as well as possibly paving the way for reading people's minds. Michael Greicius at Stanford University in California and colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify patterns of brain activity associated with different mental states. He asked 14 volunteers to do one of four tasks: sing songs silently to themselves; recall the events of the day; count backwards in threes; or simply relax. Participants were given a 10-minute period during which they had to do this. For the rest of that time they were free to think about whatever they liked. The participants' brains were scanned for the entire 10 minutes, and the patterns of connectivity associated with each task were teased out by computer algorithms that compared scans from several volunteers doing the same task. This differs from previous experiments, in which the subjects were required to perform mental activities at specific times and the scans were then compared with brain activity when they were at rest. Greicius reasons his method encourages "natural" brain activity more like that which occurs in normal thought.

Evaluation of Potential Ecological Risk and Contamination Assessment of Heavy Metals in... - 0 views

    The contamination and potential ecological risk posed by heavy metals from thirteen (13) sediment samples from different sampling sites along the lower portion of Agusan River were analyzed and assessed using different pollution indices. The results obtained shows that the total digest concentrations of different heavy metals under investigation have the following order: Cd < Pb < Zn < Mn, for both first sampling periods. The speciation and distribution pattern have shown that significant amounts of all metals are present in the residual fraction. Similarly, oxide-bound and organic-bound fractions were found to be highly important for Zn and Mn while Cd and Pb were significantly associated in the residual and exchangeable fractions. The results of different pollution indices moreover, showed that among all the heavy metals being studied, Cd posed the highest environmental risk across all sampling stations in both sampling periods and Mn metal was highly enriched and abundant in all of the sampling stations. Importantly, PCA results suggest that Zn, Mn and Pb may have the same origin while Cd might be coming from different sources, and this is corroborated well with the cluster analysis results. The results obtained from this work provide baseline data on the assessment of heavy metal pollution in the lower portion of Agusan River. Importantly, the acquired environmental indices will certainly help safety managers in assessing and interpreting the potential risk of the sediment associated chemical status that might adversely affect aquatic organisms in the selected sampling sites.

Rolf Jansen, Klaus Gerth, HZI, Carolacton - A macrolide ketocarbonic acid tha... - 0 views

    "Carolacton - A macrolide ketocarbonic acid that reduces biofilm formation by the caries- and endocarditis-associated bacterium Streptococcus mutans.2010,7:1284-1289 European Journal of Organic Chemistry"

We're so good at medical studies that most of them are wrong - 0 views

  • Statistical validation of results, as Shaffer described it, simply involves testing the null hypothesis: that the pattern you detect in your data occurs at random. If you can reject the null hypothesis—and science and medicine have settled on rejecting it when there's only a five percent or less chance that it occurred at random—then you accept that your actual finding is significant. The problem now is that we're rapidly expanding our ability to do tests. Various speakers pointed to data sources as diverse as gene expression chips and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which provide tens of thousands of individual data points to analyze. At the same time, the growth of computing power has meant that we can ask many questions of these large data sets at once, and each one of these tests increases the prospects than an error will occur in a study; as Shaffer put it, "every decision increases your error prospects." She pointed out that dividing data into subgroups, which can often identify susceptible subpopulations, is also a decision, and increases the chances of a spurious error. Smaller populations are also more prone to random associations. In the end, Young noted, by the time you reach 61 tests, there's a 95 percent chance that you'll get a significant result at random. And, let's face it—researchers want to see a significant result, so there's a strong, unintentional bias towards trying different tests until something pops out. Young went on to describe a study, published in JAMA, that was a multiple testing train wreck: exposures to 275 chemicals were considered, 32 health outcomes were tracked, and 10 demographic variables were used as controls. That was about 8,800 different tests, and as many as 9 million ways of looking at the data once the demographics were considered.
    It's possible to get the mental equivalent of whiplash from the latest medical findings, as risk factors are identified one year and exonerated the next. According to a panel at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, this isn't a failure of medical research; it's a failure of statistics, and one that is becoming more common in fields ranging from genomics to astronomy. The problem is that our statistical tools for evaluating the probability of error haven't kept pace with our own successes, in the form of our ability to obtain massive data sets and perform multiple tests on them. Even given a low tolerance for error, the sheer number of tests performed ensures that some of them will produce erroneous results at random.

Vitamin D levels associated with survival in lymphoma patients - 0 views

    "A new study has found that the amount of vitamin D in patients being treated for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was strongly associated with cancer progression and overall survival. The results will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology in New Orleans."

'Hella' Proposed as Official Big Number - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • To become official, "hella" would have to jump through quite a few bureaucratic hoops. It would have to pass through the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU), one of 10 advisory committees of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM). If the CCU recommends it the CIPM, that board must then decide whether to advance the cause to the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), the official authority that can make changes to the SI system. That international organization, based in France, includes members from 81 countries. "I think that for a number of reasons it's a long shot," said Ben Stein, a spokesperson for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. organization that handles measurements. "The types of things they would consider are is it needed, does it add or reduce confusion, are the names consistent with other names associated with the prefixes?" Sendek argues that the name would honor the scientific contributions of Northern Californians, who have famously popularized the phrase "hella" to mean "a whole lot."
    Soon the word "hella" may not be associated with California surfers as much as with scientists in lab coats. A physics student is petitioning to add "hella" to the International System of Units (SI) as the official designation of 10 to the 27th power, or a trillion trillions.

Synote Home Page - 0 views

    Synote makes multimedia resources such as video and audio easier to access, search, manage, and exploit. Learners, teachers and other users can create notes, bookmarks, tags, links, images and text captions synchronised to any part of a recording, such as a lecture. Imagine how difficult it would be to use a textbook if it had no contents page, index or page numbers. Synote actually provides the way to find or associate notes with a particular part of a recording,i.e. the media fragments.

Dieter Klemm: Nanocellulose vor Fabrikherstellung | heise online - 0 views

    "Dieter Klemm forscht in zwei Spin-offs der Uni Jena, der "Polymet Jena Association" und der "Jenpolymer Materials", an medizinischen Anwendungen der Nanocellulose. Dabei nutzt er aus, dass sich die Fasernetze schon bei der Synthese in die gewünschte Form etwa als Vlies, Film oder Hohlkörper bringen lassen. Wenn er die Bakterien etwa auf einem Zylinder wachsen lässt, verbinden sich die von ihnen produzierten Fasern zu einer dichten Hülle. Entfernt man die Form, bleibt ein Röhrchen aus Nanocellulose übrig, das sich direkt als Implantat für Blutgefäße einsetzen lässt. Solche Implantate testet Klemm bereits an Tieren"
1More - 0 views

    The Global Network Navigator (GNN), an Internet-based Information Center, is a production of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. and an application of the World Wide Web.

Ruth A. Atchley: PLOS ONE: Creativity in the Wild: Improving Creative Reasoning through... - 0 views

    "Here we show that four days of immersion in nature, and the corresponding disconnection from multi-media and technology, increases performance on a creativity, problem-solving task by a full 50% in a group of naive hikers. Our results demonstrate that there is a cognitive advantage to be realized if we spend time immersed in a natural setting. We anticipate that this advantage comes from an increase in exposure to natural stimuli that are both emotionally positive and low-arousing and a corresponding decrease in exposure to attention demanding technology, which regularly requires that we attend to sudden events, switch amongst tasks, maintain task goals, and inhibit irrelevant actions or cognitions. A limitation of the current research is the inability to determine if the effects are due to an increased exposure to nature, a decreased exposure to technology, or to other factors associated with spending three days immersed in nature."

Adam Corner | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Adam Corner is a research associate at Cardiff University. His interests include the psychology of communicating climate change"

Official SCIENCE*: HIGH HEELS make you SEXY (Ladies) * The Register - 0 views

    "There is a strong contemporary association between high heels and female sexuality. We investigated the hypothesis that one motivation for women wearing high heels is that it artificially increases the femininity of gait. Biomechanical analyses revealed that wearing high heels led to increased femininity of gait including reduced stride length and increased rotation and tilt of the hips. This groundbreaking study was published this month in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior. It was written by Paul H. Morris, Jenny White, Edward R. Morrison and Kayleigh Fisher"

Successful Financial Source Accessed In Excellent Approach At Any Time - 0 views

    Self employed loans are obtainable for the business associates living in Australia. You can take fast and irritate free cash support without any paperwork and faxing formalities at all. You can receive speedy cash support via online within few hours of application at emergency time.
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