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Janos Haits

Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    The Library of Congress is launching a review of the bibliographic framework to better accommodate future needs. A major focus of the initiative will be to determine a transition path for the MARC 21 exchange format in order to reap the benefits of newer technology while preserving a robust data exchange that has supported resource sharing and cataloging cost savings in recent decades. This work will be carried out in consultation with the format's formal partners -- Library and Archives Canada and the British Library -- and informal partners -- the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and other national libraries, the agencies that provide library services and products, the many MARC user institutions, and the MARC advisory committees such as the MARBI committee of ALA, the Canadian Committee on MARC, and the BIC Bibliographic Standards Group in the UK.
Janos Haits

BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    "Initiated by the Library of Congress, BIBFRAME provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, both on the web, and in the broader networked world. This site presents general information about the project, including presentations, FAQs, and links to working documents. In addition to being a replacement for MARC, BIBFRAME serves as a general model for expressing and connecting bibliographic data. A major focus of the initiative will be to determine a transition path for the MARC 21 formats while preserving a robust data exchange that has supported resource sharing and cataloging cost savings in recent decades."
Janos Haits - 0 views

  • is the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Center's (hbz) Linked Open Data service. The akronym 'lobid' stands for "Linking Open Bibliographic Data". We support the process of creating Linked Open Bibliographic Data out of existing libraries and other associated data.
Janos Haits

ACM Digital Library - 0 views

    Full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
Janos Haits

The European Library - Connecting knowledge - 0 views

    "Users can cross-search and reuse over 23,618,232 digital items and 163,720,257 bibliographic records."
Janos Haits

ACM Digital Library - 0 views

    Full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
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