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Régis Barondeau

Le gouvernement du Québec à l'ère des médias sociaux | Denis Lessard | Politi... - 0 views

  • le gouvernement propose que Québec rendre disponibles toutes les données de ses ministères et organismes sur un portail unique qui relèverait de l'Institut de la statistique ou de la Bibliothèque nationale.
  • Jean Charest devrait affirmer sa volonté d'amener l'Administration au web 2.0 et de faire un «gouvernement ouvert».
  • Les données gouvernementales devraient être utilisées librement, mais Québec garderait «son droit de paternité». Les médias sociaux devraient être intégrés dans toutes les stratégies de communication gouvernementales, et l'on devrait prévoir une «gestion de la rétroaction citoyenne». Québec devrait mettre en place un «forum citoyen» géré par le Secrétariat à la communication gouvernementale. L'employeur devrait «responsabiliser» les employés et leur faire confiance dans la mise au point d'outils pour le web 2.0. Aussi, Québec devrait «prendre les mesures appropriées» pour protéger son identité sur les médias sociaux.
    Le gouvernement du Québec devrait ouvrir ses données et intégrer les médias sociaux dans sa stratégie.
Cathy Bazinet

La santé en ligne : des enjeux au-delà de l'information - 4 views

    À travers l'analyse de huit sites Internet ayant trait à la santé, cet article met en évidence l'extrême hétérogénéité de l'information disponible. De plus, il interroge le statut de ceux qui produisent l'information, son type de contenu, sa qualité et sa fiabilité ainsi que le rôle de ces sites. Il s'agit de comprendre ce qui attire toujours plus d'internautes sur ces sites malgré les critiques incessantes qui leur sont adressées.
nicola poletti

Data visualisation DIY: our top tools | News | - 1 views

  • Google fusion tablesThis online database and mapping tool has become our default for producing quick and detailed maps, especially those where you need to zoom in. You get all the high resolution of google maps but it can open a lot of data - 100mb of CSV, for instance. The first time you try it, Fusion tables may seem a little tricky - but stick with it.
  • Tableau PublicIf you don't need the unlimited space of the professional edition, this is free - and means you can make pretty complex visualisations simply and easily with up to 100,000 rows. We use it when we need to bring different types of charts together - as in this map of top tax rates around the world, which also has a bar chart too.
  • After something simple - like a bar or line chart, or a pie chart? You'll find that Google spreadsheets (which you create from the documents bit of your Google account) can create some pretty nice charts - including the animated bubbles used by Hans Rosling's Gapminder. Unlike the charts API you don't need to worry about code -
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Having said that, there is a simplicity and beauty to its bubble charts that no-one else has matched - and the word link graphic which we used below is a very useful way of showing how language links together. It's also linked to the Wordle site - which although now deeply unfashionable with designer types - is still a lovely way to show word frequency (if not much else).
  • Not, strictly speaking, a visualisation tool, Color Brewer - originally designed with federal funding and developed at Penn State - is really for choosing map colors, and is worth spending some time with if plan to make many more.
  • it's also worth checking out this DailyTekk piece which has even more options. The ones above aren't the only tools, just those we use most frequently. There are lots of others out there too, including: • Chartsbin A tool for creating clickable world maps• iCharts Specialises in small chart widgets• Geocommons Shares data and boundary data to create global and local mapsOh and there's also, which provides templates for those text/numbers viz there are a lot of around at the moment.
    What data visualisation tools are out there on the web that are easy to use - and free? Here on the Datablog and Datastore we try to do as much as possible using the internet's powerful free options.
    Did you try the free version of ? Do you have experience with Google fusion tables ?
Cathy Bazinet


    L'influence des médias sociaux sur la pratique professionnelle variera selon l'utilisateur et le contexte où il pratique, mais la protection de la confidentialité et le respect de la vie privée des patients constituent la grande préoccupation de toute infirmière. L'effet des médias sociaux sur la crédibilité professionnelle et organisationnelle, la diffusion possible d'information non fiable grâce aux médias sociaux et l'engagement de respecter les normes professionnelles tout en utilisant cette technologie soulèvent aussi des préoccupations.
nicola poletti

Data Dealer. Legal, illegal, whatever. | English - 1 views

    On his way to become the world's most powerful data tycoon the player obtains data from a variety of sources - be they legal or illegal - and forms strategic alliances with other players. The Data Dealer´s growing empire has to be defended from various threats, such as competing players trying to hack into the database, complaining citizens, critical media and privacy activists. The project deals with questions as: Which personal data is available? Who collects this data? What are their intents? What could it be used for?
Régis Barondeau

OrganizedWisdom | Connecting you to health experts and their wisdom. - 0 views

  • OrganizedWisdom helps health professionals create Digital Offices to share valuable information with you before, during, and after your visit
Régis Barondeau

Les éditions universitaires à l'ère du numérique : qui prend le virage ? | Fo... - 2 views

    Montréal - PUM
Régis Barondeau

US State Department Has Started Using Google Chrome - 0 views

  • Clinton said that the State Department would start deploying Google’s Chrome browser to all of its offices. Google Chrome started being installed on computers on February 14th.
  • This is a huge opportunity for Google to gets it products used by government officials, as it hopes to get major departments in the US government to use its Google Apps suite for email, documents, and calendars. Getting this many officials to use its browser is a definite first step to become to go-to option for the government.
MG Ayoub

Les médias sociaux et les médecins canadiens - enjeux et règles d'engagement - 0 views

    Ce document vise à orienter la façon dont les étudiants en médecine, les résidents, les stagiaires, les boursiers et les médecins en exercice au Canada peuvent aborder les médias sociaux en reconnaissant leurs avantages possibles ainsi que les défis et risques inhérents à leur utilisation.
Régis Barondeau

Mouth Gear: Tongue Drive System Goes Inside the Mouth to Improve Performance ... - 0 views

  • Tongue Drive is a wireless device that enables people with high-level spinal cord injuries to operate a computer and maneuver an electrically powered wheelchair simply by moving their tongues.
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