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nicola poletti

The political party that wants to ban PowerPoint | Technology | The Guardian - 1 views

  • Call me old-fashioned, but I believe in having a real discussion about ideas as opposed to force-feeding an increasingly sleepy crowd with numerous graphs and bullet points projected on to the nearest wall.
  • Sometimes I wonder why we even bother showing up to hear a colleague elucidate on their thesis, when we are helpfully posted an advance printout of the presentation. As the speaker is building to a crucial statistic, delegates have long finished and are doing the crossword instead.
    robert and règis will be members n° 1&2 I bet!
nicola poletti

YouTube - Web 2.0...The Machine is Us/ing Us - doppiaggio italiano - 1 views

    Splendida presentazione di web e html, abbastanza semplice ma super fatto bene
    Somehow I always forgot to share this one...strictly in italian but wonderfully made and perfect for training!
MG Ayoub

Promouvoir la santé mentale à l'ère du Web 2.0 (1/3) | Portail Internet et santé - 1 views

    Dans le cadre de la conférence Internet et santé : nouvelles pratiques, nouveaux enjeux, Marie-Gabrielle Ayoub, responsable des communications interactives à l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas, est venue exposer différentes manières de promouvoir la santé mentale à l'ère du Web 2.0.
Régis Barondeau

The Insidious Evils of 'Like' Culture - - 1 views

  • A status update that is met with no likes (or a clever tweet that isn't retweeted) becomes the equivalent of a joke met with silence. It must be rethought and rewritten. And so we don't show our true selves online, but a mask designed to conform to the opinions of those around us.
  • "Like" culture is antithetical to the concept of self-esteem, which a healthy individual should be developing from the inside out rather than from the outside in.
  • The psychoanalyst Erich Fromm presciently wrote over 60 years ago that man has "constructed a complicated social machine to administer the technical machine he built…. The more powerful and gigantic the forces are which he unleashes, the more powerless he feels himself as a human being. He is owned by his creations, and has lost ownership of himself."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Share what makes you different from everyone else, not what makes you exactly the same.
  • Write about what's important to you, not what you think everyone else wants to hear
Régis Barondeau

Reti sociali e blogterapia. Così la medicina sta diventando «2.0» - Corriere ... - 1 views

  • «Oggi, però - continua Santoro - Facebook e Twitter sono più utilizzati come social media, cioè come strumenti di propagazione dell'informazione, anche medico-sanitaria, che ha origine da altri media, compresi quelli tradizionali, come giornali e canali TV (che infatti hanno aperto pagine su Facebook per diffondere i propri contenuti ndr)
  • Santoro
nicola poletti

Pagina principale - Elezioni San Benedetto - 1 views

    As Règis asked me in Ravenna, I begun looking for some italian Wiki sites. This is the first one I bumped into, a site built to compare local election candidate's programs and discuss real priorities.
MG Ayoub

CDC - Social Media Tools for Consumers and Partners - Guidelines & Best Practices - 1 views

    The use of social media tools is a powerful channel to reach target audiences with strategic, effective and user-centric health interventions. To assist in the planning, development and implementation of social media activities, the following guidelines have been developed to provide critical information on lessons learned, best practices, clearance information and security requirements. Although these guidelines have been developed for the use of these channels at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they may be useful materials for other federal, state and local agencies as well as private organizations to reference when developing social media tools.
nicola poletti

L'arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal - Rééquilibrez le budget à votre guise - 1 views

    Oh my god...When will we learn??
MG Ayoub

Étude auprès des Québécois sur l'informatisation clinique - 1 views

    La présente étude détaille les résultats d'un sondage téléphonique téléphonique rréalisé éalisé auprès auprès d un d'un échantillon échantillon rreprésentatif eprésentatif des Québécois âgés de 18 ans et plus. Les objectifs de l'étude consistaient à :connaître l'opinion des Québécois à l'égard de l'informatisation clinique;identifier les avantages, les inconvénients et les craintes face à l'informatisation clinique;déterminer déterminer le niveau de réceptivité face à l le niveau de réceptivité face à l utilisation 'utilisation dd Internet 'Internetdans le domaine de la santé;
Régis Barondeau

United Nations Foundation » Health Information as Health Care - 1 views

    View the full report.
MG Ayoub

Internet et santé publique : comprendre les pratiques, partager les expérienc... - 1 views

    Depuis plusieurs années, l'internet a investi le champ de la santé transformant les processus de construction et de circulation des savoirs, les relations entre les acteurs et les pratiques de santé. L'internet comme source d'information du public, sur les maladies, les traitements, les facteurs de risques, les ressources professionnelles et les établissements d'une part et, d'autre part, l'internet comme outil de travail collaboratif pour les différents professionnels de santé, engendrant une réorganisation de certaines pratiques professionnelles, figurent parmi les deux principaux axes de transformation, connus et reconnus par les professionnels et les chercheurs du champ de la santé publique.
Simona Ferlini

E-Participation: Looking Beyond Skills and Realising Public Value - 1 views

Régis Barondeau

Learning From YouTube: YOUTUBE IS ... - 1 views

  • YouTube is the subject, form, method, problem and solution of this video-book.
Régis Barondeau

AppleInsider | Hospitals adopting Apple's iPad for patient and visitor kiosks - 1 views

  • The new system has been embraced by nurses and technicians as a great time-saver, and has proven a convenient tool for doctors as an access point to all patient data for analysis and diagnosis," the report said.
Régis Barondeau

Will Facebook profiles replace govt web sites? | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Go... - 1 views

  • “The mixed model [using social media pages and official web sites] raises debate on a compelling issue: how to reconcile the requirements of accessibility with the innovative use of social media. Government web sites are strictly regulated. Private websites are not. Should one allow freer access to public information than the other?”
  • Another big issue concerning what observers are calling the ‘social cloud’ is information security.
  • Security emerged as the overwhelming concern among Hong Kong government officials at the FutureGov Forum, and Sophos research released in February gives officials good reason to worry. Spam and malware on social networking sites increased by 70 per cent in 2009, with Facebook the worst effected site.
Régis Barondeau

Virage informatique en Santé: des économies de 436 millions | Santé - 1 views

  • Le Canada aura dépensé près d'un demi-milliard de dollars de moins dans le secteur des médicaments grâce à l'implantation d'un réseau permettant aux pharmaciens et aux médecins d'accéder directement aux dossiers informatisés de leurs patients. Ces dossiers énumèrent les médicaments prescrits aux patients et fournissent un historique médical qui permet d'éviter de potentielles interactions médicamenteuses ou réactions allergiques.
  • L'étude attribue ces économies à l'adhésion accrue aux traitements médicamenteux de la part des patients, à la hausse de la productivité des pharmaciens, à la diminution de l'occurrence des effets indésirables de médicaments, et à la baisse des abus médicamenteux.
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